What's a good trade to learn as a 25 year old college dropout?

What's a good trade to learn as a 25 year old college dropout?

European by the way, so no "just work at an oil rig" memes please

No trades are good, because once you get into that manual labour lifestyle, you'll construct your own glass ceiling. Hang out with upholsterers and you'll end up thinking like them.

White collar is better because the jobs are so dull that they are almost interchangeable, which means that you have a sense of mobility. Your company is also much more varied and less blinkered in their worldview.

By company I mean companions, not the business entity you work at. Though I guess it also applies. I don't think Trump's welders are ever likely to run into him. A Trump Org accountant, on the other hand, lives inside the castle, not outside with the peasants.

What are some decent white collar jobs? For comparison I dropped out of finance, so accounting and the like isn't really my world (to say the least)

Finish college

How do you get a job at an oil rig? I understand the whole oil industry is at a low right now but it may rise this year, possibly...and if so, how do I hop on to the train and work at an oil rig?

Graphic design, marketing, copywriting, that sort of thing. I'd advise you to bone up on your Dale Carnegie; he's cheesy but wise.

Teaching is approachable, but if you want promotions rather than a fixed position, you need a job where you talk to your equals or superiors about whatever project you're working on, and do it regularly. By contrast, teachers spend most of their time standing in a room full of people whose good opinion does not affect their salary.

Tutors have it better, because they can work independently, and are often hired directly by their students - who can recommend them to friends, meaning doing a good job directly affects their pay.

Nothing is worse than being an unrewarded drone working in the back room.

Right now health care professions are the best option.
At least in germanic countries

They take even people who can't speak german, english or french is enough.

>wiping shit off of old people
I'd rather be a railway track voltage inspector or a high altitude aquatic acrobat

Just show up with your resume they'll admire the tenacity

Which country OP?

Hungary (different id because I'm not at home)

learn arabic and work as a translator

>What's a good trade to learn
BTC trade


That's mainly nurses. Healthcare is a huge field.
Don't get me wrong, it's not for me, but if you can into anatomy/biology type studies and are somewhat empathetic, there's many opportunities.

railway track voltage inspector... automated

If you learn allen Bradley's you will get your self a modern blue collar trade, that will exist for another 20 years.

they are for controlling automated assembly lines, companies like Tesla hire shitloads of them!

they pay shit, but you an get a job making triple the pay in a first class city


Good luck making $200 / hour with a normal job

>If you learn allen Bradley's
Any links to that material?

>What's a good trade to learn as a 25 year old college dropout?
there is always sucking cock.
get nice comfy pair of kneepads and some lip balm and breath mints!

4 or 5 years ago my local unemployment office got me a job on a oil rig, 30 days straight in the rig working 14h a day, 10 days off, another 30 working, 10 days off. all this for €1400 a month.

PLC is another name.
Programmable logic controller
Buy a cheap old one off ebay

>Any links to that material?
rofl you are in a world of hurt if you go that way. closed forums and ripoff seminars will be your only reliable source.

alos plc programming compared to programming is like playing lego compared to real architecture.

i just got out man, feels like the best most liberating thing ever.

pluto was the ruler of the underworld. and btc is going under indeed.