What if every religion is right...

What if every religion is right? and God is just an entity that exists in everyone and manifests itself depending on what the culture believes?

Then God is a liar, Jesus a fraud, and mankind has no hope.

Why does everything must be "right" or "wrong". Jesus Christ.

I wonder how this obsession with a god/gods even got this far

Can't people just accept that it is just unknown and focus on other things? It's like trying to solve for a variable without any other clues.

We just don't know. Move on.

Making everything a dialect brings about a synthesis so we can move on to the next dialect. In this example OP is wrong. A simple ploy to rationalize the possibility of worshiping a false God.

fear of death is very strong

What if every religion is wrong but god still exists?

If Buddhism is right then wouldn't that make God a demagogue? Wouldn't that make God useless in the bigger scheme of things?

If there is a god why the fuck would he care about us.

What if the traditional beliefs of some american tribe that was wiped out dude to european diseases was right and we have no way of knowing?


Hurrrrpa Durrrp ima stupid fucking turk with mental issues ahurrrr durrrrrr

That would make religion WRONG as no religion believes that, rather they all believe they are right and all the others are wrong.

>hurr why must durr?

>mankind needs a god meme
Fuck off
This desu. Christfedoras will harp on about how it's not, but it's really a fear of death. I also think all the christians on this board are legit autistic

It's called deism

Is a meme.

>no religion believes that
Baha'i kind of does. According to them, existing religions are the result of progressive revelations, and that God presented the religion that was right for the culture at the time.

meaning is a meme

But that requires you to already believe in souls, i.e. you must already have religious beliefs.

You're on the right track

Huh? "religion" cannot be correct. Religion is an institution, it is not a basis of belief.

>what the culture believes
I think you are putting the cart before the horse.

>We just don't know. Move on.
Kek. What the fuck is wrong with you? We do not know anything, until someone with enough autism figures it out. What you are suggesting is we abandon all scientific advancement and just like in shit holes.

At one stage we had no idea how a crank-shaft would work. Now we have engines thanks to autistic muslims who invented it.

"We just don't know" literally everything at one stage.

Kill yourself, degenerate swine.

Prophet Mohammed you are stupid

>it's about a fear of death
Nice armchair psychoanalysis.
No it's not.

Thanks for missing the point.

Scientific advancement is actually relevant, unlike theology.

Will the study of engines eventually lead to more advanced engines? Absolutely.

Will the study of the bible eventually lead to eternal life? We just don't know.

If everyone religion is right then none of them are.

>Scientific advancement is actually relevant
You don't know what relevance means.

Take your ideology somewhere else.
>Will the study of the bible eventually lead to eternal life? We just don't know.
You know nothing, you just think you do.

>We just don't know.

How the fuck do you KNOW studying engines will lead to more advanced engines? You do not know that, you assume it.

>Scientific advancement is actually relevant, unlike theology.
That's a highly subjective comment, if I have ever read one.

lol damn I didn't expect to get someone this mad, and I wasn't even intentionally posting bait

Again, I never claimed to "know" either. In fact, my proposition is simply "We just don't know", meaning I don't myself don't even know. And that's fine. I have other things to worry about. Religion has played a massive role in history, and I can respect that.

What's your angle anyways, what is it that I don't know then that's so important?

>How the fuck do you KNOW studying engines will lead to more advanced engines?

uh, look at the schematics. See what needs to be improved. Build upon the model. In time, it will look and act different. It is not so much an assumption as it is a sequence of events -- if I do this, then this, and then that, I shall have this.

Compared to say, reading scriptures, again, and again, and again. What is gained?

>That's a highly subjective comment, if I have ever read one.

I won't deny that it's subjective to an extent, but in all honesty where would we be right now if not for technology? Certainly not communicating with each other over the net.

>and I wasn't even intentionally posting bait
Just so you now, I am the one who replied originally ( and ) not that user. He is another user, you're a literal retard.

>my proposition is simply "We just don't know"
Wrong. Your proposition WAS (has changed now since you see the retardation of it) "We just don't know" with the most important part "MOVE ON". Stop posting at any time.

>uh, look at the schematics. See what needs to be improved. Build upon the model. In time, it will look and act different. It is not so much an assumption as it is a sequence of events -- if I do this, then this, and then that, I shall have this.
A HURR DURR you only know this becasue you simply didn't MOVE ON when faced with a problem which didn't work, they figured it out. You literally cannot have that knowledge BEFORE the invention of the engine. You are simply not a logical individual.

>but in all honesty where would we be right now if not for technology?
What you are saying is directly against technology. Technology doesn't work from the get go,m if we were to use your logic, we would have no technology, because everyone would have given up and moved on. It's got nothing, nothing to do with anything past the fact you think we should give up on things we do not know.

Do you even understand what you are saying?

Right, nice insults, but again you haven't clarified anything.

I still see nothing wrong with it. Quoting me doesn't really explain anything either, no matter how many times you do it.

Yes, but when the problem is an infinitely fluid and subjective as religion in itself, it's even a problem difficult to define. What is there left to precisely "figure out" in it anyways? What is being developed?

I believe I understand what I am saying, and so I will rephrase as simplist as can be, since it appears the distinction has been lost on you:

A focus on the physical problems on this world brings results.

A focus on the unknown well, brings... nothing I suppose.

I speak of these separately -- obviously with historical context, religion has played a role in moreso the people than the objects, motivation to do things such as the printing press etc. but I suspect that advancements may have been inevitable in some ways, eventually.

You said you just KNOW there can be engine advancements
That's not knowledge, that's faith.

Your bias is showing here, user.
Why does this matter

So, you are saying nothing.


>A focus on the unknown well, brings... nothing I suppose.

They just made pic related, there is no knowledge which came about from the creation of churches, architecture didn't benefit at all from the church.




its not like the internal combustion engine has been a normal thing on the streets for a century now or anything, nope, there's totally advancements. see how it isn't COMPLETELY toxic for the surroundings? yeah science fucking rules if it werent for science global warming would have killed us already n shieet
you see how it is now remotely acceptable now when it comes to fuel efficiency? I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE IT ONLY TOOK A CENTURY BRO

I know that there can be engine advancements, as it is based upon physical properties that can be altered to be more efficient when given a goal. I cannot "alter" religious text to be more efficient, when the very nature of what it is to be efficient for is even unclear. I'm sure that you would agree that making religious text "more efficient" at "redemption and salvation" is rather absurd.

So it is just faith, why? Faith is such a magical word to almost justify itself, but is faith not simply a strongly irrational belief (in it's most practical sense of not pertaining to the properties of the real world, not meaning to insult anyone here)?

Results matter, since results what progress the race further. You cannot deny that self-preservation -- being more efficient at finding food and shelter is a core human goal. Why not strive to pursue the goal of perfecting such means?

So from what you are telling me, simply believing, simply having faith, will provide me the knowledge, tools, and expertise to make churches? Wow, well then I guess that truly is a miracle! I would have that I would need to employ the knowledge passed down by skilled craftsmen and their practices, as well as acquire the money to fund it. But no, all I need is a bible, and behold, a church shall appear from nowhere.

Stop being foolish. I speak of religion alone, NOT the PRODUCT of religion organizations, who very clearly have had to use more than faith alone to raise structures. Why not focus on those then?


>So from what you are telling me, simply believing, simply having faith, will provide me the knowledge, tools, and expertise to make churches? Wow, well then I guess that truly is a miracle! I would have that I would need to employ the knowledge passed down by skilled craftsmen and their practices, as well as acquire the money to fund it. But no, all I need is a bible, and behold, a church shall appear from nowhere.
>Stop being foolish. I speak of religion alone, NOT the PRODUCT of religion organizations, who very clearly have had to use more than faith alone to raise structures. Why not focus on those then?

Pretty much everyone in this site is going to hell

>I know that there can be engine advancements
No you don't, you just think you can.
top ideology

Rationality is metaphysical, you know. Humean idiot.
>Results matter, since results what progress the race further.
top ideology

>still not clarifying your point or elaborating

hah, I can too can senselessly ridicule and post images with file names.

What are you even trying to convey?

>you just think you can

But I can...?

I can improve upon real, physical things over time given ideas on how to build upon it, features, uses, etc.

I cannot "improve" a bible.

>But I can...?
No you can't, you just think you can.

>improvement is a prerequisite to knowledge.

Why are you even on this board, you can improve understanding of a bible.

My point is you advocated for giving up when you can't figure something out. Shift the goal posts all you want, you're a literal retard.

But I can. And we're going to go in circles.

>improving understanding of a bible

Towards what?

I'm here because this is a thread aimed at asking about religion.

I "advocate" "giving up" something in which cannot be given up, if it it cannot ever be solved, as by its very nature it cannot solved.

Those were your words, not mine. In reality, I quite think advocating is very accurate. I think indifference would have been clearer. Why bother with religion anymore, really. And I am still puzzled how it got that far, did people not worry about securing their livelihood?

I don't quite thin.* Bloody typos.

>But I can.
Because you think so, you're an ideologue.

I'm still not seeing it, honest. I suppose we're both stuck with our thoughts tonight, and that's fine.

I was just expression opinion, and so I guess it really is an idealistic opinion, isn't it. I still believe it is right, and maybe even that belief in itself is what you may call faith :^)

Yeah in Buddhism god pretty much doesn't even matter.

>I'm not seeing it
The best ideology is hidden in clear view, user.

A faith is the intermediary between impressions and ideas. You have faith in the scientific method because you have faith that an effect proceeds a cause. You have faith that you are speaking in a language that exists outside of your mind.

7 to 1 their all crap

Well that sounds agreeable enough, but I don't even know for certain what we're exactly agreeing on.

At this point, all I've gathered is that some people had gotten triggered by my wording and some guy is unhealthily obsessed with the word "retard". I think that that is a mental condition on his part.

Neither of these things necessarily follows from OP's hypothetical. It's possible God is communicating but we can only hear and understand him through our pre-existing language, culture, and imagination, which is limited to what every one experiences in their own lifetimes.

>I wonder how this obsession with a god/gods even got this far
A never-ending back and forth obsession with authority, where it comes from, and who is worthy to delegate it. Kings on one side, prophets on another. When one weakens, the other gains by claiming even more power and legitimacy than was possible in the old order. Eventually it collapses and a new cycle begins, but this cycle with Christianity/Islam is still going strong.

Every religion can't be right when some religions specifically say they can only be right if the other religions are wrong.

makes sense

never thought about it like that

is there a riong

or a wright

>yfw the afterlife is whatever it is you thought it to be in your life
>yfw Christians go to heaven, Muslims get their virgins, Pagans go to Valhalla, and so on and so forth