/hsg/ hearthstone general

>Deck lists, news etc

>Open Tournaments

>/hsg/ Tournament
Signup Sheet: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezW_F-LPJ8SRG7HvmDEH9ZqVTzKJMG-6wrVkRNR3BG4U2Yng/viewform?usp=sf_link
Tourney Discord: discord.gg/xHRA3Qz
Tournament is set for the next two weekends, NA first followed by EU

Old Thread

Should I spend 4k dust to craft miracle rogue?

If you want to play it. It's not a great deck for climbing. Just climb with pirate warrior.

I want to fuck those plants

Pirate warrior or taunt warrior? Which one is more braindead to play and climb with?

>tfw crafting all the required epics for this expansion is more expensive than the legendaries

it's not called moneystone for nothing

>20 posts to bump limit
>not at image limit
i'm not saying i saged, but i might have saged


>Control paladin playing through his endless tarims and tirions from stonehill defender

>Grinding each other to a standstill, but I think Im gonna win because he's gonna be closer to fatigue than me

>Suddenly, molten giant nearly for free not a big deal though because I have removal options-
>Goyas it back into his deck
>Pulls a Hydrologist
>Forbidden heals himself

>Not sure whats happening

>Clear his board; pass it back to him

>[Card Shooting Noises]
>Uses a coin from a burgly bully
>Holy Wraths me in the face for 25

I also want to fuck that rabbit.

so you played against Kripp?

didn't read the text but a fellow /dbdg/ brother, i see

Pirate for your turn 5 lethal instead of turn 14 sulfuras

Do you guys actually include 2 x the pirate eating crab in your decks?

No since pirates are like 10% of my matchups
I consider Black Knight though

only in hunter since its a beast anyway

I swear I am dusting my entire fucking collection

The first week of this expansion was a ton of fun, and I even managed to grind to legend with Dragon Priest and some Taunt Warrior, because those were the only decks I crafted day 1.

Now Dragon Priest is just unplayable because it loses to the 25 aggro decks on ladder, and taunt warrior autoloses to every rogue deck on ladder.
While Dragon Priest autowins against miracle rogue, it also autoloses to quest rogue.
I literally fell from 800 legend to 4433 because I tilt conceded every rogue matchup and faced so many that now every time I see one I just rope them.
However, I'm no longer enjoying this experience.
Might as well just dust everything and craft pirate warrior and some other aggro deck.

Fuck this nigger game
I don't even want to queue another game because quest rogue is literally 100% unwinnable even with 20 dirty rats

>your literal only job is to play a childrens card game all day
>cant even win a single fucking game

>childrens card game

epic reddit pasta

>functioning adults

Nice reddit response.

>People who make it to legend have one deck
>They have to dust their entire collection to make an alternative deck
This is only normal in jewstone.

what are you talking about i dont see any problem

>Play slow deck
>Get fucked by jade 2.0

Is Midrange or Control paladin better?

Which one has more good matchups overall?

>control autists triggered by the true patrician archetype, combo

havent had this muh fun since OG patron


I want to shuffle all of my cards into Hafu's deck, if you know what I mean.

Pirate is rekt by taunt warrior, which is half the ladder. Taunt is rekt by miracles, which is being played in reaction to taunt. I'd go with taunt.

>Switch out 4 cards
>Deck is now another archetype
Nice diversity between paladin decks. Sounds fun.

That's it? That's the interview? What's your favorite legendary?

What THE FUCK does it have to do with the game?



>Thinking anyone over 14 years old participates in twitch chat
There's your mistake.

paladin lists look so fun
so much healing
looks anti cancer as fuck

i just want to have fun playing hearthstone man i'm so tired of losing half my fucking turns because my entire board is frozen

>le ebin censor everything
you really need to go back

Did you really go through the trouble of covering the eyes and blurring the black stripe in the blackground?

it takes like 5 seconds my man

Wild sucks. Reno + Amara is broken and horrendous to play against.

I guess I finish Rank 5 in standard and go play some other games until next month?

>fuck this nigger game
>reddit pasta

Also, threadly reminder that only curvestone shitters whine about freeze mage, a deck that is incredibly easy to counter if you are willing to play decks that arent curvestone or aggroshit.

Priest with double binding heal double priest of the feast shits all over freeze, as does control paladin.


user you do realize freeze mage doesn't have limited damage now right
it's still a shitty deck, but healing won't do shit if it does get to assemble the combo

pally shits on it because it pops it at 1 then puts up eye for an eye

>Spaming for 4 minutes now
Redbull bots are out of control

>put the tiniest amount of pressure on the board
>win against neo-freeze mage
>people complain about the deck

You guys are all retarded. I have yet to lose against quest mage a single time since the expansion came out. This is nothing like old Freeze mage that could actually stall the game insanely long to collect all the pieces he needs.

no one plays exodia freeze mage because it loses to literally all aggressive decks. People play regular freeze with pyroblast(s).


Does wild have any decks that are completely broken and have a great winrate against almost every deck?

Jade Lightning ad Jade Claws are still played without any other synergies.
Do you think Blizzard will ever get the hint?

>iceblock (created by priomordial glyph)
>blizzard (created by cabalist's tome)
>frost nova (created by babbling book)

it's a dumb deck but tilting when it bullshits out victories

>nothing like old freeze mage that could stall
>frost nova
>ice barrier
>ice block
and many ways to gain more of any of these spells that didn't used to exist

I just realized something: aggro decks are the most boring thing this game has to offer.

Since turn 1 you can clearly see how the game is going to play, what cards you need to draw and which ones your opponent should not play for you to win. It doesn't require skill at all, you win because your opponent couldn't stop you in time.

Even midrange isn't as brain dead as this, you need to trade sometimes and play spells. But not with aggro, just go to the face and if you haven't won by turn 6 then concede and go to the next game.

Man i miss Reno.

>his is nothing like old Freeze mage that could actually stall the game insanely long

you do realize "old" freeze mage couldn't have 4 Ice Blocks?

>cast those spells
>can't finish quest in time
>has a small chance of actually getting any of those spells from RNG

Mage needs to stall and finish the quest and collect the combo pieces. Old Freeze mage just needed to stall and collect the combo pieces.

The deck is much slower and much more inconsistent than old freeze mage. Play a deck which has a wincondition that isn't ultra late game and you will win against it most of the times.

Almost all decks right now are pretty brain dead. I guess plant Rogue is the most skill intensive and I can't think of anything else that isn't just auto-play with whatever you happen to draw.

And for as nice as highlander decks are, fuck Reno.

>has a small chance of actually getting any of those spells from RNG

There is something infectiosly jolly about Uther's WELL MET

>literally never seen my most currently used deck played by anyone else ever while ranking
>and its actually pretty good

What are some good ways of farming gold as a f2p player except for spamming pirate warrior in casual?

Let a bot spam pirate warrior on wild rank 20.
40-50 gold in 2 hours.

sniff me

play arena
it's by far the most efficient use of your gold

But it's not ____fun

Taunt Warrior is so fucking broken. I just crafted it after getting fed up with Priest, and I'm already on my third win streak.

Beat a control Paladin that just ran out of value.
Beat a full ramp Druid (with Y'Shaarj, Ysera, Deathwing, Bog Creepers, etc) because Warrior Brawl/Rat + Execute + Shield Slam is broken.

I think the main reason it's broken is the stupid 3 mana 1/4 Taunt that Discovers another Taunt. That one card:

- Gives 2 x Quest completion in a single card
- Lets you discover huge taunts vs control
- Is cheap enough to slow down aggro
- Has better stats than any other Discover minion relative to its cost (3 mana 1/4 Taunt is literally an existing card, while every other Discover minion is like a 2 mana 1/2, 3 mana 2/2, 4 mana 3/3, etc)

The card is fine in any other class but for Taunt Warrior it's busted.

I hate this deck.


but neither is spamming pirate warrior, so I might as well do it

Also, is there some good anti aggro deck in this meta?

Wild Rank 20 is just THAT bad.

how do you get a bot that works

d-do i have to write one
i dont wanna get bopped by the blizzcops

I'm rank 25 in wild since I don't play that shit and dust all my wild cards, it might be easier than standard casual

Elemental... Hunter? I already have the fucking cards, might as well try. And no, not quest memeunter.

Wild Pirate Warrior has just 2 rares and 2 commons different than Standard Pirate Warrior. It's a pretty cheap deck.


You don't even need a real bot.

Just get auto hotkey and make it simulate a click on the "play" button in wild casual every 3 minutes.

You'll end up roping people turn 1 and about 10% of them will concede. If you leave it on all day you reach the 100 gold cap easily.

Sounds dumb. You can't curve Highmane into Blazecaller.

i think the reason its broken is because of the 2 mana deal 8 damage user

Turns out my RNG is happy with me lately.
>Golden Rattle Turtle last night
>Zavas now
She's shit tho, yeah?

Rag hero power should've costed more mana (maybe 5).

Right now even if you have a super greedy deck you can't keep up with 8 random damage + them playing another taunt every turn. Even the greediest card in the game (Mind Control) is basically worthless.

I was kinda surprised to see murloc pallys without finja but the more I think about it Finja pulling battlecry murlocs with shitty bodies like hydrologist and rockpool hunter isn't that good

do you guys agree with kripp when he says that if you can hit 5 wins in arena, you pretty much know how to play hs?

It's just amazing that they remove the unhealthy, randomly win the game mechanic from standard by removing ragnaros from the game, but then put it back in, they almost did a smart thing there

>2 Mana 2/3 is a shitty body
Yeah, the loss of the Battlecries is huge, but free 2/2 and 2/3 bodies is not shit. Sometimes it's even preferable to have those over 1/1 on a minion or a Paladin Secret. Not always, but sometimes.

Yes, there's an incredible amount of variables, I'd argue if you hit rank 5 consistently, you're basically at the skill level of a legend player as well.

>remove rag
>introduce warrior quest
>remove ice lance
>introduce mage quest
>constantly nerf charge in various ways
>introduce rogue quest

It's like 20 different people manage this game without ever talking to each other.

play cunnyverse

i dont think i can ladder with shaman right now

it's the only deck i have and taunt warrior crushes it 80% of the time


Remember, BMing and roping is only okay if they play Taunt Warrior

i was so fucking close man
one fucking win from rank 5 and i was going to be done and then the meta kicked in

at least i can watch kripp while the rope burns

what list are you running? if you're running a fast version try adding in volcanos and blazecallers and you should have a more decent shot at contesting taunt warrior's late game

Does anyone think Blizzard will try and re-do something for the next expansion so it's a little bit more affordable? I know they don't care about playerbase and gameplay as long as they're making cash, but the complaints were pretty universal this time and had good foundation, do you think we're gonna get jewed again?

>le transform into a taunt

What a stupid fucking game this is for it to be an

>Ripped jeans

Someone put Toast in a closet and never let him out

No. Secret Paladin is still the closest thing to it, but even then it's now relatively mediocre compared to how it was at TGT.

We are all hoping the little story additions they're adding in with the expansions will give good value (or at least adventure value) + the obligatory handful of packs with a new release will be enough to keep it affordable

I'm glad PogChamp won

That's cause it is. Just look at the quests and their rewards.
Some of the Quests have no connection to the reward they give. Most of them tie in well enough to the class they're associated with, but the rewards are all over the fucking place.
Has no connection to deathrattles. Is mechanically logical in Priest at least.
Has no connection to the Quest or Druids in general beyond "It's a Beast."
What does a minion having fixed stats (that can't be silenced either) have to do with Rogues or bouncing minions?
Adapt is more of a Druid thing. While it is technically minion buffs, it's the wrong kind, the 1-cost Adapt a Friendly Minion Spell is similarly in the wrong Class.
This one fits wonderfully and I have no complaints about it.
Fits Warlock, has nothing to do with Discarding cards.
Fits great.
What in the 9 hells does Ragnaros' weapon have to do with Warriors, Taunt Minions, or a class that should thematically be about playing defensively whose Quest is too?
Fits wonderfully overall, although it probably would've been better served as a 5-Cost Portal similar to Nether Portal that casts a random Spell at the end of every turn.

no no, 5 arena wins

Thoughts on Wild Malyrogue? Loving the Razorpetals, they become free fireballs in the lategame, which you can actually achieve in wild.


>casual mode or 20-25 ranked mode
>play with a legend card back
>golden hero is a plus
>play a powerful legendary by turn 3
>"you win this one, friend"
Gold farming has never been easier

>tune into kripp's stream right as he draws evolve on a full board

Barnes would be good value in this