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May 1st.

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First for fuck Symmetra, nerf when


I really hate roadhogs hook

Theres nothing you can do if your team just gets hooked over and over, any other character you can counter but you cant really stop instakills

>tfw one shot a tracer trying to flank you as hanzo

>headshotting a tracer as mei

Barriers stop his hook, lad. Use 'em. Discord him and melt his fat ass. He's not that bad.

>tfw solo hogs as lucio



>medals actually attribute to SR loss and gain

Well about time


what did she mean by this

>be bronze shitter
>hovering around 1300
>keep getting gold people in matchmaking

This has been happening all this week, what's going on? Am I gitting gud or something?

One, two three

hon hon hon

>Blocks your path

Heh...goin' somewhere...Amigo?

It's wanjeon joha

>be bronze shitter
>hovering around 1300
>keep getting gold people in matchmaking

This has been happening all this week, what's going on? Am I gitting gud or something?

Play Zarya and cuck him.

>soloqueueing QP as Orisa
>Reinharts trying to charge me
>Roadhogs trying to hook me and ult me
>Winstons trying to rage me
>Pharahs trying to concuss me

> be bronze shitter
> keep posting this over and over again

This has been happening all thread, what's going on? Am I being retarded or something?

Shouldn't be too hard to make some of these with Talon Widow.

Love the smug

Get out of the way loser.

What did google mean by this?

>why would you queue for comp when your group has TWO Mercy mains that can't play anything else?

ay lucky again

Are you me? Fuck a nerf she needs to be taken out of the damn game. My 14 y/o sister could get to masters maining her.


Well seeing you can't even reply to the a post I'd say you are retarded.

So cute~

>charge down a group of enemies
>pin down the enemy s76 and squeeze him against the enemy fortified orisa
>proceed to earthshatter everyone else into a team kill

Thank you fortifying orisas.

>Reaper's whole thing is Shotgun Guy
>Hog is an objectively better Shotgun Guy

What did Blizz mean by this?

> to the a post

I wanna bury my face in those rich, chocolate thighs

What is the way to approach a teammate doing very poorly on widowmaker, hanzo, or junkrat?

I just offered constructive criticism to the widowmaker on my team who didn't get any picks at all throughout the entire game, as the payload is rounding the last corner and the enemies are about to win I made a small comment with 7 gay qualifiers to protect his babby feelings

>no offense"
>"I know it's hard to play widowmaker sometimes"
>"they're countering you pretty hard & I can see how it would be difficult to get picks"
>"so I personally think"

Even after all that babbying and sugar coating he STILL blew up about "I JUST HATE WHEN SHIT STAINS LIKE YOU BRING ALL THIS NEGATIVITY INTO THE GAME!!!!!!!! I'M SICK OF BEING *****C R I T I C I Z E D******" and then he threw the game.

If you get a hanzo or widowmaker who is doing shit-all on your team, should you even attempt to say anything or just consign to the fact that you will lose?


Easily my favorite hello.

No, they won't switch no matter what. They're not trying to be a team player or win, they just want to be autistic with their shitty hero.

She looks so happy when she waves

>Spend a whole game cucking a D.va as Sombrero

I wonder just how badly she wanted to ult

is it worth learning Hanzo

Nth for shitters learn to aim when

It means that Orisa x Zen is the otp

yes small narrow maps hanzo is good in competitive

Really liking the game so far guys. Have played 12 games and each one of them was a shitstomp where the other team had like level 300s and shit and my team's max level was a 51. And for 9 out of 12 of those games the other team had a Soldier 76 that was on fire the entire time.

Not regretting my purchase at all.

Best girl, best boy, best friends

play zarya and get 40 NRG every time a team-mate is an idiot. MAXIMUM POWER.

Also friendly reminder to anyone that posts
The best way to learn to counter a hero is to play that hero.

Bro I have encountered 17% win rate widowmakers with 29 hours playing on king of the hill refusing to switch. There is nothing you can say or do to change their mind so you might as well trash them on mic and let them know they are a shit head.

That's why most widowmaker mains don't even enter voice channel, because they are sick of getting called out every game for their shitty play

level means nothing, plenty of bronze gold-border players that have played for a million years and still blow. quick play is a fucking joke, though; get into comp ASAP.

>enemy orisa uses fortify
>my whole hog can actually do damage without pushing enemy away from danger

Never if they play Symmetra

im scared to death that im going to open a box and it's going to have zaryas emo skin or that horrible masked mccree suit

>win 6 games in a row because I did my job on a competent team in a balanced game

>lose 6 games because I get put with faggot Sombra pickers and dogshit groups dragging their casual friends into comp for no reason

Climbing plat is just fucking luck

Can't do anything if your dead
Orisas gun makes Roadhog it's bitch

pharah's ult should NOT be instant

I want to pile a ton of time into a single hero and get much better with them instead of jumping between constantly at a mediocre level. Who benefits most from a high skill level, as well as contributes well to teams so I won't get shit for choosing them?

it would literally never get kills.

Her jump packs are loud af if you are listening for them.

>play QP
>healer is absolute fucking garbage and can't see teammates dying for shit
>inspect profile
>master league

were these type of people just carried? I see tons of horrible players in QP that are high ranked


76, tracer, genji, roadhog, zarya, to a lesser extent ana all have good carry potential and require good mechanical skill, gamesense, or both.

IMO torb and sombra both are extremely strong characters but they require either good coordination in sombras case or your team not to tilt in torb's case. Either is a big ask in soloQ

it's almost like people don't take QP seriously and could be talking on the phone or taking a shit while playing

I'm high masters and pretty much exclusively fuck around in QP, it's where I go to unwind. Also a lot of people practice heroes in QP they're not familiar with.

Anyone got tips for beating the event mission on legendary difficulty? I've been trying all day for the achievements, and now I just need that one, but this shit is tough. I haven't even gotten the payload to the door during any attempt, and most runs get shut down at, or even before the payload holdout before it starts moving.

>Getting oneshot by Hanzo E
>Getting oneshot by Roadhogs alt fire

>"We are as one, my sister."
>Genji gets Swiss doctor
>now Genji teaches Zenyatta how to get Robo-Centorea
I didn't know that I wanted this.

good rein players WILL climb, and nobody wants to play rein, so he's your best bet.

>people that tryhard in noncomp modes and get mad that no one's trying
I don't get it.

they got placed high by a fluke or got boosted or tilted hard and tanked SR or just dgaf and wanted to tank their rating

First few games after placements give you way more SR for a win to give the feeling of climbing. Unfortunately this is artificial and IMO leads to salty trolls tanking SR after reaching their goals. Its been long enough into the season that players either reach their goal or give up.

Never fails to blow my mind when I get one-shotted by a scatter arrow as fucking zarya. Thank god most hanzos can't pull it off.

>getting oneshot by widow on other side of map

Worst feeling, only counterplay is hope she misses first shot or go widow yourself

If you got something to say, better make it quick.

I climbed from plat to masters by only playing zarya. Highly recommend.

>friendly ana *sleeps an enemy*
>me, a zen *discords and charges m2 at their head*
>other teammate *tags them for 0.000000001 hp so they wake up, get pocketed and escape*

Why is it so hard for people to think before they click.

why do people avoid playing rein so much

>still no gay men

Shit game

Probably because his gameplay seems overly passive to people that don't play him or play him wrong.

Bad reins hold M2 until their sheild breaks, charge into the enemy and get deleted. Good reins hold M2 when needed and M1 at all other times. they go for smart pins and charge earth shatter quickly.

But 76 and Reyes are gay.

I have no idea

Hes basically mandatory and has one of the most busted ults in the game

Chu's working on it

Explain to me why people who have no intention of winning a game or even playing close to properly queue for comp?

Pharahs ult now emits a smokescreen upon a activation

I got my second legendary since the event starteds
>Wasteland Ana dupe
Somebody fucking kill me

>this is what passes for bait in 2017

Is Morrison the person Ana trusts the most other than her own daughter?

Because you get extra rewards for playing in comp so comp is the quickplay for people who want to have shiny weapons. Which is everybody.

No, Gabe. Who you lovingly cropped from the picture.

I want to be Hanas hero

You get nothing if you lose.


>One team goes full try hard
>Other team goes full retard

I don't care about wining but I like to at least play the game then being it so one sided.

How many people came to her ballet productions?
Is that how she met GĂ©rard?

>Lucio can boop roadhog away after he hooks a teammate
>Zarya gets free charge for bubbling teammate
>Sym can toss a shield his way
>Any knockback weapons
> Anyone with shields baiting him
>Literally walk out of range and pepper him

He's still is terribly designed, but he's easier to fight now.

He'd be less bullshit if he had 5 second hook, half the pellet damage dealt, massive knockback on his shotgun and some kind of buff when healing at full health. Make him the zoning character, pulling long range enemies closer for allies and blasting close quarters enemies away.



When is my hidden MMR going to raise? I feel like I carry most of my QP matches and at the end of the match I always get silver or gold medals. After my placement matches I ended up in low platinum, but I still get paired up with unranked low level players in QP (being a low level player myself)

Because you can't solo carry a game with reinhardt

You have no idea how many times Mercys have tried pocket healing me after I deflected Roadhog's insta-kill when they got hooked.

>Sym can toss a shield his way

You'd have to be quick. Like, spot him first.

Roadhog players have become fucking dicks and flanking.

I don't care if I die by anyone else, but for an ez two button smug combo it infuriates the fuck out of me

Yeah but you might win. These people don't care if they win but if they're gonna win they may as well work towards pretty weapons while they're at it.

When this event ends, are the skins going to be gone forever?

I haven't got any of the cool ones.

>Comp match
>30minutes long
>It's tied for its whole duration
>We end up losing

Having jumping was a mistake. Playing the game just feels retarded because youre hopping around and if you dont youre at a disadvantage.