League of Legends General - /lolg/

Non-Lulu edition

Last time, on /lolg/: eyosongive.us

Other urls found in this thread:


cucked Lulufag = based

Tell me a secret

I can't stop buying sheen items

>tfw expected emiru to be an annoying slut
>mfw shes pretty chill and has a nice voice

Praise mods.

why /lolg/ so triggered today?
I come here for comfyness and cuddles..

I've been playing since S1 and I still always play with my screen locked.

i like wearing skirts

>tfw no comfy anons to duoqueue with while having fun in voice

What's even the point...

You think Lolg is triggered because your shitty lulu thread got deleted?

Fuck off, ban evading scum.


I'm having so much difficulties to carry while playing top, any tips ? Usually Jayce, Camille, Renekton

I want a techno wizard brawler champion that's literally just the Campaigner from Turok.


I have a crippling inferiority complex that might be hindering my play.

reminder to join the real thread that doesn't break the rules:

I have been dodging non-stop in the last few days unless i got Xayah.

lux's e is undodgeable wtf is this shit

He said, after his first attempt at making a thread was deleted for breaking the rules

I haven't played since 2014 and am re-downloading, what should I know?

>assuming im lulufag

post reasons to live

winning feels good and losing feels awful
you can play pretty much any champ except kindred

Don't you smug me!

Which champion pisses you off the most?

I'm going to break your retarded wife's ugly fucking face

If I die I won't be able to play League

FW just qualified for MSI, 3:1 over AHQ.

I can't help but wish that some tragedy happens to SKT, anything to end this fucking monopoly on winning worlds

Oh don't worry, being able to play league will be your LAST concern after i'm done with you!

I don't want to lie to you user.

when i played a long time ago there used to be chats channels, now i cant access to them anymore, were they removed?

my adcs





Fizz, I always feel like I have very low agency when it comes to dealing with him beyond "dodge the ult".

Rate my taste.

I'm ready for you to stop replying to yourself


why are people so butthurt about skt winning so many titles? the team that works the hardest and plays the best deserves to win

/lolg/ time to settle this, who is the most balanced and unbalanced champions in the game. (No Xayah or Rakan because Riot release balance syndrome always happens)

xth for elise



Why I would reply to myself if I can count on you replying to me everytime, dear shitposter?


Lee Sin

Warwick is the standard that junglers should be held to, not Lee.

Only correct answer.

Keep deflecting, I'm just doing my job of educating the newfags that you're an autist who needs to be filtered

Luckily though you usually do a good job of letting everyone know that yourself

please respond

but she's a spoder

you don't need a reason to live, if you really feel like garbage and shit just end it all
to be honest that is a sign of true weakness and world doesn't need weak little fucks like you

Why are lulu fags so autistic?

as long as kkoma coaches them, never.

Maybe if you remove wolf and faker in the same year they will be messy.
Or if KT dont change rosters next year and stick together but other than that, i dont see it happening. with their new roster they got threats in every position.

On the new client they are removed. On the old client they still exist but will be removed tomorrow when the old client is deprecated


but FW has DESTROYED kkoma's team in the past

Why is FW the only team in the world that can do this to SKT, but not everyone else?

whats the reasoning? avoid toxicity?

I think pro play drafting is seriously underrated. Especially with 10 bans now you can clearly se the difference in pb.
Some teams draft shit team comp after shit teamcomp, or dont ban the right things and its saddening. good drafts can win games

nobody likes you

I was replying to anonymous not some fucking namefag

I wanna have a tea party with Lulu!

how am I wrong though
I mean yeah, we all have bad days, bad weeks, sometimes even bad years, but living in constant depression won't help you or make anyone feel better, but nobody here actually has a real reason to live. if you really are constantly depressed, and I mean really depressed, not just some teen-angst shit, then go seek help
life just happens to be here, whether you like it or not

I wish. They actually just haven't bothered to add it even though the new client has been in beta for months. They have said it will be added soon, so probably never

Any year now, just put me in a gold game already

Wait, Tarzaned managed to squander yet another chance at getting to NACS/LCS?
Holy shit. This guy is the real deal.

it gets boring. Who cares about actual play quality, I'm watching something to be entertained, not to reach the perfect play or something like that.

You have a lot of skins for champions that you already had skins, and most of them are actually 3 skins for the same champion

back down the plat ladder we go wizzy

Lulu is my STAR!

Someone link the discord pls

If I kill myself, I won't get to play one of the best GSG mods, that is going to be released next month
But after that I can't kill myself either because it'll get even more content with updates


Pseudo loli that's so "eccentric"

Lulu is a winner! A WINNER!
and she won the best husbando: ME!

FW is so bad it makes them good.

How did you make this? Eyoson skin shit doesn't have Victorious Sivir

I won a game after my promos and got back to 70lp, I think I'm going to wait until I expand my champion pool a bit (Vlad) before ranked again. I don't like to blame circumstances, but during my promos I picked myself into terrible lane matchups all 3 games because I only have one pick.

In the meantime I'm just going to get Flex to D5, it's really easy, and apparently you get extra rewards for hitting diamond in both

*sets your wife on fire*

Don't do that Wizzy, If you're not taking Akali to d5 is it even worth it?

>the fire stops after 3 seconds (Q) or 5 (ult)


We're playing urf

You'll have to play a game every two weeks to not let it decay.
Don't bother ranking flex above gold right now

You're cool and I wish you good luck on your climb but you gotta stay faithful to you're waifu

Id take URF lulu over urf rumble anyday

I'm not even really an Akalifag, I just like her gameplay. I prefer Shyvana

When playing URF, i actually managed to run circles around a challenger player.

i'm usually gold 4

URF Lulu is just insane.

there isn't unless you have a child to take care of

then you have a responsibility o stay alive

Irregardless I'm still going to murder your wife

Everything I know is a lie

Did they VU Sivir or just updated her splashes? Her battle princess skin looks exactly like her base skin in splash

Live long enough to see my waifu get a cover illustration and get a season 3 adaptation of her anime. Her smile and her innocent face gives me energy to endure hardships.

Carrying my friends to whatever rank they want by supporting, coaching and giving them tips.

Eat and cook delicious food.

Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!

No you won't, because my knife will find your throat before you ever find my wife!

gitgud issue

there isnt, youre probably genetically wired to have a shit life.
this is the world our parents choose to bring us into.


>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3

Walk forward when she casts it.

Lux players are retards that don't understand that champs don't always run away,

Walk right up to the blonde slut and punch her teeth down her little throat.

Then die because the cunt can still blow you up with Q and Ult

you keep threatening me with that but I've yet to see you make an attempt on my life

meanwhile I pick Lulu and int daily, forcing her to suffer

>master yi mid tells me that quinn top is a troll pick
>tell him so is yi mid
>"um actualy sweaty,....faker played it :)"


>bringing down her winrates so she doesnt seem as OP

thanks for taking one for the team user

What you said reminded me of what my psychologist bf once told me, that some people simply have a shitty life. Like the circumstances demand that you'll never have a particularly good life, and you'll just have to sorta 'live with it'

I play with voices off unless I'm Kindred.

I went through a major depression bullying abuse and whatnot, I had legitimate reason for suicide, but I persisted and fixed my life all because of pic related and the opportunity to escape it provided.

Lulu is CUDDLY and ADORABLE and i LOVE her!

oh my god nobody cares

>Bot lane is 0-10, 8 minutes in


>Every second game
Fuck this lane

you should've gone through with it

I'm just saying if you ever need your life saved. V&V saves lives.

>maskless kindred

but why was he sweaty?

>Lulufag shitting up the thread
>VxV shitting up the thread
>Rumblefag burning lulu alive

truly the hero EUW /lolg/ deserves