I need 5 cents, literally 5 cents to buy my medication...

I need 5 cents, literally 5 cents to buy my medication. Through the insurance the price Is the same wether I buy 1 tablet or 90, and I need them ASAP.

How do I make 5 cents? I'm about to go walk the street and pick up pennies

Go into gas stations and liqour stores. By the cash register they will usually have a 'give a penny, take a penny' tray where people dump unwanted change.

Just grab that shit, it's technically not even their money, it's communal.

Recycle bottles

>bottles that I don't have

Alright, any else?

You could just ask for money.

I knew this hippy couple in college, would take their shitty Honda Civic, go to gas stations with their fucking kerchef wearing dog and stop at every gas station along the yuppiest part of the beltway asking people about money to afford the trip to California for a funeral. They would rack in like 150-200 a day and business people using their company cards to fill their gas tank. "It's not begging, I'm just asking people for money and we'll have to go to California for a funeral eventually anyways, bro, haha'

You don't need to do all that. Just go to a bus place downtown or at an off-ramp, fly a sign saying 'Need a nickle for medicine plz halp'

Go to a highly populated area and beg for money, when people ask you what for, tell them you have cancer and you literally don't even have 5 cents to afford your medication

I can send you the 5 cents but i need 2 cents first for transaction fee, so you send me the 2 cents then i send you the 7

>not a 2.50 transaction fee
>not adding 5% interest

>being so poor you need help to get 5 cents.

>wanting to act like a dumbass begged for 5 cents and hav my rep tarnished

Fuck it dude, just gonna rob this gas station for whatever loose change they have, wish me luck

Then start to fucking go fundme campaign for 5 cents then

The fuck?

I can give you 5 cents, just tell me how to send it

what if this guy goes around the internet posting this exact thread, and ppl give him 5 cents cause theyrer like 'well why not? only 5 cents" and he slowly gets RICH

Fair point, although I think that would be tedious and not worth it.

if he were to do it with a dollar he could get rich 20x as fast

Look under your couch cushions

We'll I found 5 cents by going into Taco Bell and taking change out of their cups. Got my meds and feel better.

For shits and gigs and I just checked underneath all my dirty clothes and found a dime. Lol

it's not stealing, it's literally there for anyone but the employees to take

Yes, it's stealing but it's not like they're gonna arrest you.

Btw, I found like 80 cents just walking around the floor of the CVS.

Thief, you should be ashamed


>Veeky Forums today

It is stealing since its for customers, but if it was legitimately for meds and this isnt shitposting (which it probably is), its not morally wrong.

>Got my meds and feel better.
>Different ID

OP's ID responding

Shitposting confirmed. You fucked up


any gas station
most business owners don't even give a shit when kids take pennies without buying anything

OP confesses

Help I accidentally bought 20k shares of ptn and I don't have day trades left