/owg/ - Overwatch General

Best girl thread.

>New Nexus challenge for D.Va and Genji skins (new D.Va skin, same Oni Genji skin)

>Official Uprising event website

>When does the event end?
May 1st.

>Loot item checklist

>Latest Comic

>Event video
>Story video

>Developer update video
>Live Patch Notes

>Overwatch Dev Tracker


>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info

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fug, knew I was forgetting something.

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Does Roadhog have a bad skin? I personally like all of his.

Jamison Fawkes! He's the cutest and best! I love him and I'd do anything for him!


This was an art request from a few threads ago.

>Best girl

You forgot to put DVA in the op, it's alright OP. You can fix it next time


I lost the next 4 games :)

Speaking of best girl
How do I get better at Sombra?
I feel like there's something I'm missing.

solo q?

daily reminder that this game is turning into shit, just like the show it was referenced in


I hate this show and am not watching it, how badly/erronously do they represent/reference the game? Wrong sound effects, impossible things mentioned, not using proper controls?

>implying BBT ever had any potential or quality in the first place

What's the trick to keeping the payload above 80% on uprising?


best boy

Find fault in this argument.
You can't

...bad humor?

Pick Reinhardt.
Don't let the slicers slice the payload.
Charge Detonators right before they blow up.

Not hard.

Keep it shielded and kill everything as fast as humanly possible.

Is there anybody who thinks that Sym's the best girl?

He really is a blessing! What do you like about him, user?

>I feel like there's something I'm missing
Your opponents?

Any time I do that I have to watch mouth breathing Torbs continually hammer their shielded turret and Tracer fucks off and try fight eliminators solo instead of cleaning up trash from behind shield.

>jump Soldier and take away at least 60 HP
Ok that's ok, I'll just set a healing field down and kill you with my higher damage
>Genji and D.Va jump Soldier who's at like half health
Ok, as the only character who can sprint, I'll just run away from you
>try hiding around corners from Tac Visor
Ok, I'll just run towards you

I fucking hate this bullshit character


Someone help me decide my new name, tired of my old one and want a change.

I main d.va

No, I'm actually getting gold fairly often in kills.

I just feel like I could be doing better.
While invisible, should I fear enemies or just weave through them?
She's up there. Delicious brown, dominant, and amazing, lickable legs.


What if they're actually half-brothers?


>Charge Detonators right before they blow up
>either kills himself or allows the bastions and eradicators to shred the team because lmao

The alternative is expecting a pub Reinhardt to do the same for you.

Just drop the shield and go full hammer man the moment the payload goes under 80%.

But to be honest, short of a Bastion solo'ing your team, an afk shielded turret is enough.

post em

the guys were playing overwatch on their laptops

sheldon, who was playing winston, kept asking "how do I shoot"

yea don't bother

We're talking Hard difficulty, faggot.

And there is no Detonator that shows up in sync with a Bastion except at the end and the Bastion spawns first so you're focusing it first anyway.

Well, I have to admit if that did happen it would be kinda neat.

why the fuck is biotic grenade allowed

jesus christ it's better than half of the ults



Instead of completely negating healing it should just reduce healing. Then it would be fine.

You do the best damage obviously with headshots. Go into training, custom game, or whatever and set it for headshots only. Additionally, think of her as a flanking character imo: hack a health pack, throw your beacon, go invisible then dash past the front line behind the enemy, wail on them w/ guns blazing, hacks, and taking down their most injured, then if your teleporter is about to run out or if you are about to die, teleporter back; rinse, repeat

What's wrong with it?

You didn't think your team ACTUALLY would be able to heal, did you?

Can't let those Mercy players play their Hero, after all.

they already nerfed the damaged, fuccboi

Your brain is damaged.

that change didn't go though. only rifle did.
Don't call people fuccbois if you have no clue what you're talking about.

her spread is so garbage going for headshots is stupid.

That's about as much of a nerf as lowering the damage on Zarya's ult, if that ability would be considered problematic.

No, they really did go through with the damage nerf on the grenade.

They only reverted the self-heal nerf.


Kiss their heads with the smg before firing and you're set. You're invisible after all

>Playing comp
>Like two games away from diamond
>Guy on our team goes symmetra, widowmaker, mei, and torb
>Refuses to switch or communicate while I'm solo healing
>We somehow drag ourselves to 2/2
>DPS refuse to go healer
What a fucking waste of time. I got four gold as Lucio.
Reporting does fucking nothing which is icing on the shit cake

why do people make such a huge deal when I don't join voice?
groups are all toxic as fuck
most players won't discuss any game shit and just throw blame around all game
why do I need to sit there and get blamed and bullied when I can go enjoy music instead of a toxic atmosphere?




because communication is one of the most instrumental things in competitive, this isn't quick play
you don't even have to use your mic, just listen to callouts and advice and don't be a fucking idiot
tell me how bronze goes for you when you inevitably drop there

his laugh makes me feel giddy

he is my husbando

>laugh tracks
This is why I stopped watching sitcoms years ago

except The IT Crowd

Is the MEKA program still going in-universe or is D.Va the only one, period?

Would be cool to have a second MEKA pilot in the game with a different kind of suit, maybe as a healing tank.

Symm, Mei and Torb aren't necessarily bad picks, especially on a heavy choke map like Hanamura, Anubis, Kings Row, or Eichenwalde.

Although if you have a Symm on your team, you pretty much need to pick Mercy if you are solo healing

You must be really old. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laugh_track

Oh, yeah, his laugh is amazing! Personally it's hard for me to pick a favorite thing about him, but I think his personality is the best, since he inspired me so much. You have great taste - in my opinion, there's no better husbando to have!

>our zen is complaining he has gold dmg and elims
>asks us why
>tell him because he refuses to orb both me and phara
>after pointing this out he left voice chat, picked torb and started building a turret
Glad these fucking babies are still here in mid diamond

>playing 3v3
>end up 1v3 and only kill one of them
>next round teammate instantly locks hero I was playing
>pick some other hero
>end up 1v3, only kill 2 of them
>next round teammate instantly locks hero I was playing
>pick someone else
>next round it's 1v3 again, this time actually kill them all
>next round teammate instantly locks hero I was playing
>he never, ever kills anything

>Chu writes on his twitter he had to run after the tribeca talk
>couldn't even stop to chat with a fan
>chuckle to myself that he probably left because he had to go eat his daily supply of ramen

>the mother fucker posts a ramen picture moments later



Aim your gun at people throats. Get good at tracking. Abuse your mobility to jump on weak targets behind and above. Hack all tanks, Genji, Tracer, Mei, Mercy and Ana. Never fight fair 1v1s against McCree or S76. EMP makes Symmetra, Zen and Zarya easy prey.

Surely she's part of a group. I image there being hundreds, or at least dozens of MEKA pilots like her.

Who's more pathetic, someone having fun or someone raging about the someone having fun.

The complete heal negate + heal boost + heal + damage is like "hey lets make an ability that has literally no downsides and is super good at everything"

At the very least should either be heal/damage or heal boost/block not fucking both

It was Ilios and I should have stressed that they seemed to make a point out of doing nothing and not communicating
And they were only sym for like 25% of the time, the last round they were Mei and literally any of the two other DPS could have gone healer and we would have won
Also in that same game our Pharah booped an ulting reaper into like three people and the other team got a team wipe

>still can't mix skins and weapons

It actually made me laugh.

That's the PTR patch notes
i.e. not live version

no one uses callouts in my bracket, so why should I join? literally no one says anything until they have something to bitch about

>Route 66
>as Mercy on Defense
>lose game
>Gold Objective Time with 00:01 seconds, Objective Kills with 1 and Healing with 12k

This should not be possible.

who the fuck cares?

>doing placements at around 3600
>literally every game has someone on one team trying to throw on purpose

Did the playerbase somehow get worse?

>gain 500 SR in two weeks
>lose 500 SR in two days

this desu. Young Ana with her Shrike rifle would be the absolute best combo

What? I mean prerecorded ones.

then actually be the one to do callouts and maybe nobody will start raging
also hmm i wonder why you're in a bracket in which everyone is shit, just unfair placement matches I'm sure? or maybe your lack of communication amounts to your pseudo-throwing
i'm really really glad you're likely multiple ranks below me because I absolutely despise people who don't even join voice channel

>"it's just quickplay lmao xD"

literally kys

My team had a pair of level 600+ players in Plat and everyone else at 200-400 in Gold and Plat.

This is just fucking sad because they were actually trying, too.

the good players are leaving because blizzard wont do anything about the shitters

it's just quickplay, the casual format where there is a high variance of skill and players are not expected to try as hard as possible to win
this is the game mode you are complaining about

There's a reason why there's an arcade mode.

Just set your voice chat volume to 0 and join, you won't hear anything.

That's what I do. I don't care what they're saying. So it works. I'll call out flankers and stuff using it so they benefit without me having to suffer.

Plus it's funny when they're pissed at me and I'm oblivious.

arcade is not guaranteed to be the vanilla game

>hundreds of hours clocked in the game
>majority of team in plat
>the Mercy has Gold Objective Time because she contested for 1 second

QP or not, that should not happen if the team is actually playing and not sitting around in spawn doing nothing.

Had you considered that the enemy team was just that much better and outplayed you?

you sure did a lot of projection there mate
not a single thing in my post was about "elo hell" yet you seemed to go to that pretty fucking hard

I just don't see the use of voice chat in gold when no one talks except to be a dick
I don't give a fuck about my rank, I have a day job and play like once a week

Which is exactly why you do all your tomfoolery bullshit over there.

How about you go to comp if you want everyone to play as serious as possible

>tfw I'm probably gonna have to buy Blackwatch McCree and Null Sector Orisa tomorrow

Goodbye, 6000 shekels.

The enemy has a teleporteur.

seriously dude go do comp, dont bitch about qp because nobody is even 0.01% interested

especially if youre yelling at your teammates ingame

because comp is fucking awful and full of whiny people crying about their rank

Guys how do you go on knowing you'll never cum in Dva?