Admit it Veeky Forums, if you never watched initial D, you'd be paying to get your oil changed still

admit it Veeky Forums, if you never watched initial D, you'd be paying to get your oil changed still.

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Pretty sure my life would be a lot better had I not watched it.

In fact, I actively pretend I've never seen it in hopes that my mind forgets about it completely.


You're right

When I turned 14, I watched Initial D. Cars were romanticized for me, which really got me interested. My dad also enabled me to become a boyracer by allowing me to get an SW20 Turbo for my first car.

I went from driving is okay, to loving driving listening and singing along to eurobeat, and having a corvette as my weekend car
in the course of a year
please help

I loved cars well before initial d.

I've changed my own oil for 12 years now.

I first saw Initial D 5 years ago...

What's so bad about it ?

Where do you guys keep or dump your old oil?
What do you do with old coolant? When evacuating a/c, do you just let the refrigerant into the air or do you get it done professionally?

These things are what keeps me from doing this stuff myself

right outside the curb down to the storage drain into the ocean

Sorry, auto correct lmao

>corvette as a weekend car

kek spotted the fucking retard

enjoy your pushrods and garbage ass engineering.

>t. europoor with a 1.4L diesel econobox

Most auto shops or Vatozones have a place were you can pour it into a larger container

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one here that hasn't watched it.

>serviced every car I've ever owned
>only watched InitialD for the first time last year
Not all of us need a kids cartoon to spur an interest faggot

do you just bring it there in the drip pan? what if you drop it on the floor like an autist?

You know you can get oil pans with screw on lids and spigots for like $20 right??

Or just pour it into an empty oil bottle like everyone else in the world?

Do you even own a fucking car?

>not having service records
You fucked up, OP.

Nah I discovered initial D because of my interest in cars.

It's just not that good after First Stage.

In the same way that Fast+Furious is only really good for the first 3 films (arguably just 1+tokyo drift) there's a certain charm and it all got lost when the show started trying to be serious instead of completely ridiculous. 100% of the fun of 1 was watching Takumi participate in races he didn't even want to be in, defeat his opponents who took racing super serious, and slowly convert his opponents into quiet admirers who don't want anyone else in the world to beat him.

That got lost after stage 2, as did all the good parts of the show really.

>1st year at uni
>Subaru blows head gasket
>drain oil
>chocolate milk-like mixture
>bring it into vatozone
>"sorry we can't take that"
>bring it into o'reallys
>"sorry we can't take that"
>bring it to NAPA
>"sorry we can't take that"
>wind up storing it in the backyard shed
>forget about it for like 6 years
>dad wound up putting it in a dumpster along with tons of other shit when he cleared the shed out

Not that this sort of thing happens often, but what the hell ARE you supposed to do if you get oil/coolant mixed like that?

>Or just pour it into an empty oil bottle like everyone else in the world?
unlike your shitbox, my engine takes more than just one quart of oil

Nope. Did my first oil change way before I watched Initial D. My dad has worked in the car industry his whole life, and I was helping him work on our family's cars as soon as I could hold a wrench.

>he doesn't ride a motorcycle


You get your oil in 1 quart bottles? It's far easier and cheaper to get it in a 5 quart jug + 1 or 2 one quarts as necessary. 8+ and it's cheaper again to get another 5 quart.

>buying oil in 1qt jugs
Jesus Christ, just stop, you're embarrassing yourself

>flush it down the toilet
>down the water drains in the street,
>drive around to developing neighborhoods at night and go inside then pour it down a drain
>dump it in your neighbor's lawn, put it in a shed for 10 years, forget about it and then move
>take it to an autoparts store or a hazardous waste disposal area
>drink it

all of these are Veeky Forums approved ways of disposing of used fluids

>thanks Veeky Forums
All this time I have been skeptical of just drinking it. Finally I can get rid of all these gallons of half/half oil and coolant from my shitboks

Before I watched initial d I didn't even want to drive if I could avoid it. I watched it and then I wanted to buy a japanese rwd manual car but I ended up getting a nissan xterra because nebraska doesn't have any mountains or curvy roads anywhere, but there is a lot of dirt trails and mud to drive through. I still pretend its a street racing car and drive it at midnight while listening to eurobeat and wearing driving gloves like ryan gosling in Drive.

Initial D never showed how to change oil.

ayyy same, seems like I've seen more and more Veeky Forumstists from here

Pretty much this, my parents had me late in life and my Dad's back has been in shit condition just about all of my life. He had rigged up a oil filter wrench with a long ass handle so I could get the filter off without him getting under the car.

I only watched Initial D because I had a good friend who introduced me to a whole bunch of weeb shit, including Veeky Forums.

Got a Walmart oil change once and only once.
Nobody but me touches my car.

I never watched that stupid weeb shit and I'm building and restoring cars.
If you honestly got into cars through an anime you probably are paying for oil changes since you're probably a cucked helpless beta faggot

Most people on this board complain that fast cars are slow, even though they have most likely never driven one (and probably never will) because they just benchrace off of each other and don't form their own opinions

My interest in cars and idea of working on them myself spurred with a certain mtv show.