The holocaust

Why did this happen? In Finland I was only thaught that Hitler hated jews for some reasonand decided to start killing them.

Or is /pol/ right and it never happened or happened on a lmuch smaller scale than we are thaught.

It had to happen or later generations might get confused as to who the good guys were.

The Nazis considered Jews (and lots of other "undesirables") to be inherently incompatible with a strong German state. Initially the idea was to deport them all to Madagascar. Even though they had ghettos and concentration camps when the war started it was only when they started losing that they realized they had to hurry it up and exterminate them as fast as they could.

Over the course of a Decade and a half of social exclusion, ghettoing, expulsion and banishment and the abject denial of citizenry rights, that occurred overtly, and in public the Jewish populations of Germany and the future 'lebansraum' territories categorically failed to ascertain just how important it was to ethnic Germans that they leave.

After virtually a decade of dehumanization and marginalization, a "final" solution was resorted to. Centuries if not Millennia worth of generations of Jews called for their ethnic homeland to be restored, their own desired holy home, central to their faith. Germany was instrumental in establishing this place "Israel".

This place, "Israel" was created for them at the expense of literally the entire stability of the middle east., this was not a good enough or even desirable solution for many of them. historically, the jews are fundamentally incapable of forming an ethnic statehood or governance policy. The average jew has no concept of "nationalism" or "statehood", but rather an allegience to their "people" as a wandering ethnic group with no home. They prefer this. They prefer to be a marginalized ethnic group, separate from, BUT equal to, the people of whatever nation they occupy

this is why Israel is an apartheid failure that literally destabilized a region, then a culture (created radical islam) and then later global economics.

German civil war of 1918 led by Jewish bolsheviks. Rise of the Soviet Union and red scare every fucking where (USA had its first after Great War and second after WW2).

>The holocaust
>Why did this happen?
The mind of meth-heads with PTSD from World War 1 led to the idea.

The brutality of total war led to people just doing what they need to, so they could survive.

The compartmentalisation of the Holocaust led to a situation where, even if you don't agree with it, you have nowhere to turn.

By virtually any measure taken, whether account for civilian deaths only ( where Jews are considered civilians due to their non existent, statistically relevant resistance) Jewish deaths are FAR lower than ethnic Russian civilian deaths, and are on par or = to ethnic German and Ethnic Chinese Civilian deaths.

Further this comparison assumes the "3-6 million" ethnic Jewish deaths in europe theory.

israel took a chunk of desert that was poor barren land and turned it into a garden paradise, how is it a failure?

>israel took a chunk of desert that was poor barren land
No, they took farmland and improved it a little bit, because they had the money. The desert in Israel is still desert today.

The rainfall and soil quality in the inhabited bits is much better than most people realise or give it credit.

other "undesirables" but mostly Jews, right? like, overwhelmingly mostly Jews?

Also, if they we're
>incompatible with a strong German state

why start killing them at faster rate when they know they were losing the war?

Jews are in the bible and Russians were commies.

>the middle east and the levant is just a desert.

>other "undesirables" but mostly Jews, right? like, overwhelmingly mostly Jews?
If you're talking about people specifically targeted to round up and exterminate, yeah mostly Jews.

But you can look at it in different ways. If you start including people like Poles and Ukrainians that were killed because #YOLO, then it's like half Jews.

Thing is, the families of most of the other victims of Nazi Germany were silenced by the Soviets, so you don't hear as much, but I've definitely noticed a greater awareness in the last twenty years, at least in my country.

ironically, Slavs were considered undesirables, even tho most modern neo-nazis are slavs

to cover up the fact that they treated them cruely and starved/worked many of them to death beforehand. The thing about people on the far right is that they will try and brainwash other people into their ideology like hardcore SJW's, and in order to do this, they take babysteps such as appeal to most people's sense of nationalism.

If nationalism, even blind nationalism, is shown to have faults as with the holocaust, the Armenian genocide, and the horrible stuff the Japanese did to the Chinese. then the first step in "red-pilling" people into their ideology is null and void.

Here's a little visual for everyone.
>*figure assumes the 3-6+ Million Jewish death theory

and even under the highest measures, ethnic Jewish deaths are on the LOW average of total deaths-by-ethnic nation during WWII. Its indisputable fact.

Slavs according to his little chart

Yeah, thought you were talking by percentage, realised you weren't. Percentage is what really counts, that's the most damaging to a community.

>Further this comparison assumes the "3-6 million" ethnic Jewish deaths in europe theory.
I like how you just call it a "theory" as if the consensus among historians and non-conspiracy theorists isn't so, and how you rush to mention more Soviets and Poles died even though that isn't part of the Holocaust.

Refer to figure: What makes your deaths so special in comparison to everyone else?

Finn here. We didn't really learn much about holocaust in school. We focused more on Finland during WW2 and the holocaust was mentioned just briefly

That it's the topic of this thread, you moron