/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1536

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for May:
4/30 - 5/9 - Alchemist Astray
5/10 - 5/15 - All Four Celestials
5/17 - 5/24 - Guild War (Light)
5/25 - 5/30 - Xeno Ifrit Showdown
5/25 - 5/30 - Hero's Return (Naoise event rerun)
5/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

5/6 - 5/15 - Free Memerolls
5/1 - 5/15 - Golden Week Special (Free Rolls, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:



I should have just ticketed Percival.

ticket cog
either cog


what does he meant by this?

I'm just missing Halloween Cag. How am I going to get it?

Cog's feet

Dumb Fire Knight.


i'm more interessed in those giant thights desu

>tfw 4 cog

no thanks

FUCK I dont have Petra or yuisis

Does anyone know what the source is for that one image of Vyrn getting strangled in what I presume is a doujinshi?

I'm running out of shit to dump my summon fodders in. Is Sagi's call worth anything?

Do you use BOTH Ayer and Sarasa in a Titan grid?

Its the 4koma. He's getting strangled by the ugly potato.

Please tell me more about Eustace. I have him, Melleau, Cog, Razia and Halle. No idea what should be my team composition, i haven't used dirt yet. Or should I simply ticket Korwa for those two cows?

no, especially when you can just casino the wind summon

just use gawain instead

Nemone is another character who's not good because she takes too long. I mean H eustace has issues but at least he's good damage. The current team I'm using has him because I donlt have cock. But cock/salsa/ayers/okto/eugen/halle are just way better characters than those two. I mean they aren't unusable but good characters and great characters are two different things..

>does he meant
What did he mean by this?

>Cog now has the most versions of herself in this game, even more than Vira

It's Post legfest time.
You have to start... again.


You'll want to run adhd cat, cog and razia/halle if you want to use texcat as he's most common or try refershing for earth shiva. Eustace is really shit and he's only good for his short clutch para and his entire gimmick needs 2 other characters to work properly

Obviously I have Anat, as well as metric fuckton of other summons that give med/large att up. I was looking for something protective. If Sagi's def up would help mitigate even 20 % of damage, it would have a place in my support summons.

But I assume it's something shit like 5% because it's old and def up is shit.

Six bronze moons

I want to ____ vampy!

Why would I start again

I'm only 25k off my sparx

More Blue Crystals!

100 cerulean stones

20 wind quartz

Who did you ticket

6 Soul Berries

So opinion of the new thread, Dark Cog or Earth De la Fille

Damascus crystal.


I hope its 600 soul berries.


I have this plus a 10-roll.

Less than 100 rolls from gooru, my sparksavingbrothers.

I need pots and Berries

B5FFF9F0 colo omega

Is this a good earth team


Anally penetrate

we already told you to ticket cog, what does earth dlf accomplish in your current situation apart from giving you a few chips here and then?

You're the guy who got a summon before actual units?

needs cock

>triggered his shield
Imma sit right there til shit is down

>no Eugen or cock

Siegman has enough cock for everyone.

>no /gbfg/ discord where all the crews can hang out

we did this before and it went very badly

>Zalhalemina, also known as hot potato

>actively encouraging circlejerk

No. I'm the guy who ticketed the characters I wanted before I decide to ticket the characters I need, because when it comes to rolling anything for my favorite element, I'm out of luck.

So what's Dark's HL core? Vira, Six, and then?

someone link me the seanigger suptix guide la

is there a guide to buying mobacoins?
I'm having problems. :(

What should I replace for a fully-upgraded Fimbul?

>Fire Knight



Why can't they just make it so you can ticket agni?

is 80% agni pool better than magna?

Mainhand the sword and get rid of the axe

So for Gunslinger, it seems like putting your first three masteries in bullet crafting so you can get the best bullets right away, yes? No sense wasting materials on shitty bullets you're just going to replace anyway?

nothing. fimbul is varuna only.

how the fuck do I get my rare weapons I need mushroom girl correct?

That's what the IRC is for.

superior guide here la

Because it's a whale summon so they want you to whale for it or get lucky and currently one of the top most sought after.

Because the best pool in the game is garbage without a good summon to amplify it.

But by the time you have ground out that magna pool and realize that yes, even an 80% bonus is better than the magna summon, it's too late. All you can do is open up your wallet and blow wads of cash trying to get Shiva, because without Shiva you might as well just quit.

Power creeped limited characters and draw only gacha summons are the REAL barrier of entry to endgame content.

my condolences
didnt ticket anyone

I came across this in a google search and almost died trying to read it.

a stick

What the fuck

Is there something better than Korwa I could ticket?

Now that I think about it, wind pools have been stale for forever if you don't count the primarchs

I'm a magna firefag and just draw shiva a few days ago. Should I whore myself to agnifriends right now, farm athena and ticket crimson fingers?

I think I have cancer after reading this.

>Chev raids
>No one but you brings dispel
>As soon as the dispel gets used, Chev gets blown up and dies before you can get actual damage in
Would it be that ridiculous to start up a Chev train at this point?

That's the power of Tia bolts.

How many chips are we talking about

Altair for water, Percy for fire or Albert for Light.

If I wasn't saving for Summer Kumuyu I would have spent everything for Summer Bear. I'm green with jealousy right now. The only Fire anything I've drawn from the gacha was Heles, Rackam and my favorite mom Zahla. Had to ticket my other fire characters. Meanwhile, I'm surrounded by people who memeroll Shiva and Agni and the likes.

> S11 baha sword
> S6 daggers

oh come ON

>reading a bunch of guides and old threads
>water endgame mentions Athena out of nowhere

Does her effect stack with other shields or something?

now that shiva etc exists, agni and consorts should be ticketable.

>No Sturm
Not even Jelly.

>tfw wanted to read this guide again for keks but couldn't find it anywhere
Bless you user.

Do I need to ticket anyone for dark? I feel like I'm set with this element other than six which I be getting soon.

What you think?

Is it okay to make a Fire Oliver?

It does. She's a universal summon call for every team. Also don't use copies of buncles to uncap other buncles, and you will want to have carbuncles.

a guy who got dlf when she released so far has reported the highest he got was a 6 digit chip drop and he usually gets 3 digit chips every 10-15 battles. The thing is, if you don't plan to include her in your frontline, she'll be taking up a possible zenith bonus slot in the backrow from another character along with esser if you have her

>no sturm
>no shiva

H-haha not e-even jealous I don't have them either

If you like, but you missed my point-

Even with a straight up magna grid, an 80% Athena is STILL better than Colo as your main summon. And Shiva blows her out of the water.

Re-asking. Do you use BOTH Ayer and Sarasa in a Titan grid?

Imo she's good when you don't have MLB buncles, because with phalanx she give you 100% damage cut.

Vampy or Vira probably.