Driving more than 2 hours a day reduces IQ

Veeky Forums BTFO HAHAHA, Driving actually makes you a brainlet study says :

>Driving sends your brain into reverse, warn scientists, who have found that regularly spending more than two hours a day behind the wheel steadily reduces IQ.

>The researchers, who studied how sedentary behaviour affects brainpower, found it fell faster in middle-aged people who drove long distances every day.

>They suggest that people who want to protect their brains against the ravages of ageing should minimise their time on the road and find activities that are more mentally stimulating, such as socialising.

>Kishan Bakrania, a medical epidemiologist at Leicester University in Britain, said: “We know that regularly driving for more than two to three hours a day is bad for your heart.

>"This research suggests it is bad for your brain, too, perhaps because your mind is less active in those hours.”

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I've always said truck drivers are fucking idiots

Study seems highly flawed. What if you were listening to audio books, classical music or red pilled talk radio?

i play candy crush while driving for this very reason. stimulates the mind

But what happens when you get drunk while socializing at a party? Does your IQ drop or increase?

That's nothing compared to watching tv and being brainwashed by Jewish propaganda

damn. really made me think

It explains why niggers are so dumb cuz they constantly drive their Cadillacs around.

In addition, old fart geezers got alzheimer's disease from driving cadillacs a lot.

shut the fuck up goy

>red pilled talk radio

nobody mentioned race and yet here you come talking about black people.

back to /pol/ faggot

>"This topic doesn't give me a lot to work with. I'm sure I can shoehorn my hate of niggers into this conversation somehow!"

When the thread is talking about "IQ," the race will be involved.


yeah sorry about that, I have other sources too :

It's proven they have lower iq

dont care about blacks or whites. or IQ's for that matter. The fact that you spend your time on /pol/ and stormfront shows that you are probably a retarded NEET.

This looks pretty effay


>you are probably a retarded NEET.

I wish that I can be NEET again. Since I have a luxurious condo and expensive car, I have to work to pay them.

>Thread about IQ
>I don't care about discussing IQ

>Since I have a luxurious condo and expensive car, I have to work to pay them.

So you are cosplaying now? nice.

Instead of telling what type of car you have you just mention its expensive. yeah like I'm supposed to believe you. What car are you going to photo shop a loaf of bread on?

Stopped reading right there


it's either cheating or all the rural idiots were not counted

i shit post on the chans while i drive for some stimulating, intelligent conversation

Those aren't other sources you mong. The source is the study and they all reference the same one.

Did it account for manual vs automatic transmission drivers? I bet you that all the people in this study drove automatic.

study was done in bongland where they all drive manual. meaning its probably manual drivers who are dumber than auto drivers

Low quality bait baka

talking about driving on the highway for hours on end or mindlessly driving around the city following a gps, not joyriding

nice b8

trig the nig

>posting flawed studies

Fake news alert
it's click bait

IQ is plastic and can be trained. However, I do feel more retarded than I was when I left undergrad and started commuting 100 miles a day for four years.

>pay money and subscribe to see the article
uhhhh.... pastebin?

Listening to any political talk radio

>cramming your head with other people's opinions because you can't think for yourself

Your literally a brainlet

Probably only tested in Hong Kong.
The vast majority of China is chicken farming two toothed druggies.

busriders are superior

stay BTFO Veeky Forums

>unblinded study
a better question would be why are these people driving longer distances
it could be that people who drive long distances are more likely to have blue collar jobs
I cannot think of any white collar jobs that typically require lots of driving off the top of my head, but I can think of plenty of blue collar ones
pizza driver, mail/parcel delivery driver, trucker, wrecker/repo-man, various contractors and repair men
blue collar workers are more likely to engage in destructive behaviors like alcohol consumption or drug use

I suspect this is the cause of the perceived drop in IQ, rather than driving itself causing it
but I don't have the research to support it

Are they testing people who drive a lot.

Or are they testing people by making them drive a lot, because there is a huge difference.

I am yet to meet an intelligent truck driver or a pizza delivery guy.

>intelligent pizza delivery guy
I am a pizza delivery guy, but I'd just doing it part time during college
there are some other guys who work with me that are just doing it for side cash that are fine
the few that are doing it full time are basically retarded

Yeah, I meant the ones that are full time drivers.

oh, also, the full timers all have horrible customer service instincts and do retarded shit like ask customers for larger tips

wasn't disagreeing with you

Loads of people in the Bay Area commute 3-4 hours a day into the city since it's impossible to live in it without making $500k minimum.

That's why so many of Chinese research publications are wrong or rigged right?

My thoughts exactly. More like "lower IQ causes longer commutes to shitty work"

Obviously, there are exceptions to any rule.

right, but this was a study of Britons

Jokes on you I post on Veeky Forums while driving all the time and read threads on /pol/ to keep my mind stimulated.

>how sedentary behaviour affects brainpower
>"This research suggests it is bad for your brain, too, perhaps because your mind is less active in those hours.”

Here's the two lines that actually matter

>autocucks get dumb

Makes sense.

>china is 105

Its a conclusion drawn from a flawed study. Looking at endless miles of road for 2 hours straight is not really mentally stimulating, but I didn't need a study froma cucked country to know that.

>South America is full of retards

What about study based on how, what, and why people drive?

Knee-dragging sportbike hoons who find that their local highway on ramps are the best places to work on that racing line and test the limits of their tires?
Professional race drivers?
Amateur drifters and trackday bros?
Veeky Forumstists flying down backroads in their SW20s and MX-5s, hoping they don't spin out?

Wouldn't all of those people be above average, if anything, because of the cognitive load of trying to keep yourself from fucking dying?

Cagers BTFO again

>reads whole post

Ah fuck

Stop taking the bait and learn to sage, thanks!

it's not if you drive fast, but if you do it well


also, many men in motorsport are engineers by trade or hobby, so that's in their favor

are stick shift kiddos the new fedoralords?

It's called a joke, autists