Marvel Future Fight General /mffg/ - "The Dream is dead, go complain in space" edition

>/mffg/ FAQ + resources: (embed) [Muties not allowed]

>What is this?
A mobile/tablet 3D beat-em-up RPG where you collect and train Marvel heroes and villains. Includes multiple game modes and monthly updates.

>Is it free?
Yes, the game is free to play and offers microtransactions.

>Official videos and trailers: [Fant4stic fans not welcomed]

>Alliance name: # of inactive days before being kicked: Weekly alliance xp required to stay
Mobile Muggas: 5: 5000xp
Veeky Forums co: 5: 5000xp
Symbiotic: 5: 5000xp
>REMINDER to donate Gold to your Alliance!

>2.9.5 Patch Notes

>Mid-Month Balance Patch

>3.0 Teaser One: Shadowy Figures

Other urls found in this thread:

first for Nico

2 choices. Got Elsa to 6* today but only has one mastery. Bought SS the other day and saving for Mega Rankup on Enchantress.

Should I blow my 1400 DD on Elsa's gears, since it might take a couple weeks for Enchantress, or should I wait on them for Amora's gear?

I am a slow fuck at collecting them.

second for thicc gamora uni

Frgot to add I have a T2 ticket sitting around, so if I chose Elsa, I could use it and get her to T2 by like next week.

If someone gets the T2 ticket deal when the batch purchase is only 330 crystals returned, but then a few days later its 4400, do they get the 4400 or are they stuck with the one at the time of purchase?

How far are you on Strange?

Whatever the final refund is, which is why you have to wait after you make the purchase

Getting Wong to 4*. Got him at 3 today.

>fight meme strange
>damage blocked
>time stop
>damage blocked

how the flying fuck is this balanced?


Ok you have some time, Strange takes 2000 demension debris at the end

You can only battle memes with memes, user.

So I would say use your DD on Elsa since she's pretty meme if you get her T2 with a uni

Not him, but who's a better T2 investment, Carol or Elsa?

>not liking to the old thread


fast as fuck clears comparable to proxima
great at alliance battles
fuck shit up on world bosses
absolute disgusting on how shes squishy

carol is good on world bosses and shadowlands

i think elsa is way better with her uni because midriff

Whoops, I forgot about that, really sorry.
Also, I had to make that thread soon, we were hitting into page 10 and no one was willing to do anything else.

Besides, you want to deal with the same shitposting bullshit we had with the 3.0 teaser?

Elsa is pretty meme, she can get high scores in ABX and face tank WB, as well as being roughly on top of the Speed category, with Silk and Kid Kaiju (who she can team with for bonuses)

Carol has the unfortunate position of being a decent Universal, which means there are a ton of other characters who get you better results in the same category

Elsa, more fun and can clear ABX if well built

Carol is fine but her DPS is pretty shit for a universal. She's good in SL because she can't die. Then again, Elsa won't either if you use the right rotation.

>classic characters like Sentry and Blue Marvel
el oh el

>tfw dying inside every day little by little because of RNG wont let me roll anything good
>the only thing I've been doing productive on this game is hoarding gold
my fire is burning low and not even the gotg2 is helping me

>This whole stupidity over a teaser

Makes me feel so funny on the inside to see such rustling.

its hilarious how they are sucking netmarble cock

hell they might be shills like alex

Cool man. Go learn English first, before you start acting so smart you fart ass moron. And yes I guess, Batman's tits would be harder than yours you chutiye MAADARCHOD BHOSDIWALE Teri behen ka bhosda chodu


>hulk relay
>hulk rumble
>nico rumble


>he doesn't have or use Mordo for Hulk Relay

I normally do but I had to use him earlier, forgot which floor. was a rough week.

>saved up mats for 3.0 thinking we'll get a grand BO tier update
>it's a guardians update

Well at least I can safely go for dormemu

>tfw completely fucked up my SL run by not using Kate early on

Also that stupid bleed in the guardians floor is so goddamn annoying. I didn't even know that it could penetrate immunity.

Rotation for Elsa and Carnage?

any chance for another teaser tonight?

>tfw working and couldn't make new thread kpop
>not gonna make the next thread/s kpop because update threads should be meme themed
kpop will rise again someday

Well alright
Both t2 I'm assuming
Carnage 6->5->3->repeat
Activate shield, do some damage, get back in iframes, repeat
Elsa 6->3->2->5
Activate inv, spin around, jump, then activate iframes, cancel last shot into 6 again just to be super safe, esp in abx

die you gook cum sipper scum!

them's fightin words chingu

Carol, because she is best girl.

>fight this shit with Odin

You deserve this. And I'll make sure that you get cucked hard with those threads in the future.

git gudder



Stan Lee

Guardians update leaves room for Adam Warlock and the Novas. Even Shuma. I wouldn't expect too much though. We'll get Alliance Conquest, Hero Ranking Events, and probably one other major thing. I'm hoping an extension of World Boss for Adam/Magus (something like you only need to fight them once a day, but they unlock when you clear Infinity Thanos + 5/5 that day) or a new Epic Quest set for Adam or Rich.

It'll probably just end up being Ayesha and Ego as the native T2s then Taserface, Mantis, and maybe one or two comic characters to round things out. Sam and/or Rich I would expect. The rest will just be unis. Hopefully the new pvp mode isn't as shit as most pvp modes.

>yfw Stan is Power Man of dance

well muties confirmed for NEVER EVER, how are you dealing with this now?

I never expected muties, so same as it ever was.

>going to the bathroom to use clear tickets
>gf thinks I'm texting other girl because I leave with my phone
what is this game doing to me?

It's not the game, it's your girl. Leave her you whipped little bitch



Are they right about him? that uni looks really cool

>I will never be excited again to wake up in the middle of the night just to buy those super limited rank up ticket sales and scare the shit out of my gf

And don't give me that X-Force excuse

how do damage procs work? one attack counts as the next skill you use will get the full benefit?

Gee thanks, I guess I should just use my cancel reflect skill

still the best OST in the game

>tfw killing i-thanos for the first time

ohhh maaan that was the shit
managed to do it with SR at T1

>not raid theme 1
stay pleb my friend

>tfw can kill him with ONE (1) Gwenpool
Are you guys just shitters or something?

This happens to me with Destroyer even.
If I can touch him once with Elsa though I can kill him.

>no interim
>just one pic
come the fuck on keke

>Ulik "I'm gonna annoying the shit out of you with my i-frames" boss
>clear the stage with less than 3 male heroes

what urus for elsa? been thinking about ignore def, phys attack but not sure what to use for the last slot

crit damage

and for iron fist I have 2 energy attack, 2 crit damage and 1 attack speed? not sure if the last one is the best option.
I'm also on the same spot for carnage.

>not Surtur stage song

I just always ignored the first option but the first option of a uniform let you free your fourth gear from skill cooldown to let you add more ignore defense.
Also anyone knows if there is some sort of cap on critical damage?

>start working on odin
>robbie reyes can get 100k on universal hero day
a-a-at least odin is faster than strange!

>using scd on gears at all
You're doing it wrong

excuse me but isn't scd on the 4th gear the best option if you can't hit the cap?

>teaser ONE
Despite many people claiming the teaser only reveals that the update will be GotG 2 themed and how obvious that was making the teaser pretty pointless..... but like I've seen so many retard comments saying how they thought it'd be X-Men, Venom, things that weren't GotG 2, soooo I think it did a good job as first teaser.

I just want to see the full art 2bh, they could have just shadowed out Mantis or anyone else that's new on the splash. What if each day they reveal a character's art?

>dormammu gets killed
>resurrect bullshit
>his first move is the pacman move

What are you at? Your cards and alliance should be doing all the work for scd

>What if each day they reveal a character's art?
that would imply the update is coming soon.

30% from cards + 14% alliance, still a gap.
Who the fuck has 36% from cards anyway?

Fire damage or RR has the first stat for a dormammu obelisk?

There could still be more teasers to go along with the staggered art reveal

Honestly, that's good enough. A quarter of a second really isnt gonna fuck you over.

Fire damage. Recovery Rate is optional for him. Invincibilty and GBI are better on him.

>'War of Kings' Quest Pack last update
>Karnak, Gorgon and Maximus labelled as 'War of Kings'
>Ronan's uniform labelled as 'Annihilation' despite not actually what he wore in that event

Post yfw T3 update

Good things don't happen user stop hoping
The dream is dead





I legit will quit if they roll out T3s.

tfw I made this joke a year ago


I would hate it, but then do nothing but try to get ShaRog to T3, just because I can.


What if they release t3 but it's a totally reasonably achievable goal with only mild changes, like an added skill or some kind of passive that boosts skill damage or something not meta-breaking

put this meme in the trash where it belongs

>it's a totally reasonably achievable goal with only mild changes, like an added skill or some kind of passive that boosts skill damage

You mean like another T2?

is heroic the best moment to stop upgrading someone uniform?


imagine :^)

>T3 Passive: Uruadamabranium Coating
>Ignores Reflect Damage, Ignores Shield Piercing effects, doubles all effects of Javelin Blast and Expert Lancer

it doesn't even make sense when characters like strange or enchantress exist, I don't even know what kind of difficult content could they add.
Chapter 12 still can be done with the doctor and his cheap tricks regardless of your gear.


How did they fuck up Crystal's sexiness?

add glowy meme eyes


>t3 Dormammu
>Ignores i-frames