/scg/edg/scedg/ Elite Star:Dangerous Citizen general #154

Autism edition.

Elite: Dangerous information:
Be aware, Thargroids are currently grabbing ships out of witchspace with unknown intentions. it is advised you shoot the fuck out of them whenever possible.
>Frontier Official YT
Star Citizen Information:

3.0 Schedule Friday, desire to know intensifies.

>FAQ (updated)
>Star Citizen Official YT
>Other games:
Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC and E:D to become playable.

Previous box discussion:

Other urls found in this thread:




mfw I just want to play SQ42

I"m not really interested in the PU tell groups are reworked so 3.2.

first for 3.0 being a skeleton of what it was supposed to be and that mining and all other interestning stuff are now postponed to at least next year.


3.0 includes almost everything it was supposed to besides the planets.

Mining may still be in 3.0 we'll know for sure in a few weeks or less.

So I just spent like 8 hours yesterday on stuff that went up in flames with a botched landing at an astroid. I owe the bank a few 100 000s, my system where I grinded rep plummeted to newtral and I fucked up a 6 mil mission (which is a decent penny for me).

I need a new start, is there any systems that are better at grinding rep and money? My friends play on a fed system, but I want to go with Empire, and also try the powerplay thungy, and side with that blue haired chick. I remember hearing about Wu Guinagi, but I take it it isnt optimal for open play.

Daily reminder: hexagons = futuristic, is generic sci-fi trash.

>Mining may still be in 3.0

hot meme

You're adorable.

Senpai I currently have the UEE Exploration pack with Terrapin+Carrack+Dfly.

God damn Im about to make a huge mistake to melt it and buyback pic related. Talk me out of it.

How rare is this piece of sexy shit gonna be you think? Its made by Esperia, so It will be more rare than Xian or Jewman ships.

God damn I want to bamboozle dads with its maglev while I drift circles around their shit on the planet. God damn I want to ferry people around with that pussymagnet design.

On the other hand, I will sacrifice shittons of gameplay by givin up on Terrapin+Carrack.

Fuck man fuck I am weak.

NPC's with functioning Ai and most of the other base but not final systems should be in by 3.2. The two things that worry me are will the new netcode be good enough and how fast can be they pump out planets and content once the pipelines are complete.

It's an unkown at this point since Senior devs had said it will be in and Disco said the schedule is not complete. The 300i rework is not even in the schedule.

*blocks your path*

>Senior devs

Dev, plural. One time. In conflict with everything else.

>Disco said the schedule is not complete
Just 3.1+

>The 300i rework is not even in the schedule.

Originfags thinking thats a priority, kek


Hopefully never.

>Star Citizen
>generic sci-fi trash
Whoa, really?

If anything, SC barely qualifies to be generic because it doesn't have any ideas of its own. Everything in SC was stolen ("inspired by" in shillspeak) from every single sci-fi franchise ever made.
Literally NO ONE will ever use dedicated dropships to ferry people around. First off, this is not Planetside 2, SC won't support such scale. Second, why use dropship when you can just land a bigger ship on the planet that won't be shot down as easily?

>Second, why use dropship when you can just land a bigger ship on the planet that won't be shot down as easily?

Yeah I don't get why the US doesn't exclusively build M1 Abrams

fuck Bradleys
fuck HMMWV
fuck M113s

Just build tanks like Merkervas for everything!

Senpai, Im seriously thinkin about melting carrack+terrapin package for this shit. If its gonna be rare as fuck similar to other shitty Esperia ships, and hard to get, goddamn I will be turning some serious dadheads with it.

>not obsolete

Ultra sexy looking, rare, stealth, hover/fly humvee with gangbang capacity


Durable cheap scanner turtle + Top of the line semi-capital exploration ship with snub and rover and medbay.

>compares SC to real world
Daddy, go to work.
>fuck Bradleys

Why? If you noticed you can use HoloMe while your ship is moving and you can even control it and see shit trough windows. I was surprised this shitty engine can do it.
Walking around ships, stations( granted they are detailed), maybe even alien ruins, disabled ships would be pretty dope.

>he actually believes pentagon wars


Just trying to dumb it down to your level amigo

not going to be using an Idris for troop landing

>comparing real life with its very real logistics and material requirements for supporting and maintaining equipment to a fucking video game

Are you the autistic missile launcher guy? Plaxinov? How does it feel to be on both spectrums at the same time?

What you just described - having your choices limited by resources and personnel - is exactly what SC is aiming for

Sorry bud, but you're not going to be flying around in your solo capital anytime soon.

Because it's going to be a shit gimmick feature that adds nothing of substance at all to the game. HoloMe was just as bad. It adds some immersion, sure, but ultimately HoloMe is not going to make you want to actually pop the game up and play it. Also please don't kid yourself, there is no way that FD will do anything beyond making you walk around in only your cockpit and select copy-paste station rooms.

I'm really just sick of FD listening to idiots raving on the forums and then pumping out some half-baked "feature" and calling it a day. Before spacelegs, multicrew was hailed as the next big thing. People thought it'd be like SC, where you'd have a lot of people in an Annie or Cutter or something and you'd man different stations. Instead it's just a piece of shit that barely works without connection errors and is fun for maybe an hour or two, and isn't even encouraged by the game due to moronic payout and rank nerfs.

What is spacelegs going to be? Walk around and take pretty screenshots from your Asp cockpit? Okay? What about Powerplay, when is more depth going to be added to it? When is the BGS going to be more fleshed out to where it doesn't take reading a 500-page forum post to understand how it works? When will Engineers be more than a scavenger hunt casino game that throws game balance out of a window? Will there ever be more exploration gameplay beyond jump honk repeat? Does FD even remember CQC exists? I could go on and on but my point is that people think that spacelegs is going to save the game and bring it back from mediocrity but don't take into account FD's prior record of feature releases. It's going to be a stupid gimmick that doesn't work on release, takes 3 months to fix, and is then tossed to the wayside so they can work on the next bullshit to attract more buyers.

>having your choices limited by resources and personnel - is exactly what SC is aiming for

I think your choices are more limited from not having a game yet.

>Sorry bud, but you're not going to be flying around in your solo capital anytime soon.

Not an argument.

>not going to be using an Idris for troop landing
That's exactly what people who have the numbers for combat drops will be doing. Troop carriers IRL are used because they're cheap and easy to replace. In SC large corps won't have money issues, especially when 50% of whales in them have LTI caps they can easily replace.

>easyly replace

good luck with insurance respawn timer for a capital ship

When you have 50 in your corp, you don't care. They're like Titans in EVE. Killing one was an achievement when there was 5 in the whole game, but once every large corp got one, they became an extra position on killfeed.

When will the game not run like shit?
When will we be able to land on planets?
When will basebuilding be implemented?

Scg is no sandbox like Eve tho, so there wontmbe shittons of multiboxing moonmining cancer to churn the capital ship production chain.

When animeposters stay in their containment board.

Yes, SC is a game where you can get a ship instantly for real money bypassing all the extra waiting. Really makes you think.

PU will not run like shit between 3.0 to 3.1

You'll be able to land on moons in 3.0

Homesteading may be awhile.

>When will the game not run like shit?
3.0 "stretch goal", and it's supposed to be a fix only on paper, no one knows if it will actually fix the problem.
>When will we be able to land on planets?
Empty bland moons in 3.0, proper landing zones later.
>When will basebuilding be implemented?
Just play Space Engineers or something.

>3.0 "stretch goal", and it's supposed to be a fix only on paper, no one knows if it will actually fix the problem.

Fuck you talking about

Don't be such a pussy anything can be done in Open. And everything SHOULD be done in Open.

He's talking about the Network culling which is just part of the new netcode. It's scheduled to be done by just a few days of the estimated release of 3.0 so if it's not done by then it will be in 3.1.

Yeah, and its not a stretch goal.

Which is neither a stretch goal nor an unknown fix. People get smooth as shit framerates in "singleplayer"

2.4 when?
My bet late 2017/early 2018


>Late 2017
You're pushing it. My guess is mid 2018 at the earliest. I like it to actually be a lot later so they can go fix all their half assed mechanics

What if the reason mining isn't on the schedule is because it's already done?

Whole year for 1(ONE) update?

>Everything in SC was stolen ("inspired by" in shillspeak) from every single sci-fi franchise ever made.
I wish. I'd gladly have a game inspired by Babylon 5, the one show that CIG hates.

*refund my pixelbucks*
your move

Do they mean stretch goal for this update?

Because it isn't a funding stretch goal, which is the only place I've heard the term, ever.

Stretch Goal for this update it's actually the proper term in agile development.

Maybe you shouldn't open your mouth if you're such a newfag, then? Go back to Autism Spectrum.

>agile development.
Who /shill/ here?

Stretch goal for the sprint. If the sprint goes will with no trouble, they will get the Bind/Unbind in this update, otherwise it gets bumped to the next version.


If you have hexagon shaped missiles, you could stack them in such a way that they aren't inefficient. However, having hexagons for the sake of generic sci-fi is pretty poor design.

But it isn't remotely the same at all, you fucking muffin

>Stretch goals in Agile (Scrum) development allow the team to plan for a few more tasks in addition to their committed work during the sprint

>Netcode rework is additional work for 3.0, not absolutely fucking core to it


3.0 will include the new netcode but final version of the netcode won't be done tell maby a year from which will include server meshing.

They didn't say the entire new netcode.

They've specifically put ONE ELEMENT of the new network as a "maybe it'll be in, maybe not" part of 3.0, when its basically the only reason people had hope for the patch in the first place

Let me translate your post:

>the new netcode is in 3.0
>3.0 won't have the new netcode

Whats the point of having generals when the game doesn't come out until at least 2021?

Or do you just like to constantly refresh your suffering.


I've only played open so far, but haven't really met any, but I would guess the more popular places are a bit more swarmed.

>tfw SC is like a little baby compared to Babylon 5
>tfw no interesting characters or banter
>tfw no super-powerful alien races

Vanduul ships were heavily "inspired by" Shadows, imo.

Yeah B5 really was the first to do crescent moon shaped ships

that NASA news about Enceladus was pretty interesting. Icy moons are cool and unique. Star Citizen haters btfo yet again

>actual space news
Most of us try to ignore the fact that space tourism will be real before these games are finished.

Existed since 2001, so that is very true

I've been playing Elite Dangerous since the beta, where I bought it with a lifetime expansion pass. It might have seemed a lot to me at the time, but it's proved phenomenal value for money since.

Even if you have to buy the expansions, that amounts to only about £20 or £30 every year or two. I do choose to purchase stuff from the store though to support future development of the game.

Now compare this to one of the games some friends play, Star Wars Battlefront. This game was released about a year and half ago, at a premium price. Since then, there have been a couple of expansions at about £40 a pop.

NOW they've just announced, that only two years after the game's initial release, they're releasing Star Wars Battlefront 2, with a pre-order price of a whopping £70!!

What will this be, and how can they change it? It's very likely there's not that much they can do, so it'll effectively just be new maps on top of the current game (or at least it's likely this is what it will feel like).

As a result, one of my friends has already decided that it's not worth buying, and he'll move onto another game instead.

With Frontier, we don't just get cheap expansions, but we get regular FREE updates to those expansions. I for one am extremely happy that Elite Dangerous is in the hands of a small, independent games company :)

Copy pasting E:D forum posts isn't cool dude

really makes you think

I've had fantastic value for money from Elite. I've spent £80 so far and had over 2000hours gametime. < £0.04/hr is pretty good.

2000 hours spent on 20 hours of actual game is an impressive display of waste

>cool and unique
In real world, maybe, but the whole thing about fiction is that you can go far far beyond that.
And Croberts already did once.

Fuck realism, give me back space storms in Badlands and green and purple dual stars of Kusari space.

You have Derek Smart-level autism.

You're the person who keeps bullying someone who posts things you don't like.

One post equals bullying now?

Anyone else is making a nigga pirate in 3.0 and hunting autists exploring moons on their Ursas and Dragonflies?

No I'm making a man instead.

No i'll be making a brown lady, just the way you like it autismo

Imagine being this guy.

Sorry I'll be playing the superior game, Elite Dangerous, you may have heard of it.

>brown lady
Who doesn't like brown ladies?

Weren't female animations and stuff planned after 3.0, though?

Where can I subscribe?

Who are you trying to fool?

Were planets actually promised for 3.0? Obviously the planet tech was, but were we promised MicroTech, Hurston, and ArcCorp for 3.0?

I vaguely remember it, and it was definitely heavily implied, but looking back the 3.x roadmap just lists 3.0 as "The Stanton System" with the other 3.x updates having "more solar system locations".

I'm pissed that the whole Staton system isn't gonna be in 3.0, and especially that we're only getting moons, and now I'm even more pissed because I feel like they misled everyone without actually lying to hype up 3.0 when they never intended to have the entire Stanton system in 3.0 in the first place.

>just lists 3.0 as "The Stanton System"

Honestly i dont see why people are hyped up for mining.
At most its going to be either wow style "hold m1 to mine node" shit or just some minecraft hokey voxel deletion that fills cargo units with ore.
And at most you will just be able to sell it for credits i guess.

They're definitely not going to have anything close to the concept they presented for mining for a long time.


You can fly around and look at them, they never said you can land :^^^)

>At most its going to be either wow style "hold m1 to mine node" shit or just some minecraft hokey voxel deletion that fills cargo units with ore.

thats precisely what they've said its not going to be.

I don't think that Chris' autism would allow such a thing to exist

3.0 was never going to have the entire Stanton system but it was supposed to have Microtecfh, Hurston, and Arcorp. It seems like every time CIG outsources something it comes to bite them in the ass hard.

I don't think they were lying just optimistic.

>I feel like they misled everyone without actually lying to hype up 3.0
They've been doing that since at least the middle of last year.

>female animations
Does this include pinning guys down and riding them, harvesting them for their seed?

Because people wanted to see promised features implemented.

>tfw sc will never cater to the waifu / degenerate autists

good feel

I hope so!
>mfw female futa pirate corp


I don't know why they promised us mining for 3.0 when it could only bite them in the ass. No one was upset that we wouldn't see any form of mining until 3.1. If they wanted mining in 3.0, they should have just surprised us.