League of Legends General - /lolg/

OLD: comfy bfs edition~


why is she so perfect bros?

XAYAH IS HIDDEN pretty decent

get that disgusting shit out of here you fucking sicko


can someone be nice and gift me rakan? im on NA btw

IGN AtlaSTheIdiot

>implying nowadays melee champs need anything past Tabis and Deadmans to survive more than 5 seconds

stop building like shit

the most you need on a bruise is Tabis ,an Armor item such as DMP,Sunfire,Omen or KV and MAYBE a Steraks if you are really getting fucked up by burst.

is it ok to play annie if im not a girl??

will you be my slut in return?

only if you're an infant

if that means we'll play together then shure

Everyone's a girl online, my friend.

it means you'll have to eat my dick cheese

kys you degnerate virgin


Should I tell him?

im not going to suck your cock.

xth for Quinn, the only bird girl worth caring about.

xth for Syndra

Why is the rating system such a retarded piece of shit? I've been fucking around and seeing what it takes to get S's and it's literally nothing but farm really.

I was playing Vi and ganked very few times to test this out, instead I just farmed mine and enemy junlgle as well as push side lines and ended on 3/1/3 with only 5k damage done by 27 minutes, with over 200 farm and got an S-.

Likewise I tried it with Olaf too, went 6/1/2 with only 10k damage delt in 43 minutes, with 300 farm and got an S.

Sure farm is important, but this amount of emphasis on it is insane, there were times I just refused to show up to team fights in order to keep pushing lanes to get more farm and I'm rewarded for it, when this sort of selfish action could cost your team the whole game.

I want Quinn to be filled with Rakan's vastayan seed.

>riot removed the thigh from that skin
Goddammit why

This, somehow, is a general trend nowadays.

> draft lobby starts
> announce completely normal jungle champ
> [you] can jungle?
> troll?

it means youll put on a skirt when we play together and send pics of your smooth thighs

So instead of trying to declare position I'm just gonna say "tank, where do you want me"

you don't have to suck it, you just have to lick the cheese out of it you dumb slut

>inb4 "perfect pussy XD!"

I would fuck Quinn so hard before Valor goes for the eyes

Camille is so adorable aahhhh

im not going to be doing any of that, so i guess i wont be getting him

>mfw my girl Sej will become viable again
>mfw my girl Sej is picked up by every bandwangon shitter ever

cmon its just a skirt, then you get a free champ and a dom to keep you loyal~

Whose this semen demon

yea, i guess im going to be sticking to my tank supports for now.

Nah, Sej will be viable for maybe 3 days because being gutted.
Zac is the only one walking out positive from this.

that's because the only rating that matters is whether you got the w or the l

streamer on twitch

>lux support
>starts dorans
>steals my blue on purpose when leashing
>this player will never get banned
>I will get banned if I call them a faggot

really makes you think...

also, can we have a /slolg, where fags are not allowed and we don't have these fag threads?

I honestly wish they would just fix her to have an ult that would allow her to be played as an adc, all she is a counter for melees top who won't be able to do much later in the game, especially since lethality is dead.

fine stay alone loser

fluffy tails

>see dyrus' girlfriend
what the fuck, how did a turbosperg like dyrus get such a 10/10

Yeah I don't really understand the zac update.
They took a champion that was already bullshit and made it worse.




the only man who will ever fuck ahri irl. money well spent

>every fucking game has to retards playing the new champs
>every game is a fucking duo bot while I'm a solo adc
>ever fucking game they lose lane like a fucking bitch
>every fucking post game look at their match histories
>atleast 3 losse in a row with 1 win on the best duo


If I buy the karma skin currently on sale, for the first time in 7 years I'll have exactly 0 rp on my account.

Should I do it lolg?

How do I get out of diamond lads

>people still buying Trinity instead of cleaver on Yorick

>Champions who desperately need lore
Fizz, Aatrox, Kayle, Morgana, Shaco, Veigar, Kogmaw, Malzahar, Chogath, Maokai

What is Nautilus' endgame? How do people of Bilgewater see him? Will he ever find his betrayers?

Post yfw you are silver and it is impossible to reach gold

Why don't you pick meta champions

Hahaha nope

You're a faggot.

>Video games have been becoming less and less of a boys club in the past 2 decades
>Cute girls who genuinely like video games start dating boys who play video games because shared interests
>People who don't even talk to girls who share interests with them say that the only reason why boys who do get girls is because of money.
Every time

HahAhAh Xxdd my dude : ^ )



>He doesn't have money

>less and less of a boy's club
Only if you include phone games.

>tfw made it to gold
>havent played a solo queue game since
>still bronze in flex

>he's a faggot for wanting faggotry to leave the game

It's pretty obviously some ratio of gold to deaths, with weight on not getting enough kills.

To get an S, get an above average number of kills, don't die too much and then earn a fuckload of gold compared to the usual player in that position with that champ, whether that be from farming or assists or whatever.

It's actually shocking how much phone games inflate the statistics.

Got placed into S2 with 2-8.whew

Why is this thread filled with more retards than usual?

>the most attractive girls just happen to go for the streamers that are rich as fuck

gee i dunno

>pick nidalee
>die once
>worse than useless for rest of the game

back to ad cancer

Yes he is and I know Im right because I declared it first and Im going to put my hands on my ears and not hear any of what he has to say otherwise

He's a faggot



never ceases to make me not kek.

He seems more like the sort to just sink all the ships in hopes of getting his betrayers. At least I don't think he's the type to ask before anchoring that shit to the sea floor.

calm down lad

we can talk this through

dont you worry babe

The same nigga who literally would bring a bodypillow to championship games.

Lmao okay.

Have fun getting blown up the second you're caught by any ambient CC late game

Nidalee is like the most polarising jungler.

If that cunt gets ahead she's literally unstoppable, yet if she falls behind even a little she's fucking useless. Reminds me of Shyvanna and Lee Sin in that respect.

Why does dyrus and QT have lots of viewers and such "lots of money?"

Couldn't possibly be their personalities could it?

>majority of your damage is ghouls
>ghouls both apply stacks and benefit from stacks being applied
>ghouls wailing on foes apply Cleaver's MS passive, giving you even better chasing potential
>makes you tankier
>your Q still does respectable damage even without the sheen proc while increasing the power of your maiden from the raw AD
>can still pick up Sheen first back for early burst while the enemy has low armour,then pick up IBG after cleaver anyway which allows you to easily land W using the slow field while being even tankier
It's literally his highest winrate item.

Lee sin always has insec

Why are image files not opening?

Doesnt the ult make her the best roamer in the game? who can outspeed her?

>zeronis design awesome skin
>he forgot quinn dumbass idle


So Cleaver and Titanic is good to go?

>champions that desperately need a voiceover update


>nidalee on my team
>some retard that struggles to clear second camp after hard leash at first camp, has to back without completing the third, and is absolutely worse than useless (they straight feed every time they try to gank without getting any kills for the team in return)

>nidalee on their team
>fast clear to level 3 into invade into smashing the enemy jungler
>landing spears from fog in every lane
>impossible to catch and stick to and just walks away to fuck some other lane instead if you're ready for her at your lane

how do they do it

Man, Stormraider Nasus is some shit, huh?

yall mfers got a discord?

>Pretending to be Retarded

kill yourself

the thing about shyvana is that she can be a bit tanky and still has her at least not so useless ult, just like lee

nid on the other hand is squishy and provides only damage since her heal sucks

1st was kuterakky vest WTF RITO?

Honestly if you're playing anything besides Stormraider + E max Nasus with some extra AP somewhere like a Liandry's rather than full tank, you're doing it wrong.

I dont think hes pretending user

Im not pretending

I am better than that faggot user

>Tanks in the jungle

Top lel m8. Tanks are about to go the way of the dinosaur now that the last few good ones are getting nerfed out of toplane

I guess this place really is reddit

I got shit on by one.
I did the max E Nasus and it was hard to farm because of how much damage spirit fire did but god damn, with storm raiders you move so freaking fast, taking minions is a breeze.

I was playing Maokai too. How did he get to do so much damage and be invincible?

How does that happen after the mid game when she falls off hard?
Sure she can flank, but she's still a squishy marksmen