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First for Mako

>Reaper is now invulnerable during Shadow Step

You could make this change and he still wouldn't get picked

X for Hana Song

Sombra is breast bra

None of the overwatch heroes got big breasts, this is NOT okay.

Roadhog doesn't count.


none of their tits are decidedly huge.

Define big

best girl


Look at their ingame models, they are all A or B cup. Mei is hard to tell with though because of her clothing.

Why does he wear the mask?

Best BFF's forever!

to keep him alive and not succumb to self inflicted radiation poisoning and cancer.

C cup


If an Orb of Harmony is used on an invisible Sombra, would the enemy team still see the orb?

2506 SR dropped to 2296 in a loss streak (always healer or tank). Did what you said guys, picked a DPS and now I am climbing again. I am playing with soldier, should I Learn phara in this rank? She is like OP nobody can kill her ( including myself sometimes)

>underboob and abs

Damn I love Pharah

This is something I need to test out with friends.

If orbs or zarya's barriers on sombra reveal her in any way

She needs more love desu

>we're losing when we have a massive lead
>someone changed to 3rd healer without telling the team
>I swap to tank
>he swaps to dps
>I swap healer
>he swaps to healer
>I throw
>he acts surprised

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

Cute gamer girl.

Reminder that Hana is STRAIGHT

so any dykes can just back off she's mine

ever since i've started working out more i don't get as toxic in overwatch anymore, is this normal.


>hana is traight
Not for long

I could turn her gay, fuck off.

New map when

wanting to spread mental illness

Lena is a nice lady that respects her friends boundaries!

Necessary changes to make Reaper pickable:

>Ptr wraith form reload change
>Shadow Step provides invulnerability for the same duration that it removes control of your hero
>Buff death blossom damage from 170 dps to 200 dps
>Death Blossom now penetrates Shields for 50% of the damage (E.g. Rein behind a shield will take 100 dps while his shield takes 200, zarya bubble will take 200 dps while she takes 100 dps etc.)

And the funny thing is I don't think even with these changes he'll be meta. Still bad roadhog with no range or stun and less health

Can you get the D.Va spray in HotS yet?

When will Overwatch get something with more than "Two points, only one objective" shit?

Lena is a slut who has fucked every woman from overwatch. Including Orisa.

The contrary on my end, I've been a fitnessnut for years and I can't play OW without telling people I'll take their lunch money and shove 'em in the locker every time I lose

>d.va in thigh highs

Tracer wouldn't deserve this treatment

A map with two points to defend at once, but once one is take the other becomes easier to take with more routes opening




>the "Pharah is OP and unhittable" meme
You actually have to be good with her.
And you have to have a healer who gives a fuck about you, unless you want to have to lob rockets at distant groups of enemies like a flying Junkrat, or fend for yourself and spend half the game scavenging healthpacks, at which point you're absent from every other fight. You might as well be dead and running back from spawn at that point.
If Pharah is getting zero support from your team, not even a fucking Zarya bubble every now and then, then you cannot play Pharah. Not unless the teams are mismatched to the point that it wouldn't matter what you picked because of how much less skilled the enemies are.

>death blossom now refills health
>and makes you invulnerable
>you move at zenyetta speed

It's balanced

Death Blossom is fine though. He just needs QoL changes to his movement, like the first 2 you mentioned.

Team sizes are too small for it

Hana doesn't seem to be enjoying that

Rape is just another word for love.

So you want the beyblade meme again?

Isn't that the main reason for nanoboost getting its speed boost removed?

I'm wondering this too

Better late than never! Here comes T.Racer!

Any idea on when first official information might out regarding the new event?

I'd give her more love if you know what I mean.

>DB is fine

>Press Q to announce your position to the enemy loudly
>While slowing yourself down

>And a single hook, sleep dart, flashbang; rein charge etc. Is a death sentence

>Literally every tank can counter it with a basic ability and decent reactions
>All to do 10 more dps than sombra to all enemies in an 8 metre radius

Death to infidels who say Hana Song is a boy.

Jesus, Veeky Forums.

A map that forces teams into two groups of 3 would be hella interesting and viable.

We already have 3v3 showing 3v3 engagements work

If there is something Blizzard will tease it a week before it happens like with the last few events. That's what I'd guess at least.

It's not rape if a woman does it.

It was her first time, she was nervous. Remember how nervous you were your first time?

Ok thanks for the tip. Yeah actually the pharas that are "unkillable" come with a mercy poketing them. So i should stay with soldier or tracer and make my way up

I'm still under the thought that we need to do more with the globes for poor old Reaper.

Maybe when he gets the globes, make him buffed up like a poor mans nano boost (small speed and health boost) that doesn't last as long unless you keep up the killing momentum, and if you keep it up you can snowball the effect. Get the first kill, get rewarded for it so the next strike can be more forgiving and if you can keep it up under a certain time bracket thanks to the speed boost to catch up to people, you can be a bulky and sanic death machine.

That's just a random thought though, it would probably be "too OP".

Who will give it to her?

>We already have 3v3 showing 3v3 engagements work
Ah yes, I love HogAnaMei, the game mode.

Who is the clq of overwatch?

Excuse me. She is a pure Korean idol.

whoever made that needs to be reminded that tits don't work that way

Don't sexualize the Overwatch lolis please.

she will still crave dick and you know it

>Hog ana mei

Countered so hard by orissa widow soldier it isn't even funny

every woman craves dick

There's nothing else worth sexualizing.

Girls loving girls IS pure!

Or, practice Pharah in quickplay to make sure you actually know how to lead and predict targets well, use boop to move yourself around the map quickly, manage your thruster fuel, stuff like that.
Then pick her in comp, hope that you can use her, and be ready to swap if the first minute and a half or so shows you that you've got neglectful teammates.
You don't have to give up on her outright, just know what you're getting into.

Mei? In 3v3? Since when?


Why would Mercy keep her boyfriend out?

Thanks mate never got somebody to encourage me like that here :P gonna do it.

But she hasn't?

>too good to pubstomp
>no reliable crew to roll with in competitive
Really sick of shit atm

Why do i wanna bang this korean gamer popstar?

It's canon she is with Roadhog.
She takes the W H O L E H O G every night.

Because that's the only thing worth living for?

yes but those two are only platonic, Tracer wouldn't cheat on Emily and Hana is straight as an arrow

how do i escape bronze?

>Isn't that the main reason for nanoboost getting its speed boost removed?

Reinhardt was a bigger factor since the speed boost made him Fat Genji without even having to spend his ultimate.


>Yesterday Comp match on Oasis
>round 5 tied 2 to 2
>Someone leaves before round starts
>"we can pull this out guys" I switch from Symm to Rein
>our solo heal Lucio switches to Hanzo

Why are people in this game pure cancer ebola aids?

Carry yourself with someone like Hog, Zarya, 76 or Pharah

Sign me up

git gud

Reposting from old thread:

These skill are the important ones:
1. Teamwork/Communication: The team with the better teamwork will always win! Even obvious things like ult-kombos win matches. Always communicate clearly. Praise if someone does something good. Never shit on someone for any reason. Mentality wins games.
Also what heroes can you play that compliment your teamcomposition.
2. Positioning: Highly overlooked! Always be in the perfect postition depending on the hero you play. Try to find out the perfect angles and corners of a map.
3. Timing: When and when not to use an ability or ultimate. Also remembering what abilities of the enemy are on cooldown or what ults are probably coming at you soon and communicate that to your team.
4. Targetpriority
Learn what your hero is supposed to to at any given moment in the match and who to shoot at.
5. Know your enemy
Learn in detail what heroes you don't play can and can not do.

When you're that low you're missing the fundamentals of this game. Focus on aiming, not dying, grouping up and so on.

>It's an "enemy issue is fully charged every second" episode
I hate reruns.


mercy needs health nerfed to 150 and can't escape zarya's ult

You can't, she's my wife.

>someone on /owg/ posted a link to the overwatch subredddit a few days ago
>first post I see is "I feel that as a female mercy main i get too much unwarranted hate..."
>close tab

whoever posted that link please trip so I can filter you

>he can't even kill a mercy caught in a fucking graviton

That's right, because for some reason she can fly right out of it.

>tumbler forces their will onto yet another blizzard game
>im constantly surrounded by faggotry and degeneracy

just end my life famalam