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I want to marry Kled!

>GRR I'm so strong and independent and shit
>Xayah is much more dependent on the buffs she gets from duo'ing with Rakan than he is
What did Riot mean by this?

xth for /fun/


Post them

women can't do shit without men

>Dark Star Ori is so huge, she uses a galaxy for her tutu

Is she the biggest being in league?

Not like I'm not gonna get feeders anyway.

Irelia new splashart when?

>You have become inactive and will decay in 1 day
>My last soloq match (master) was 3 days ago
>My last flex match (diamond) was 15 days ago

What the flying fuck did the new client mean by this

But that's wrong.

i really want to impregnate xayah

when her remake hits

So rakan is shit and xayah is good?

fucking yorick, how the fuck do i play against him?

reminder to play illaoi she is the purest girl and only wants to help people become better at moving

Reminder that the best Xayah build is IE/PD/BC/DD and you beg your support to buy Zeke's.

You can substitute IE for either shard item if you desperately want the extra damage.


I just wish her sfx looked more space like instead of mechanical similar to this youtube.com/watch?v=QBmgU717X5M

who were youj playing

basically dodge his Es and expect him to raise ghouls if he has 3 tombs or more on the ground

If he summons maiden you run away in a straight fucking line and don't fight

consider this champ concept:

AA's deal 50% dmg against champs
weak basestats overall

Ultimate: (3 minute cooldown)
deal 100%max HP true dmg to enemy champion. point and click

Q W E some very mediocre skills with bad scalings.

how does this change the meta. Lets assume this thing is balanced with around 52% winrate and medium playrates.

what about half dragons?

good yorick players don't raise ghouls until they land an e first
t. yorick main

You mean PD, not IE.

Rengar ___buffs when?

what did I say that goes against what you said
>dodge his E (regardless of ghouls being here or not)
>expect him to raise ghouls when he can (because he will if he needs to)

>be adc main
>don't bother with Xayah, doesn't seem like an adc i might enjoy playing
>every single game since her release she was on the opposing team
>every single game she got an early advantage but then went for the LCS BIG PLAYS and fed her ass off
I am grateful to riot for releasing an ADC that appeals to your common edgy midlaner yasuo main who doesn't play the role and has no idea on how to position and kite.

What champion can make sure that my opponent WILL NEVER SEE IT COMIIINGG

literally never because not even riot likes playing against him
he's not lee

eune > euw
prove me wrong
u cant

i expect shitters here to laugh through their two front buck teeth when he lands an e and has no ghouls out thinking he made a mistake

>Literally promoting, no DEMANDING, a Zilean meta
Also no they would be pick/ban, just drag a game out with game draging out champions then snipe someone with the ult and lol GG.
Also note even with 4 shit spells, items in league are the real MVP, that champion would build mallet and botrk and be true evil

Is Zeke's really necessary?

Which champ is the most normie one?

more like no fucking damage am i rite

>play Azir after a long break
>cannot smite turrets anymore
>feels like i don't deal damage
holy fucking shit Riot killed him for good


>cleaver after nerfs
>cleaver after build path changes to benefit bruisers
No thank you.

The new duo looks pretty fucking normie

her damage is fucking massive
just huge ramp up and a late game champ
pretty much the gp of ad carries

How fertile is Sona?



Her box is as good at accepting semen as her voicebox is at producing sound.

Xayah is probably the ADC that benefits the absolute most from her support buying Zeke's herald. Because the damage of her E scales with her critical chance, having windows where her crit chance only briefly spikes up to 100% but isn't 100% at all times is totally acceptable, since you simply need to cast E during the empowered period. Also as an ADC who casts lots of spells she also builds charges for it incredibly fast.

Not only that, but Rakan is probably the single best Zeke using support. All of his AP ratios are strong, and he himself can actually make use of the crit chance since Xayah's W casts on him as well. He may not build any actual AD, but an AS steroid and 40% extra damage on autos that crit is still decent.

xayah looks beyond busted when piloted by THE PIE

xayah is fucking op wtf

Well he did get her to 6 items. But yeah, scales real hard.

>no Essence reaver

>being shit at managing mana

oh, not being tunneled vision is really important as adc since you're very fragile and if you just walk headfirst into their team you're 100% dead

you haven't been playing for long right? all those things seem to be pretty normal for a new player

i'd try to do one thing at a time and once you're comfortable doing something you should be able to do other stuff at the same time fairly easily (like checking the map while last hitting)

just keep practicing!

also you should know the adcs you're picking aren't the greatest, except ashe, ashe is very good.
you should try Caitlyn

I'm usually tilted just by picking Janna, so I'm not going to do it anymore, for a while at least.

Lel he won despite the awful damage of his teammates.

Nocturne :^)

your game has some nice ass music lolfags.kinda shame majority of players apparently even dont ever hear it (at least according to my friends.)

>you haven't been playing for long right? all those things seem to be pretty normal for a new player
please don't make me answer this
thanks for the advice though


>not a faggot


Haven't played much, and the bit that I have played seemed not great. Oh well.


if you have, it's okay, maybe you just didn't try really hard to get good before, right?

what? im literally listening to "Xayah and Rakan | Login Screen - League of Legends" . it's badass, where does it play since apparently you dont know these songs either? only in the main menu or something?

>what is cdr

4-1 in placements so far
scared to play more
all the stoners are gonna meme in my games

>people making the game look even worse

i turn off the music in every vidya i play
its always loud, obnoxiuos abd distracting. no exceptions.

>tfw no Bloodlord dom

What the fuck am I looking at

HUD is trash but the map looks comfy as fuck. Source?

yeah i can understand that. i personally love it when games have a kickass soundtrack, but i could see it as distracting.

i like league's music, but dota has better music just based on the fact that jeremy soule has a music pack in it.

Haven't played since Camille came out. Any great changes in the Meta and new items I should consider buying as ADC?

>enemy has vayne support with colossus

what in the actual fuck

Yeah the login menu music can be good but it gets obnoxious after a while so I disable it.

The main game also has background music but nobody in their right mind listens to that shit.

Darius theme sometimes pops into my mind to this day though.


everything revolves around bork

lucian builds bork black cleaver

>come back to league
>fire up ranked first thing i do
>everything looks like shit
>im first pick
>i picked the asterisk in the thingy btw
>say mid
>bans done
>kassadin free
>take him
>get in game
>kassadin is nerfed to shit

nice game lolbabs

>look through the site at the other skins
>see this
Fucking christ and I thought the old skins people shit out were bad.

I have enough to buy Xerath. Should I buy Xerath?


That doesn't answer the question. You're basically saying never engage him ever. The correct answer is to take advantage of his shitty early game.

>this post

do you have access to scripts?
buy it
don't buy it

or just buy him anyway senpai

buy Xayah :)))


>Player picks AD Kennen in the lcs and it works
>All other teams also pick AD kennen and they suck

>go Leona + Draven with a friend
>all the epic couple duos evaporate into gold whenever they dare to look at our creep wave

the bug was already patched
sorry brub

who were you playing YOU DUMB FUCK
>inb4 I was playing yasuo, the champion that literally cannot lose to Yorick

>You're basically saying never engage him ever
Never said that, in fact I heavily implied that you have to fight him when he has less than 3 tombs and Maiden is on cd

>Shitty early game
Yorick has one of the strongest lvl 2s in the game but ok boss

This. I usually just listen to my friend's plug.dj at like 15% just to have some chill ambience going.

Xerath is a lot of fun, I say yes.

>Sunfire changed from half damage to minions and monsters to double damage to minions and monsters
RIP Yorick

Dude who the fuck cares about her ratio



I'm not the guy you were responding to YOU DUMB FUCK

>one of the strongest lvl 2s in the game
No. Pantheon and Sion say hi.

yeah the ones i've listened to are those login menu songs i think. figured they would be way too loud and busy to be in game music. but the login menu songs are really great.

i can see why people would disable them if those are just menu music, they are quite loud so it could get obnoxious.

also I want to fuck her

xth for Syndra

Teemo with Q and E is the strongest lvl 2
prove me wrong

>people banning rakan instead of lulu
>people taking rakan when lulu is open
>lulu fucking obliterate his bird ass