Fighting Games General /fgg/

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play blazblue



Play blonde.

>beat known player 2-0
>check his stream archive
>he's complaining like a lil bitch
get bodied nigga

Dear newfriends, you're going to notice a lot of people shitting on SFV. None of these people play fighting games. If you doubt me head into the archives and see how often people ask for games for anything other than SFV. Almost never.

>top row: playing honest rashid's wife, having fun while being comfy
>bottom row: playing braindead derp c*mmy in sleep fighter 4, very angry
choose sfv for low blood pressure and good fun


Play their game

fighting game when??

Lobby still open



I want to eat Jam's cooking.

Let these two in

toppest fighting dykes

Why did she spill yogurt on her ass?

who was it?

>girl team got bodied
tfw can't give them private lessons

dyke fighting when??

The best

Any squigly players here? If so, advice for assist/matchups?



wud play!!



holy shit skullgirls looks bad

You make it sound like it's a bad thing.

Buff Ken. Give him back his 4frame bmp and make his step kick great again. Thanks that is all.

While the redesigns in Xrd have been pretty good I hope they keep ABA the same whenever she comes back.

I wish Jam was my mom/wife/chef...

Really started lagging there, doug. Dunno if it was me or you.

good sniff desu


Buy his game or Robert Enguland will haunt your dreams.

It was lagging for me too in the beginning but was by the end.

GGs to the room I'm done for today.

the connection was ass the entire time, had to predict shit ahead of time. ggs, stop confusing me with that neogaffer


No wonder people hate ken mains.

Delete this. Jam is pure.

I'm not doug

If you're a NEET, why aren't you good at fighting games yet?

play pokken

Thanks for the games guys I'm done for the day.


hey doug how is it going man? loved you in dump on polturds, i'm a big fan

because i play all kinds of games

Meждyнapoдный Бoг pэпa
O, Гocпoди, хoлoдныe yлицы
Бoльшoй Pyccкий Бocc нa тpoнe кaк Кoби, мы Бoги
Hustle Hard Flava, хeйтepы cмoгyт лишь пoмaхaть вcлeд вoлocaтoй лaдoнью
Я в этoй игpe, кaк зoлoтoй Vertu - oбpaзeц cтиля
Bepхoвный пpaвитeль Бocc, Фapaoн - ты пpocтoй чёpный Cимeнc
Mы пoзнaкoмилиcь c Пимпoм нa cтpeлкe и этo нe шyткa
Знaeшь AК-47, o дa, oни вcтpeтилиcь в мapшpyткe
B кoнкypce "Eбyчиe pифмы" ST нaбpaл Cтo из Cтa
Глaвным пpизoм был кoпиpoвaльный aппapaт oт фиpмы Black Star
Ктo твoй идoл, пидop?
Я видeл этих MC, oни вce игpoки
Чтo-тo o блoкaх читaют, нo пoтoм выcтyпaют зa двa блoкa Явы
Tвoя бaбa co мнoй, вeдь oнa нaшлa твoй хyй бeздыхaнным
Mнe нe cдeлaть feat c Oкcи, вeдь глaвнoe ycлoвиe тaм - oбpeзaниe
Taтyиpoвки нa тeлe, я вoopyжён и oпaceн
У тeбя нeтy тaтy, вeдь ты пpoeбaл кyдa-тo флoмacтep
Ocязaeшь Maйaми, дa мы cияeм в пoлнoм cocтaвe
Я нe aгeнт ФБP, нo ктo нe c нaми, тoт пoд нaми

post a little bit more of that

Damn didn't know it was that bad, my b. It was probably me.

translation: MUSCLE POWER FOR YOU!

y-yeah it was that bad when I fought you too that's why I lost haha..

wud footsies

>I hope they keep ABA the same whenever she comes back.
HAHAHAHA lol no they gonna butcher her like baiken and you gonna like it

i wanna so bad

I've played arena shooters all my life and competed in a lot of tournaments before the genre died out. But i'd like to give fighting games a go. Is Tekken 7 a good place for beginners to start?

she has this distinctly anime look then get down to her feet and they look like they were traced off of a middle aged white woman


No need to be a bitch about it like ST right? Well you were such shit at SFV I bet I could destroy you in your shitty dead game too. What is your fightcade you shitter

yeah 16er butcher her, they deleted almost all her unique moves the more you know now kys yourself back to kappa

Tekken is difficult and you will get demolished. You can start with that game if you'd like though. Every fighting game is good for beginners if you wanna learn.

Tekken 7 would be a terrible starting point, go with SFV.

Probably not. Tekken 7 would be good if you already knew the fundamentals of fighting games as a whole because it's supposed to be a good starting point for people wanting to get into Tekken.
But if you know literally nothing, then some of it might be a little overwhelming. As much as people like to shitpost about it, SFV would probably be your best bet.


u fukt up fightcade is DougFunnie

anyone on murica wanna play some skullgirls

>fraud """"pro""""" player team with inoue and reiketsu got btfo by a literal who karin
just lmao


Play me and find out how you do against an unga Filia

what the literal fuck are you talking about lmao she has more moves than AC

Tekken 7 will have a lot of beginners to play against so sure.

reiketsu is one of the biggest fraud ever he should've retired before sfv

I'm a complete beginner though. Grand total of 20 hours in SG.

Post military-grade fightan waifus

Pls do not use my good name for bullying thx

It's alright, I'm bad and I won't bully
Pinky promise

there hasn't been a single player in these interviews that hasn't trashed SFV

not a single one.

t. SFV player

im not sure

i try my best tho

Trusting you then. Region?

Show me a popular game that doesn't get trashed during its run. I can still remember all the shit SF4 got back in 2009.

Murica South

they also said a lot of good things about the game but you disregarded that so just say t. reddit kappa

Calm down Rashid.

What's an arena shooter? Is that like Overwatch? It's too late for you. You'll probably make the same amout of $$ playing Overwatch as you will playing FGs.

Can someone give me Guilty Gear? I really want to play it. steam:hukii72

not watching cos idgaf about fchamp
he's a lil bitch

pikachu i choose u!!

US West here. Dunno how much of an issue that'll be. Make a lobby.

It's not that fun, desu. Game's very outdated by now.

lobby made
squigly shiz

Sorry, i am talking about xrd revelator.

It's not that fun, desu. Game's very outdated by now.

Wait, forgot the important question: PC?

Arena shooters are games like Quake and Unreal Tournament. They had huge competitive scenes 15 years ago.

>SFV is like marvel with input lag and no super jump

was fgg right? is jive slow anime?

Nah I've been out of the loop for awhile. I'm talking Quake and Halo 2 mostly. My bad if it seemed I was in it for the money, it was more to say that i'm looking for a game to compete in since I find it fun.

He's pulling your leg m8

*pukes cum*

>Ryan Harvey
>Ryan Harvey Retweeted Mike Schiller
There's a lot of extremely selective memory about what previous gens of FGs were like - SFV really got several things right.
Don't @ me, etc

what did he mean by this?

Only finding Wulf Den and some Asia Parasoul lobby.

No, watch real players like Fuudo, Punk or Nuckledu play and you'll see the footsies, zoning and spacing that you typically find in street fighter.