Why did East Asian countries became so rich and why can't other developing countries replicate their success?

Why did East Asian countries became so rich and why can't other developing countries replicate their success?

Singapore: Strategic trading routes.
Hong Kong: Strategic trading routes.

Japan, South Korea, Taiwan: Support from USA

This and hard work and no bs.

Mainly the temperate environment and secure location making them a desirable location for industry. Meiji restoration Japan was far more stable than Taiping rebellion China. The asian tigers are islands except South Korea which had US military aid.

These are also factors and also the raw materials provided by their neighbors.

After the cold war the security situation has improved and more continental places like Cambodia are developing while China has opened up to free markets.

No country in Asia wants to go to war anymore.

Low military funding, more funding in schools, healthcare, and infrastructure

1) average IQ in the 105 range
2) IQ
3) IQ

>Why are Asians successful but niggers arent?

Gee, thats a hard one

>Why did East Asian countries became so rich

Only the upper class is rich in the third world.

>and why can't other developing countries replicate their success?

Because your attention is drawn to Hong-san's mega bucks but don't give a shit about Papa Amin's privately owned cobalt mine.

Stable power supply.
Clean water and sewerage treatment technology.
The government ensures the security of the industrial person concerned.
The ensuring safety of the engineer.
Enforcement of the division area.

African countries are improving, thats all that matters.

The only countries doing well in east asia are south korea and japan.

They both got massive help from western powers in rebuilding their economy. They have US military bases there so they dont really have to pump billion of dollars into their national security budget.

That combined with a big work hard, conservative social values and smaller population helps lead to a more brighter future.

China is improving but honestly we will not really know the true effects of their rapid rise. We hear so many horror stories about the damage they do to their habitat.


what city even is that?


>doing well

inflation adjusted, even us markets isnt as high as they were in 2000. Stock amrkets arent a good way to see if a country is doing good or bad because they take into account the future potental as well as loads of volatile policy options

A handful of people with some innovative ideas + a shitload of people that will work for pennies.

So yeah.

holy moly a whole thread about asians and nobody used that nasty c-word yet.

Anyway the answer is RICE.
Rice paddies required collectivist farming behavior from whole communities to drain/flood at the same time and so we have developed the wonderfully productive hive mind culture you see today.

>nasty c-word


Initially - asset and knowledge transfer from USA, e.g. Steel industry to Japan, then Korea and Taiwan, then Fabs for microchips, etc... All but Singapore are in decline now, Singapore is holding due to a good strategic location + banking sector.



Suck it Faggots

They've been initiative marketers since the stone ages. India and Saudi Arabia saw the whiteys in europe treated ginger like golden viagra so they marketed the fuck out of it and pulled in bank. To this day even though a lot of gang operations come out of mexico and africa, they are being armed by the guns made in the philipenes. if asia exploded everything explodes. You think it would bring business back to the states? Bubkus, it's not american if it wasn't made in china.


Also mainly the ability to forego short term gains for long term prosperity.


Hard working people, weak labor laws, strong government intervention of markets/industries.

creativity? pol says asians have no creativty but maybe they are just butthurt over IQ stats

I've been to India. It sucks because their people suck. Dumbest, craziest, shittiest group of people I have met bar none.

It's the only country in the world that has politics, government budgeting, and social planification that makes sense, besides censorship of media, however

Hell, other shitholes should start a fucking Zero Child Policy now that automation is around the corner

Japan and South Korea had economies with large degrees of government planning at the start.

>Papa Amin's privately owned cobalt mine.
That's Glencore and that's the Brits.

I love these marginally logarithmic graphs designed to create smooth downward or upward trends where they don't really exist.

Minus the great recession drop (directly after which the graph mysteriously ends), the value of the NIKK is now higher than it was at its highest mid-2000's value.

An honest graph would show a decline from 1990 (a point of absurdity easily shown by the value of land in Tokyo at the time) and then a more or less level market from then on.

Why do they always advocate bringing in foreign men to marry local women? Why not foreign women to marry local men?

And they were both largely funded by the U.S.

Its a biological thing. Invaders are always attractive.

In this case it's because Russia has too many women for a small number of men, not the other way around.

Altough I imagine if it actually was the opposite, there would still be some feminist types advocating for more men of X race/ethnicity for one reason or another (just like they're currently doing in western countries).

What the fuck guys isn't the answer clearly the fact that they could receive foreign investment with little need for return investment creating a kind of economic macro shield.

Singapore's trading route is some what offset by it having zero natural resources, scare land and an uneducated third world population.

Only because of China stepping in.

Despite having corruption (like all countries) they still put the interest of the nation first, i.e. reinvesting tax in to helping their economy

This simply does not happen in the vast majority of Africa, South America and India

Not going to go all /pol/ because i don't think that is the case, I think its more of a cultural or political thing

They just cant work towards a mutual interest

>no i am not a commie or a natsoc, fuck you

>no inflation
>decreasing population
>slowly increasing GDP
>GDP per capita going up
>Population density going down
>zero crime
>no immigrants
>ahead of the automation curve

Japan is just about the only country doing anything right these days fampai. Cant wait to see what automation combined with 10 million+ unemployed muslims does for Europe.

Also because of insane population growth.

Creativity is a pretty shitty cop out. When we blocked the sale of computer chips to Chinese supercomputer developers, they just made their own. They now have most of the top 10 supercomputers.

It's partially about money, partially about fair and effective governance, and partially about technological knowledge. It also helps to have population and territory/resource growth to increase GDP and fund research. Japan has plenty of money, fair and efficient governance, and great tech knowledge, but their population is in decline.

China was regional top dog for thousands of years, ahead of every country in the world basically. When whites visited China for the first time, they saw shit they couldnt believe like balloon flights, earning them the nickname "wide eyes" (as in surprised look). They laughed at any demands from for example British royalty. After a few bad centuries, China (and yellow ppl in general) is simply reclaiming its spot at the top. They simply have good fundamentals. I will name those in a bit.
Westerners are really upstarts, and we are currently in the process of squandering our lead through total idiocy.

Good fundamentals:
-High iq.
-Family structure in high regard.
-Cultural pride.
-Racial pride.
-Racial realism (for example, many Chinese I talk to have no problem admitting whites beat them in certain areas, or that blacks tend to be lazy).
-Believe in natural hierarchy.
-Low tolerance for sluttiness.
-Hard working.
-Love technology and inventions.

It's easy to profit off of Western IP when you don't have to pay for any Research or Development.

The Americans are very, very good at innovating, but their labor costs too much.

The Asian clones don't critically think nor can they innovate. But they can copy your product in a fucking instant.

As long as the Asians keep stealing technology & make them for cheaper, they'll always be successfull.

I know, I worked for Huawei for years when we stole all of Cisco's designs.

I think whites have yellows beat in:
-more daring (crazy stuff like climbing mountains and shit)

>tasting India

They're not "rich." There is a tiny, tiny elite of loaded billionaire and a tiny class of millionaires beneath them, with a small "middle class" beneath that, who live in conditions that would be considered "lower class" over here. Beneath that, 70% of the population lives in shitty conditions if not abject fucking poverty.

This is the model that the banks and corporations want to bring over here. This is why they've shipped half of Arabia and Africa into Europe in the last 5 years.

If you're smart, you'll work your ass off to make sure that you and your family climb as high up the ladder as you possibly can before you all drown in the brown flood.

You guys would say it's worth learning an asia language like chinese or japanese?

Hit the nail on the head

Cisco is a giant lawsuit crybaby. They sued JNPR for using a command line interface.