What are some professions that meet the following criteria:

What are some professions that meet the following criteria:
- requires 2 year community college associates degree
- stable supply/demand in Canada
- entry level pay minimum 40k/year(after taxes) plus benefits
- you work with people
- no sitting on your ass all day in a cubicle
- 9 to 5
- home in the evening, Sat and Sun are off
- no night shifts, you sleep at night not work
- opportunities for growth/promotions
- won't be automated/outsourced ever
- is useful worldwide
- results in a fulfilling life

Out of the question: IT(programmer/sysadmin), trades(electrician/plumber/HVAC), registered nurse or dental 'anything', truck driver, military.

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Your only options are IT, trades, registered nurse or dental 'something', truck driver, or military honestly. I think that you think your labor is worth more than it actually is given your serious lack of education and work experience. It's kind of funny honestly.

>truck driver

will be automated very soon

Field insurance adjuster

>I think that you think your labor is worth more than it actually is

You have an associates degree from a community college and expect to earn at least ("entry level pay minimum") $40,000 annually working a 9 to 5 in an international company with no night shifts and opportunities for growth.
You're seriously delusional.

>You have an associates degree
No I don't.
>expect to earn at least ("entry level pay minimum") $40,000 annually
That's actually a generous amount. I make more without any degree right now.
>working a 9 to 5
Pretty standard hours.
>in an international company
Never said that. Read: Canada
>with no night shifts
Sleep is part of a healthy lifestyle. Hence the low entry level salary.
>and opportunities for growth
Jobs that don't offer these aren't worth the effort.

Chill out mate and move on to another thread.

admin assistant for government organization, legal assistant, paramedic, book keeper, police, early childhood education, esthetician, hairstylist, human resources, massage therapy, personal support worker, social service worker, veterinary assistant,

I have a bachelor's degree and 2 semesters in graduate school.

Cannot find a fucking job that pays more than 38k it's great

What kind of bachelors degree?
38k is close to 40k.

Ok without OPs exclusions what are some degrees or courses which will most likely get someone a job. Certifications or training anything goes. Canada only

underrated post


Telecom what

Some guy in IT told me CCNA is 100% job and it's not that hard. What biz think of it

Im in similar position.
I have my Ass degree
used to work in it/sys admins, got fired for a DUI (off work)
honestly I think local truck driver I my dream job, and unless the college program has a license like a RN, then it's a worthless program.

Craigslist is better than college honestly....

Oh and you left out bookkeeper for small company (20 an hour in USA if your young and smart)

early childhood education come on... are you a pedo?
legal assistant = cute girls job,
police officer super difficult to get in most places, pays over 100k a year, social worker needs LCSW and a masters, hairstylist = Vietnamese, massage therapy = hand jobs, paramedic = hard/shit job, esthetician = Vietnamese, hr= women

Then wtf do you suggest

If I was in Canada, I would try to earn my teachers certificate, I heard they made like 100k a year in toronto

between you and me, my dream job is septic tank pumping, and I'm getting ready to immigrate to England for the opportunity to work as sess pool tank labourer

the pay is shit, the job is shit
but you can learn, and earn more money after you get your license, and eventually start your own company

The only job I can think of that meets all of OPs criteria would potentially be bailiff/court officer, or whatever the equivalent position would be where you live (security at a courthouse). Governmet pay and benefits somewhat similar to other types of criminal justice jobs, but unlike a cop or a CO you only work "business hours." I know cops people who've left police jobs for positions with the state trial court solely because of the better hours.

Not an "easy" job to get, though.

Border guard

will a dui prevent me from being a border guard?

Is it considered weird to go back to the same college but for a completely different program if you already finished one there and got a diploma?

Depends if your classmates are still there, what you planning on studying tho

Not sure yet. Going to go to their free career/program advisor+counselling service to see what they say. I got associates in IT program.

That's a fucking lie.

not accordin to glassdoor
a 73k government worker is worth at least 100k in private.

pensions, healthcare, job stability, huge amounts of vacation, and great access to many different retirement programs, and your salary is guaranteed to go up every year


I guess we should all meet up and start becoming teachers!

imagine if Veeky Forums/biz/ became a bunch of teachers in Canada!

Teachers aren't government workers though.


time to teach some wankers!

teachers work for cities/counties, and yes they form the largest government union in usa...
They are the embodiment of government workers.

bump for this