League of Legends General - /lolg/

Rumble edition

Last time, on /lolg/: eyosongive.us/

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*creates shadow*


*throws shuriken*


*creates jutsu*


*dodges attacks*

*swaps shadows*


*gets beaten up*


*teleports behind*


hi im new-ish to the game and i checked out eyosongive website. it says to use probuilds but someone told me its not viable as its pro using it and im still shitty. what do you guys use for guides, or what did you guys use?



It gets a lot of shit but I've always used mobafire, works fine for me, just follow their builds/masteries/runes/skills and you can ignore the rest as long as you're not a fucking idiot

i normally go with champion.gg for baseline stuff

>newfag who lurks and does his own research before asking questions

I wish there were more anons like you

Carry tops > tanks.
you want a tank, you play one


People always say Silver players have no eyes or map awareness so I decided to split push my way to gold. The problem I'm having is that as soon as the enemy rotates to me my team doesn't do anything with it. They don't get dragons or bot tower or whatever.

How can I make it so they take advantage of what I'm doing?

Also, what do I do when literally no one will drop a ward for me to tp to for a teamfight? I always say I'll be splitting but then they flame my ass cause they fight 4v5 but don't allow me to tp unless it's a ward that's 1/4 of the map away

>playing mage in 2017

silly mages mid is for assassins

i'd use lolking.net back then and just check guides, you can also check youtube guides

Tell them

Ping shit

>no one buys a sightstone in bronze/silver so being the one who buys one gives you an insane advantage over your opponent


>no one in silver/bronze looks at their minimap so that's why people don't even bother

The chicken or the egg

The egg, because you can look at your minimap and utilise vision and you're the only one that matters in the game anyway

time to shred!


xth for Syndra

Except you pieces of shit never carry.


Dont mind me superior yordle girl coming through

I don't see her in the OP post though, hmm...

Keep coming, not full!

Well rumble is also not a girl.

he's actually pretty good rn,

Really? He looks like one to me.

>Amazing's champions pool

Pull back if your team isnt pressuring anything

>win lane
>everyone else in team shits the bed
>enemy anivia keeps tauting us
>says that they already won this and they dont want to waste time, so we should just surrender
>suddenly my midlaner starts playing good
>beat them after 50 minutes of pain
It's the best feeling I had in a while

>Get into loading screen.
>Support is SKT Zarya
>Mid lane is SKT Zed
How fucked am I?

I assume that they are in your team.
Very fucked. Especially if they are premade.

Back to overwatch phoneposter

>only few days to tank reworks

It's almost like someone took artistic liberty to genderbend a champ, you homo.

You mean like people constantly take artistic liberty to make Lulu cute when in reality she's a potato faced autistic insane midget?

x zed

>be Taric
>more damage healed than Nami
Also 29 fucking wards destroyed in 1 game

wait wait

what happens when fnatic academy play fnatic?

they both get fined for conflict of interest

Xth for Xerath

Well nami is shit, and is only good for bullying
So it makes sense

Are video a games refuge for troubled youth?

Also, the new champs are out Tuesday right?

how many dicks did you suck in 1 game?

>tfw still don't know whats the state of GP

he seems so fucking shitty but so fucking good at the same time. He seems like a very safe champ but gets fucking obliterated by everything toplane and midlane and he seems to have an amzing late but the reality is that everyone above silver will be seeing your combos 10 sec before you even think about them.

You actually need to be good to play him now






if someone has a ward in a bush

and the other team places a control ward outside the bush

does it reveal the ward in the bush?

It's a shame he's for edgy teenagers because zed is pretty fun

I think you're all autistic, just you moreso.

Bitch probably didn't max it because its fucking 130 mana at level 5 and they can't manage their mana because they keep missing bubbles.


TURN TehePelo THE CHAT TehePelo TO WEEB TehePelo MODE TehePelo

>not maxing W on Nami
It is either bronze or master tier.
Probably both.

what if everyone spammed the same thing

who gives a shit what state any champ is?
if you like them, play them

>you actually have to spend IP to buy CDR runes then you are good to go to play him now

Fixed that for you.

sure, that's the reason you're shit at gangplank user. You just don't have the right runes.

i need a bronze account :(

>trying to watch lego legends
>niggers keep asking for a runescape code


its going to be awful.
>every mage and ap assassin will rush banshee's
>the nuke lane will be a boring farm fest like top used to be

what a weird thing to complain about

>play Yorick
>enemy top picks Nunu

Christ that was awful.

Is nunu viable?

>lee sin banned
someone dodges

>All yordles
>Miss Fortune

All these have been turned into little more than autist bait thanks to the fuckers on Veeky Forums. Am I missing any others?

Soraka is absent from this list because she's just fucked like a slut by all here

I am not shit at him tho. Ye i dont do all this fance 3 barrel combos because i don't need them most of the time but i know how to survive lane and when to use my ult which are the most important things on him.

The people that spend hours just there trying to do fancy stuff with his combos are the ones that will always feed their ass on him

Best girl.
Best hair.
Best wife.

Any PBEfags here?

What will be the mordekaiser or graves of the tank rework?

LB or Morello? I've been told Morello is better since getting back 20% mana in a teamfight lets you stomp on more people with 800 mana ults but when I look I see more Lichbanes than anything else. I'm not counting Voyboy's build since half the time he just troll builds and ints

>Mordekaiser has the 7th highest top lane win rate


>farm for 20 minutes with the safest farmer in the game while getting kills/assists with your global ult then obliterate the enemy caries with one barrel in the first seige and win.
if your trying to fight with him before your two items youre playing him wrong

these suggestions are trash, ignore them, never use lolking or mobafire

the koreanbuilds website is trash too because it selects

Best jailfor you

d4 midfag with 280k logged on kassadong here

only get lich if you're snowballing, morello mostly better but lb is a great item to accentuate a lead

where is lulu you moog

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

I use op.gg myself and make up my mind

You forgot this idiot. She's like the number one bait for the braindead waifufags on this board. Literally cannot take her seriously anymore.

>anime everything because autism is the new black
please can you go with your plan of an hero now

What is
>all yordles
You moog?

>escape from evil bird monsters
>jhin shoots you in the head

Zed is suffering

Do you guys have any tips for lee?

i have the idea that you shouldnt always follow up on your q's and your w comes in hand with wards


>vayne in my team
>ez in my team
>zed in my team
Surprisingly Yasuo not included. Last 2 Yasuos I met played well.

How do you know you've lost from the very beginning?

>your jungler and mid laner start speaking french to one another
>lux/yasuo gank me at level fucking 2 together
>amumu gets out jungled by a yasuo

do you think rumble enjoy being kled's sexual plaything?

>all yordles
please do not lump men of science like heimer and ziggs in with waifu trash

You forgot literally every other female champion (or at least most of the remaining ones).

>has to deal with being the lesser loved child between him and Shen
>says fuck it does his own thing but gets seen as a villian for it
>has to deal with Shen and his ninja trio
>learns that a killer that scarred him is free and active
>no has to deal with furry teenagers messing up his home
Zed had a hard life

do not sexualise Rumble

i got matched with two gooks once, a jinx and rumble, they both played really well

Maybe the day Riot decides to actually go somewhere with lore any character will be anything more than just "autism bait".

But as it is now, we LITERALLY can't say anything more than "I like X character because-" because we simply have nothing left to discuss.

Like, what do you expect us to say?

>>no has to deal with furry teenagers messing up his home
no, he was invading rakan and xayahs village and was siphoning off wild magic from it.

go read their lore.

Alright, thanks.
>People don't respect Kass damage pre-6

>Poke out with Q
>QE them, next spell pops TLD
>W, queue up auto and flash auto ignite for fb
every time

I've played with a kass in master and he told me lichbane was a last item

on my smurfs I had been doing roa-lich in every game but morello is too good to ignore I think

The French aren't gooks

>reading the lore
kidding, will do.

i thought sorakas were all "submissive healsluts"? why are you all so toxic?

Who wants a cheap boost in europe?

Healsluts are the worst human trash there is.

>in the timespan that it took for me to make that previous post this happened
l m a o