There is literally nothing wrong with drunk driving...

There is literally nothing wrong with drunk driving. Most people can handle their alcohol and get themselves home just fine. All the hysteria over it is just another way to criminalize humanities oldest pastime.
Prove me wrong
>you can't

We can look at 40 years of statistics or russian dashcams but where's the fun in that?

Your parents drove shitfaced all the time, your grandparents drove shitfaced most the time and yet you're still here so it can't be that bad.

my friends aunt was killed by a drunk driver. the entitled fucks family was so salty he was going to jail that they kept taking down the shrine my friends family set up on the side of the road.

Humanities oldest pastime is driving drunk? You really do learn something new everyday.

Did you booby trap it?

no, that would have been funny though. they got a recording of it but never did anything with it. i don't think they could since roadside is public property

i'd need to double-check but i'm pretty sure the guy went to prison at least

I need to drive to a bar to get drunk. If I can't drive back, effectively my drinking just got criminalized. Do you hate freedom or something?

Based fâm

In school they make you think drunk drivers are all over the road, flying off cliffs, ramming the family minivan head on. The actual danger is less sexy, so we get people like OP who think "I can handle my liquor, unlike those high school punks out there committing vehicular homicide"

You can't buy alcohol and drink at a friend's house?

>having friends
Might as well not even reply

humanities oldest past time is fucking you retard

Driving while high is pretty cool. You feel paranoid so you focus better, like you are trying to get your first drivers license again.

Untrue. My mom NEVER drove drunk because my grandfather would get so shitfaced she had to drive for him when she was like 12.

When I drive drunk, I just let Jesus take the wheel and guide me back home

How fast is she on the Toegay?

I prefer driving stoned when out for a drive, feels good man

Humanity's oldest pastime isn't whacking it? You'd think people would have figured that one out before brewing and distilling.

then why aren't you drinking at home you're alone anyway

How adorable. You think you're intimidating. I can feel the Nothingness behind your words. Your words are as empty as I am. That's a rarity. Listen, kid, you've caught me in a good mood, so I'll only tell you this once. Learn your place. I'm not sure if it's bravery or stupidity, but either way, crossing paths with a genocidal murderer of a universal scale is not a smart decision for someone of your level. Definitions are power. Without them, we wouldn't be able to communicate as we are now. Every single word we're using has a definition. Definitions are what separates the highly intellectual masters of bonds with nigh braindead cavemen with even less comprehension of the world than your average newborn. You will come to fear the name Mizzo. Do me and the rest of the world a favor, and please die early. I don't care what your religion is, because regardless, you should start praying to whatever deity you can think of in hopes that it gives them enough power to stop me from literally ending you. You've been warned. Have a nice day. Your future leader, -.

She's old now but she's always preferred ladytanks anyway

Drink at home or take a cab or ride the bus you degenerate faggot.

Driving drunk is fun until there are other drunk drivers, then its quite scary. Also the most fucked up accidents involve drunk retards. Keep it to beer, liquor drunks are death on wheels and shame on you for promoting this

>Most people
you said it yourself right there. most people can but there are always those who can't. and the laws are made for the 1% of the population that can't figure it out for themselves. cocaine would probably be legal too but Becky went and overdosed and fucked it up for everyone else.

>taking the bait

Okay, OP. Why don't you try doing it and report back on your success? We'll wait.

>humanities oldest pastime
>drunk driving
Pick one.

Candy Lightner- Founder of Mothers Against Drunk Driving - has a number of DUIs.

Protip: buy your shit at the liquor store and drink it on the drive home.

Been driving for over 10 years drunk every single day.

I think that's called alcoholism friendo

Alchoholism is when you can't stop, I can stop whenever I want to, don't talk about things you don't understand underage bitch boi

I was just told its just being russian

I'm gonna tell you from personal experience, driving drunk is one of the most dangerous, idiotic things you could possibly do. And this is especially true if you're young and ignorant to how much alcohol can impair you. There is mountains of evidence of this. But if you want to learn the hard way and get your license revoked or even worse you kill somebody then that's on you.

>drunk every single day
You should probably call someone about that bro

I seriously doubt that. Any alcoholic that drives drunk everyday, eventually you will get caught. Either you will get pulled over or you'll get into an accident.

I enjoy Poe's Law comments like this more than I should


If you're driving drunk daily for 10 years then you obviously can't stop you moron. But you are clearly lying because there is no way you wouldn't have at minimum been pulled over by now

>10 years drunk everyday
>Not alcoholism because I can stop whenever I want to

Look man, this isn't a personal insult, but I think there might be a problem here. You should probably call someone man, you'll be thankful in the future.

I know driving drunk is bad, but what about driving hungover? I had to drive back home yesterday once I got done vomiting, should I feel bad?

t. butthurt moms being MAD

Pretty much.
I fishtailed off a road and almost hit a tree while hammered and with 3 people in the car. After that, a lot fewer people would ride with me, and I finally lost my license because I crashed into a parked car while blackout drunk.
I can drink a lot more than most people (even more back then), so it wasn't about handling it. It has more to do with convincing yourself you aren't impaired much or at all, which is far easier than we think.

so some smash enemy is gonna be the world leader? I can't not wait till then unless that is just a schizopost.

That's not even the worse. It's when you're fucked up, and you know you are, but instead of having the decency of getting a Uber or cab, you drive anyway. That's when you're a literal killing machine. Because at that point you've already decided you don't give a fuck about your life let alone anyone else's. Some people make that choice, then they wake up handcuffed to a hospital bed, with no idea how they got there only for an officer to walk in, "you killed someone last night son, you're in so and so county jail". Reading this thread, some of you will learn the hard way without question.