/fhg/ - For Honor General

The Man you wish you could Be Edition

Previous: >Season 2 info: New maps, New gear, New heroes

>New V1.06 patch is here, Warden/PK/Shugoki nerfs, Orochi buff


>New players:

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character damage values

>Gear modifier values

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

There is now an official PS4 and XB1 Community!

If you would like to join, search For Honor General (PS4)
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Alrighty boyos,

I finished my Warden A E S T H I C and got him all kitted out and the like, so now its time to pick up a new character!

Should I choose Kensei, Nobushi, or PK? Post ending in 3 decides

Dubs of any number get to choose my very first viking! oh god what have i done

are games against ai fixed to give rewards yet?


play valkyrie because fuck berserker and fuck warlord

Conq a Donk



go for gold you mentalist

gold knights give no shites

gold warden gets head every mornin

gold law makes em cry out for more

fuck off
weebs need to be removed at all cost

i'm too afraid ill get scammed

well if you help us i'll let you have 1 nobushi
you can marry her and hold hands

I think I could have clutched it with better gear and a little better play

I already married my Nobushi, once she left the weeb ways and converted to christianity

literally what did we do
knights are XDeus :Vult fags and kangz were hardly gracious on their win
sure shug's OP but hes the least weeby character

I bought this game for $54 at launch, and i'll buy the season pass for $20 when dlc drops. I've never been scammed by a key site but everyones experinces differ i guess.

you only fucked up when you knocked all of them down and used zone instead of light,but good job user

>Flickering greatly benefits Roach, PK, Warden, and Warlord
>It's been a known issue for fucking ever now
>Still no fix
I'm fucking sick of this shit

Is there a site you're planning on using?

fuck off weeb
once we invent the nukes we won't stop at 2 this time

how so? I suppose it would have taken me further away from them so I could have positioned better?

warlords is the slowest of these all tho, like 600ms
not that hard to block or even parry

it might not be ever possible to fix, even bots flicker sometimes, that way you know shits fucked


nukes are nothing to gundams, gaijin

we're going to take your women and pixelate all their vaginas

What's not possible about it? Just make zone only possible when you're aiming in the proper direction

Raider specific counter to LB shove!

trips confirm that even 3 nukes will not be enough

>thinking of buying the season pass even though i play enough to afford both characters

>just destroy Raider
I mean I guess there isn't much there to begin with...

how did you tech out of that grab?

The Knights are afraid of the Vikings.

That's why they're so proud to be the beta bitches they are.

nuke us all you want
we have a more potent weapon:
weaponised autism in the form of anime
by spreading waifu culture throughout your youth all your new knights will have no 3D women to fight for and will lose morale to the point of total military collapse
youll be so desperate you'll bring in viking forces to flesh out your ranks, but the super-high test nords will take advantage of your lack of functioning males and spread like rats through your lands, until all you have left is empty food barrels and viking rape babies


G2A. They have a warrent system for where they refund you if you get scammed. I think it's a dollar a month or one time payment of like 5 or 10 dollars.

raider can cgb while dodging. Works like 70% of the time

It's a small price to pay to prevent Roach and PK from having a free hit whenever they want

>implying anyone gives a shit about anything in the faction war

suggesting I have the care to be afraid of something so insignificant is retarded. i have never once thought 'oh no, is that a viking on the enemy team? have mercy lord"

>When you play so much that you start using the screaming falling archer on citadel gate as a way to tell if someone is backdooring you.

do you have to do anything besides hitting cgb?

same, im just too much of a nigger to wait a week

>dude stop spam light parries
>you are so bad

fucking kek

>this is what weebs think
>capable of weaponizing autism
don't make me kek, you will perish in the name of God
>they a desperatly trying to create anime, but savages can't understand you
they will slaughter you all while we the Gods chosen people will laugh and thank the God for this entertainment
after the weebs have been eliminated we will convert savages by force and by making fun of weebs together, after all savages are not as pathetic as you and they will accept the will of the God as it is the only truth in this world, we will let them keep their festivals, but make them our own
after all, bros before pathetic weebs

Full weeb Orochi

>Beat someone in a brawl
>The only kills both opponents got on me was from ledging me
>They ask me to 1v1 them
>Tell them no because I'm grouping up with people now
>"Just so you know you're awful as that character"
>They proceed to message me for 10 straight minutes demanding a rematch and calling me bad even though they just lost
And here I thought video games were for fun

>Try to have fun playing games
>Only fight Valks

inb4 I'm just bad. Valk is fucking busted on consoles and no amount of shitposting is going to make that not so.

fighting games bring out the worst in people's character.

t. someone who has let them get the better of himself a few times

All this autism vs cringe is giving me flashbacks to HS...

Anybody seen my Daubeny
Anybody seen him around

>the will of God as the only truth in this world

I guarantee you will not invent a nuke. I'm also starting to think we don't need to introduce autism, looks like thats pretty much covered.

I broke my hand once over a fighting game.

what the fuck

>calling others weebs on an anime image board

>tfw dont know if bad or outgeared

should I really be winning 2v1s vs 2 108s with 40 gear score?

Anyone stop playing recently?

I just can't get the urge to get on and do the same shit over and over again (and DC over and over again). I'm very goal oriented.

he said something about not wanting to be executed(?) and hid in a barrel
i really need to find a new warlord

I just want cool clothes. That's my drive

I know she is. I'm so fucking sick of her sweep being undodegable because of hit stun. I know I'm dodging at the right time, but it won't let me

>all lights are 500ms or 600ms
>but some 500ms lights are faster than other 500ms lights

Check reddit


put your main on the backburner for a bit and try someone else

t. mained LB until rep 12, got burned out.

the other day I tried raider and I'm having a blast, its like a whole new game.

don't shiver weeb, stand straight in the face of you elimination, the God is watching and judging you

I like winning, but I can't play team based modes solo without getting paired with absolute retards 50% of the time and it just kills my fun

Usually when someone says something like that, they're talking about the parry window. Orochi's top light parry window is fucked compared to something like Nobushi's side lights. The attacks are the same speed, but one is so much harder to parry.

but i'm a knight


It really makes the game actually fun again, somewhat

new modes when?

you like a weeb sir knight, i recon you should ask forgiveness from his holy majesty

>bajillion start up frames
>next to no parry frames
Why do they do this?
I hate lawbringer so fucking much.

not true, all parries have 5frame window
except it's actually 4 becarse the game does not register the last frame for soe reason

>all parries have 5frame window
Source that shit, nigga.

don't have one, but you might find it on reddit some videos were posted there and shit

Did even petemoo drop the game?

The Knights of For Honor are pagans.

Fuck Valkyrie

yes, but we accepted god as our savior while keeping our traditions

Can Orders and stuff be done with matchmaking off yet?

Yes on PS4

jesus you console shitters need to fuck off

>crusader pre-order bonus

Do Kenseis count as honorary knights?
t. knight kensei main

Alright, we'll fuck off back to our actually populated platform

Yes. Ken is a knight, PK is a weeb. This is official lore.

it's just people being bad and using the platform as an excuse, like how pre-patch law mains would blame the character not them selfs

christianity has no race or region, brother
welcome aboard, and may the God watch over you

They crusade for their gods (of fire, steel, and gold).

If you can find it discounted in Brazilian Reais you let me know senpai

it's "the God of fire, steel and gold"

Literally not confirmed. Stops spreading lies.


Centurion confirmed for champion of Pluto?

> Pluto
> Not Mars

>Destroy an Orochi as Raider
>Figure it's just a friendly match and accept the rematch
>Guy whips out his high Rep Nobushi
>Who gives a shit, that bitch is even easier to parry
>Rematch again
>Guy pulls out PK
>Lose round 1 to light spam because I'm too chill from the past easy wins
>'Wow!' spam
>kill him with the 90 damage exhaust punish
>kill him with a parry into carry off a cliff
>kill him with a light parry side heavy
>Spamming the tried and true airhump after each kill
>Guy leaves before the last execution is finished

Dude experienced every tick in the Raider handbook and took it all on the chin. Never before has a knight slut been so thoroughly WORKED.

that nobushi was bad

>the width on conq bash
Fuck this knigger
Deserved every nerf.

>pre-ordering For Honour grants you the Legacy Battle Pack which includes three exclusive armour designs "inspired by the ancient tales that embody the legendary warrior spirit of the factions"
Knights aren't exactly known for pagan crusades are they?

right on raider brother

> Join a duel
> It's a "defensive" character
> Leave
Who else?

After 2 Reps worth of duels, things have started clicking and i'm starting to fall in love with this big oaf.

If I were to draw another Fuck Bitches picture for Raider, what would the second line even be? "Stunning Tap Again?"

fuck you