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first for banan

>I am at a point in my life where CS is the last thing that I enjoy and I get really frustrated and start thinking about suicide when I don't see any improvements whatsoever.

Uuuuhm... GOTARDS???


And valve did it again putting out a stellar update. Having real bad audio stuttering on my GNU/Linux Debian Jessie build I think OS X users are having the same problem. I also can't change my audio out of "Headphone HRTF".


>valve needs money
>valve thinks this = new players
>"How do we get new players?"
>"We'll lower the game's skill cap to make it easier for new players"
>start patching out weapon accuracy
>nerf assault rifles
>nerf running awp
>nerf deagle
>nerf at range headshots
>make shotguns 'relevant'
>make smgs 'relevant'
>fuck ranks

I just want this inaccuracy hell to fucking stop. Its like the game WANTS me to sweep my weapon around. The only guns that go where you point them are the Nova and R8.

Can we all agree to just go back to CSS? Please?

its bc source2 is coming out over the summer

It won't matter, the ineptitude valve has shown in literally every single patch they've ever release for CS:GO shows that they'll fuck it up for the people who like their game. Dota2.

>that comeback

Confia no verdadeiro

>valve better NOT be thinking of CHANGING SOMETHING
go play 1.6 fucko

>valve changes game to be more casual
>new players don't mind
Who'd have known

>it's casual because it's different and i don't like it
go be autistic somewhere else please

No its casual because they've unilaterally reduced the accuracy of all the rifles while buffing the SMGs insofar as to make them accurate enough to land in a small spread while running. This means that players who have good aim are forced to either stop moving totally to aim for the head, or face an even toed fight against players who may not have higher aim. You would know this if you weren't new. CS:GO's skill ceiling has crashed to ground level in order to attract CoD kiddies.

>if it's not rifles it's not allowed to be useful
I'm not going to ask again.

taco just toggled

When'd they reduce rifle accuracy?

A couple years ago slightly before the walking awp nerf. The deagles been fucked since launch.

Link me the update, senpai. I don't recall seeing it.

p sure hes talking about the jumping scout/awp shots

The way to make other things useful isn't to make the rifles less useful you retard. Rifles are supposed to be more powerful than pistols and SMGs for a reason, that's how the economy works.

honestly before the update i was really happy with the weapon balance in go (except fucking shotguns never hitting anything jesus christ), but ofc valve has to fuck everything up and make the revolver op again and a laser beam for $2000 that requires 0 skill

i bet we're going to see some shitty tier-6 team beat a tier-1 team because they only practiced with r8 and negev

>he cant outaim smg with rifle with ease
Nova pleb go away

>he can't shoot an awp at the same time as the person with a rifle, therefore granting you the kill for using op awp

They say it's clearly an experiment. Probably going to change in some weeks

I am smfc and you must be retarded, how many times have you won with smgs against full buys? And again play mid range diatance with rifles if opponents have smgs



the negev requires such a long rev up time that you know exactly where the guy is holding before you see him.

All you need to do is wait for him to reload or if he starts crab walking at you just throw a molly

>revolver op
>laser beam
>requires 0 skill

My dude you're deluded. Revolver is dogshit. Pros don't use it. Its not actually that accurate. And they fucking nerfed it to boot. Use it yourself if you think its 'OP' and I guarantee you wont think that after a few rounds.

Have 2500 hours in and my aim is still inconsistent.
ways to improve my aim besides aim maps cause I feel like that shit doesn't help.
Sense is 800 dpi x 2.255 in game for 1804 edpi
Rez is 1080x1080 stretched.

also any suggestions for my deagle?

Start taking Adderall. Name your deagle Adderall

I'm in my shower and I just read about the 2k Negev and burst out laughing. That's hilarious. OP AUG, 1shot R8 and now this. How does it keep happening.

Lower your sens until you no longer look like you have parkinsons.

I would be very surprised if it was even in the game for a week. Stop acting like its a permanent change

>quick revolver back
Time to solo que

Literally don't need any other weapons. As is I find it hard forcing myself to use anything other than a fiveseven or deagle, since rifles are garbage and there are already 3 trash awpers on any given team who won't buy anything else, despite being shit.

desert deagle

Fuk man, i play at 400 dpi 2.2 sensi raw_input 1, nigga lower your sensi

I solo'd to supreme with this. What is your excuse to use manchild gaming gear?

>inb4 ruskie
I just picked some pic from google.

My mouse has a message for you

That screen will add 200% more skill to your gaming!

Right back at you namefag. Please remove yourself from the gene pool

Good thing I am already smfc
Was posting on some other board, forgot to remove name. Very sorry to disappoint you

You didn't answer the question, though. What is your excuse to use manchild gaming gear?

My mouse answered.

So it's basically because you're a manchild. Got it.

>he doesn't use a wmo

>tfw 2.82 sensitivity on 800dpi

>2500 hours


my default is 600dpi 1.7 sens no accel native res smfc
and i always lower to 1.3 1.1 when nothing hits

1.7 really good for 90 180s snaps but shit for spray control

I'd say he is right on par for his time spent /skill level ratio

I myself have 35k hours at gn4. He just needs another couple thousand hours and he'll be mg

>tfw good spray control, need to throw 15 bullets down to kill someone because no rego
>dude flies around corner, doesn't even aim near a dude, stops running for a picosecond and sprays at 2 dudes, instant headshots

>tfw 2000ish hours in total from css days and 440 hours in csgo

I don't look like I have parkinsons tho. this sens is comfy
and raw input is obviously on
Noted. Might try.
That was the point of the post.
I play a lot but I don't seem to improve.
I play aim maps, ffa dm (regular, pistol only, hs only, awp only and pistol only), valve dm and whatnot but I'm still not that great. Only thing I can think of is I dont have prime cause my phone is broken. just ordered a new one so i should be prime soon.
>invest 3 yrs in game
>finally go semi pro

Weird. I never change mny sens been on this one for like 4 months.

Should add I've only been playing for 9 months ish? Started playing 2 months before the second shot update.

that's a good mouse. this inverted is on mine.

I'm Do you also have the pixart sensor or nah

You need to lower your sens for matchmake because of tickrate, the game is so retardedly slow that you gotta lower your sens to put more bullets in so the hitreg goes.

Start playing faceit or cevo instead, or just play community servers like retake or whatever.

>I play aim maps, ffa dm (regular, pistol only, hs only, awp only and pistol only)
like see honestly none of this shit really transfers to valve MM, you can literally see pro players legit struggle harder playing this shit than fpl

anything lower than my current sens and i cant hit flicks or any shot without tracing the guys head like a bot for a second and a half, trust me I've tried.

I'm gonna gonna get esea soon tho

what do you suggest then? just grind for ever?

you a rifler, awper, hybrid?
what role do you enjoy playing? entry, support, awper(secondary), rifler, igl?
figure out what you like to do and what you do best aside from running around the map fragging, if you're an entry you need crisp sens for crosshair placement and clearing spots, if you're an awper you need really low sens in and out of zoom. This is the kind of shit you figure out by yourself with time and experience, i can't really tell you a magic setup to make you good, you kinda adjust it over the years based on your strengths and weaknesses

honestly, dont expect much from esea, sure the game will feel better but even if you break single digits you wont really see much brainpower among your teammates and it usually ends up as a complete trash experience my man, people grind so hard just to get in rank G and then they realize its just the same skrimmy and braidnead plays anyway. Find a bunch of friends, paly together with them and try getting into open, honestly no other way to enjoy this game

I'm a hybrid with a preference for awping.
I usually play awp holding defensive positions ct, ak playing entry on t.

I kind of expected that retarded teammates would follow me whatever platform I'm playing on unless I'm playing in a 5stack.
I like my sens cause it works pretty well for awping and rifling and my crosshair placement is pretty good usually.

Aighty thanks for the advice user

Same deal as the other changes I mentioned. I still think it's funny that Valve are this clueless.

Yeah i have
Lower your sensi nigger

Same dude actually.
And I don't wanna anything lower and I aim like a downy

>When the buttplug hits your prostrate and you miss the flick
Theres something arousing about being in this much pleasure without my team realising a thing


i want to clean my inventory and give away cases and sprays, if anybody is willing to take them just post a tradelink

I like free stuff and will gamble with your shit

Link is not working maybe you have a private settings

>Valve finally gives pistols a nerf
>T side starts using the UMP because it's actually not weaker than the Tec-9 now
>Reddit Gold Novas come out of the woodwork claiming to be "ahead" on the meta
How long do you think $2000 Negev will be "OP" for?

>this negev
lmao, friend just got sick clip with it
watch next csproland vid

Rip forgot I have a trade hold cause I reset my pc a while back.
If you care to add me /id/ldat it should he gone in 2 days.

I get keeping the m249 as a joke (cause it's been useless for 20 years) but there's really no place for a machine gun in this game.
The Negev as it was was just a toy for when you were ahead 10 rounds T side on Office. And I liked it like that.

>this sens is comfy
That sens is also most of why you can't aim for shit. Get a huge mousepad and crank your sens down. If you're like virtually every other human being on the planet then you'll notice it's a fuck-ton easier to actually hit your shots.

You said yourself that your aim is shit and your rank proves it. If you're putting all this time in (you've played the game a fuck-ton more than me and have a lower rank than I can keep my smurf at) and you're not improving then what do you think is a factor? You being a down syndrome retard or you having a crazy high sens that any half-decent pro is well below?

I have a fuck huge mousepad. Qck+ custom
At that sens I can do a full 360 edge to edge.
I tried 800dpix1.5ig and aiming long range was a bit easier but anything close than say a site to cat on d2 made me want to take my kneecaps off with a pickaxe. Movement was also cancerously tedious.
Like I'll try lowering it again, just saying I tried it before and it didn't work at all.

>People have deagle equipped
>Even after it was worse than it's 1.6 counterpart on release
>And then they nerfed it further to basically remove it from the game
>And then buffed a replacement for it to the best pistol in the game except maybe the usp

Also I don't say my aim was shit I said it was inconsistent, ie some days I'm popping heads ezpz someday it takes me ten bullets to kill somone

B-but user, I don't have a 70$ r8 skine

They still are.

even at 2k the nugev is trash and not worth using

it's inability to tap and burst is what cripples it


Thats kinda the point. Its a suppressive weapon and it does that fine. Go use the M249 instead

got em

Is Smix the hottest girl in esports?

>exposing more than half your body to hold a commonly peeked angle
You deserved it. I bet that guy had 5 ping though. No way I could peek with the negev and the shots register enough to deter an awper.

>going glass Cannon instead of buying kevlar and an m4
You deserved it.

>walk in to the room
>see this
what do?

>glass cannon
>holding site alone
>no equipment

god ropz will destroy the frenchies today

i dont think so tim

nah im pretty sure the point was to buff it into viability so people unironically use it

which they failed to do since winding up for 5 seconds before you can aim is kind of bad

how has apex been playing for g2? saw only few games at starladder and he looked good

I play at 800 DPI 2 sense and the biggest turn I can do is 180


>9.2 hrs last two weeks
How do I make myself play this game?


for the service medal or drops

i can upload people getting frags with the old r8

doesn't make it good

This one

>tfw 400 dpi 1.5 sens demigod

could wreck everyone itt