League of Legends General - /lolg/






I want Fiora apologists to leave

No one here's defending Fiora.

We're talking about how and why the Fizz vs. Fiora match up went the way it did and how Fiora functions as a champion around that.

Xth for Rakan is shit, deal with it nerds

what rank am I?

That squirrel looks familiar.


I request more of these comics
Theyre always so fun to read

Am I alone in thinking the Darius rework was a colossal failure?

He went from "wow I need to respect his early game because of the damage" to "wow I need to respect his early game because of his healing".


>be ribbon
>against darius
>slap his shit in lane
>the one skarner player left on earth is their jglr
>can't stop me from taking t1 and t2 top turrets
>our jglr is a trisomy monogoloid Sejuani
>constantly dies to raptors
>our bot lane is a bf/gf rakan/xayah
>curing world hunger in bot lane
>win the first couple of teamfights
>eventually I just get cc'd to death
>can only qss so many times
>gg report riven

im so tired of fizz lads

you literally cant kill him. he has no counters. he has no weaknesses.

it's over.

Hell no. If anything his rework was the most successful of the Juggernauts.

The healing stuff is pretty strange for his thematic but in gameplay it works. He also doesn't have to build 3 fucking damage items to remain relevant

>Fiora's W doesn't remove the target's attack speed and doesn't block damage, only CC
>vital procs do physical damage
Fixed her
1 for a tank killer 2 for a dueling splitpusher

Its infinitely better since now he doesn't become useless at late-game.

Also you can mitigate his healing by...you know...going into his Q and avoid the blade.

>Better to the wolves than to the dogs

Daxter and Leaper Lizard inspired Kled skin when?

i thought people posting here but not actually playing league was a meme, but every argument on aspects of the game i have with people seems like the only information they have of this game is from watching streams.

do you guys actually play the game?

First time I laned against W-max Fizz I wanted to hang myself.

alright then

>5 Hemm stacks gives big AD steroid and lets him 5 stack others instantly
>only concerned about the healing

what are you referring to

im bronze 4 and I spout all of my uninformed opinions

wew lad
had a top lane fizz afk for 10 minutes on my team
came back
was 5/0 in 2 minutes
He built tank for the rest of the game and no one could kill him.
That shit tilted me even tho I was getting carried

>he has no counters.

I'm dead serious it works.

I've been busy with P5 desu, I just come here to do my MATING PRESS shitpost.

did you not read the post? or do you think im referring to you specifically somehow

Tanks are meant to be weak to DPS
Can't DPS someone with an invulnerability on a short CD and retarded damage with a point and click gap closer

>people use information from highest level players to support their argument
Whoa dude.

Diana has historically been my comfort pick into Fizz but she is so goddamn cucked by the item system right now it's not even worth trying to play her

who here /bronze2smuglyridiculingadviceofplatsanddiamonds/?

im just asking you to cite the specific posts ur talking about so i can read them

Is Sona thicc or just stacked?

Shouldn't Jax or Aatarox theoretically shit on Fizz?

made it id like to thank morde for being the otp for me this season

for fucks sake people, respond you fucking faggots
>what does Veeky Forums think about trinity? underpowered, its fine or overpowered?

I agree, Fizz is fucking cancer
How the fuck do we fix the fish, /lolg/?
>pre-pre rework Fizz: Insanely good burst in all strages of the game, E is ultra cancer
>pre-rework Fizz: Can build tanky as shit and still deal buttloads of damage because of his high base damage on W and Q
>reworked/current Fizz: Can build tanky as shit and still buttloads of damage because of his insane burst on W and general high base damages

Kawakami is S H I T.

Congrats m8

>Illaoi release 2 years ago
>No skins
>Kled will follow the same fate
fun top laners get no skins


In theory but Jax doesn't have an early-game to work with while Fizz does.

go into the last thread and read the fiora discussion


It's fine, now fuck off

>He went from "wow I need to respect his early game because of the damage"

so like now? because old darius was hilariously bad

like, at all points of the game. new darius is strong and with the nice package of counterplay

remove his free zhonyas

remove his free mobility or limit him to only one flip every 20 seconds

>cooldown changed to 25 seconds at all ranks

>people who don't even play the game having any valid opinion whatsoever
really makes you think

no, its not, it needs to be cheaper or stronger



Kled has no particles. He'll probably get a skin before Illaoi

what's your point lad?
fiora discussion last threat was fine
you're probably just a butthurt fiora main who can't get over he fact that ur champ is cancer and should have never been made

>Veeky Forums keeps talking about OP "tank" fizz
what items are we talking about here

It has easily the best buildpath of any big ticket item in the game with each component essentially being it's own little powerspike. The absolute only issue with it is that it could give a tiny bit more AD, but even then that's pushing it

>patch day is in a couple days and still no balance tuning for either of the new champions
whoa what? when's the last time this happened? where riot actually put out a champion that was balanced on release day?


It's really bruiser Fizz. Triforce, then if you're ahead you get some sort of offensive sustain like gunblade/bork, and then you go tanky otherwise TF full tank.

TF/BotRK iinto full tank

Have you ever seen hashinshin beat a fizz without help?

Oh fuck now I miss the old Sion ;_;
but keep going

Post the edit
its the best version

i have a feeling these are actually your extremely uneducated posts, considering how you replied

Unless they're crazy over/undertuned you usually won't see balanced changes for at least two patches after a champ releases.

old sion was only fun in URF tbqh that's why I even bought him in the first place

Different user who frequently watches hash, I've never seen him lose that matchup (until the Jungler comes I mean).

This one?

these post timers are fucking garbage

No he was not.
He was so special and unique. I had so much fun with him at midlane.
>tfw cheesy gank bot lvl 2
Triple Doran, mobis and Deathfire Grasp
Rest in peace Sionbro, we had a lot of fun together ;_;

I played a fizz main as Ahri. This shit is so obnoxious pre 6 i charmed his overconfident ass into tanking eating tower shots on two occasions. Nope let me go invunrable and hop away without punishment.
At 6 I have to burn my ult because his shit is still too easy to land and his follow up damage is what fucks you.
He says fuck mid roams and ends up with 13 kills with his 1 min cooldown ult.

I may have to stop banning Yasuo and perma ban Fizz.

Yes, that one
Thanks user, keep on dumping if you dont mind, I appreciate it

Also this one has urgot

I cannot fucking wait for 10 bans so I will never have to deal with Fiora Fizz or Lee Sin again

>make thread about fizz being OP on reddit
>downvoted instantly

what went wrong

how is 10 bans gonna work? is everyone gonna get one ban at the start of the lobby?

I'll go until I'm done eating a snack and get bored

Didn't make it inflammatory enough.

Probably, no need to go through the complicated ass ban system that LCS uses.

Fizz "mains" and retarded redditors who downvote balance posta blindly but keep upvoting "le my girlfriend made a Xayah cake xDDDD" to the first page

>about to have the freeing game ever
>someone on the enemy team gets a quadra kill
>into baron then

really gets the neurons firing

Sion has no business having one of the lowest starting health/health growth

is champion.gg really reliable


>give him hp stack passive
>make his growth so shit that is basically just balances itself out until late game

Your main

Your rank

Your job

Your hobby

Your favorite beverage

Your favorite snack

Your worst champ (anti main)

Your dream

His health goes up every time he kills something so low base health is meant to offset it. In other words last hit the fucking creeps.

>nerf AD tank fizz
>he just goes back to mid
>nerf AP fizz
>he just goes to jungle

theres no way we can stop him unless we give his W a cooldown like ekko

>lose a bunch of games in a row most of which have nothing to do with me
>finally win 2 games in a row where i just got carried by a raidboss even though i did nothing
i guess force 50 kicked in xd

I miss dominion lads

I've seen a lot more people playing Fiddlesticks support, is it becoming meta again?
When looking at probuild, all the games with Fiddles are him being played support.

>give him more hp every time he kills something
>offset it with low base stats
>Sion ends up with the same amount of health everyone else has despite his W passive

Kill yourself
and everyone who responds to this as well. excluding me hehe xd

if 5 you die
if 0 you live
if anything else you are hurt beyond healing

Is forced 50 real or is it just a shitty excuse made up by bronzelets

I see the forced 50 in every single competitive game, OW and even world of tanks players complain about the forced 50 boogeyman so I'm not sure it exists


high school teacher
League of Legends and Paradox games
Build up family

Plat III
Masturbating to (male) yordle porn
Ekko tilts me
Having a harem of yordle boyfriends

>Your main
>Your rank
Unranked right now, really lazy to do placements
>Your job
>Your hobby
Animation, Drawing
>Your favorite beverage
Coca Cola
>Your favorite snack
Any form of Rice
>Your worst champ (anti main)
Champ I'm bad at? Elise
Champ I literally fucking hate? Fizz, Leblanc and Yasuo
>Your dream
That something I work on is recognizable as a cultural icon like a Xenomorph or Mario. Just something instantly recognizable to people outside my medium.

I miss old Fiora's design...can we have "Traditional Fiora" as a skin option?

Damn son

>Your main
Dr. Mundo.

>Your rank
Silver 2, I'm working on it.

>Your job
Shift Lead.

>Your hobby
Anything horror related. I kinda wanna get into camping too but I don't know anyone else who's into it so it's hard.

>Your favorite beverage
Vanilla coke, drinking one right now.

>Your favorite snack
JIF Peanut butter creamy. For some reason I refuse to eat any other brand of peanut butter.

>Your worst champ (anti main)
Riven. Every time I've tried it's been a disaster of hilarious proportions.

>Your dream
Always wanted to write a book, never had the time.

y- you too


You fucked up.

the one time i try to get and it fucks me