League of Legends General - /lolg/

What champion pisses you off the most edition

old: Eyosongive.us

First for Mexicans.

Kill yourself Fizz apologist

Post impregnable girls

How do I become internet popular?

This champion pisses me off the most, not fair!

comfy bfs~

>What champion pisses you off the most edition
Camille. I've been banning here since release.
A mistake like her should never have existed.
>completes trinity force
>hits you for 480 pure damage 13 minutes in

I want to hug!

Is it safe to play ranked yet?

get BBCd

Nah she doesnt even have to be fed to oneshot with the Gunblade Lichbane build.

t. Ahri main who uses W and R only and jacks off to his Ahri 150 GB porn folder 20 times a day

I absolutely detest you

>weheheeee movespeed bonus!
>wehehehhe true damage!

Fizz is simple with and can be outplayed, Ahri can be played be drunken crackheads on autopilled.

>Losing to drunken crackheads on autopilled

me too!

Whatever happened to zeke's harbinger? I don't remember the ítem getting nerfed.

>chasing ekko under tower while he has his ult up
Your fault.

This champ pisses me off too, not fair!

I neither play mages nor midlane

Not even part of this argument but I need you to know that's the dumbest post I've read in months and you need to think on why.

no, literally just had a kid throw a match because i pushed his lane when he backed with talon going for his tower
then the fucking autistic enemy team honored him

i want a wukong rework now
>all i ever do is E AA Q until they are low enough then E AA Q R ignite
>teamfights all i do is W in E Q R a squishy

after the Lulu VU

Thanks for clearing that for me, you lack experience to talk about match ups on mid lane rendering your opinions fucking trash.

Thanks for joining us tonight and fuck off back to your cuck lane while I carry your games with Fizz

Friendly reminder to thank and love your support!

dele tthis

Mexican server is so fun to play on

Im actually gonna tank my smurf win rate just to stay in mexico bronze longer

make vg vs vgs and get real angry at people

half the people love it and jerk off to the abuse the other half hate u and form an axis of evil either way u popular

Wear panties and thigh highs

where have you been the past few days skarnerbro, also do you like any of the new items on him?

More so than them ignoring Soraka, I'm more perplexed by how the ranged champs are sitting right on top of him as they aa him.

>when the enemy team has a blatantly obvious elo booster
Why do people do this? I checked the match history of a guy on the opposing team and he swapped flash buttons and suddenly starts winning every game as adc despite looking at his most played being jungle

post fucking the same fucking picture every thread, make sure everyone hates you, then circle jerk about "lul king gay, wiggums, im a huge fucking faggot and love sucking cocks"
Basically imagine the one fucking person so unbelievably unlikeable and be them.
Then go to school and get bullied.

I want to start playing mid I want to start playing AP champions.
Whos a good champion who is fun and can help me learn how to play the lane?

Would people even join a noname's vgs? And then I'd have to play in them, kinda gross.
I do

Pretty sure the point is if she used her silence they could have killed him handily but she never uses it.

Bird people

post femenine penis

>don't focus soraka retard she's the support

I still get some of this in master tier. Rarely, but I do.
Tilts me harder than 50 yasuo players at once

*fox-gryphon people

Any of these worth using guys?

I don't know
I don't know

about to reach 4800 currency, should i buy caitlyn?

>hates gays
>lives somewhere being gay gets you bullied

clockwork pottery

>tfw few years ago
>was new to league
>enemy had super good soraka who didn't let anyone die
>used to play with guy from school who was diamond 3 player and used to play tournaments
>tell my friends that maybe we should focus soraka
>"hahahaha you dont focus soraka she's support!"
>lose game

Is BORK / Cleaver still core on this nig?

>He didn't pursue Lu Bu's shard

Elise/Udyr/Lee/Malz/Sona/ and J4 maybe

No. She's racist against Lulus.

me brainlet
me want explanation

>be vs darius
>neither of us can kill eachother but im beating him in cs
>he goes missing for more than two seconds i always spam ping the path i think hes taking to another lane and i spam ping danger for my mid laner
>he doesnt listen darius casually strolls into lane pulls them in and dunks them
>darius comes back to lane with cleaver +tabi and kills me in one combo

o boo hoo want the orbit but none of the work fuck off idiot its a long way to the top of u wanna rock n roll - hulk hogan

people will join any lobby u invite them to



Does anyone want to be my friend? I am very lonely.

I am diamond 5, we can play together if you want.

Do you like aquariums and or books?

what's your server and ign?

>strongest range ADC
>a nigger and a girl
really gets the engine going

Do not pursue

>opponent shoves the wave
>can't follow him because i need to push the lanes first
>ally dies to the roam
>explain that I had to push first
>they don't grasp such a simple concept
Those are the games in which I just toss a random surrender vote 20 minutes in, just to see of the teams has the will to keep on playing.

No, bird people.

J4 really needs a new skin user :(


>You get turret first blood and 50% of the next turret's hp because the enemy midlaner made a pathetic roam that didn't even result in a kill or a turret or whatever
>Your adc is autistically raging at you with no end in sight because he's "playing 1v4"
>Go bot with your turret first blood gold, double kill their botlane
>He's still angry

I don't care about skins, I just want him to get bugfixed/QoL/made smoother

tfw ranked anxiety

>thread has been up for around 20 minutes
>only 63 posts
uhhhhhh lolbabs?

Why the fuck is the rabbit on the right there so fucking big? Is that a thing in Australia?

>tfw rushing ga into botrk ninja tabi and black cleaver on lucian
>tfw winning with this while enemy adc gets oneshot every fight

so that's how you play adc in 2017
you just survive and sometimes hit a turret
might as well start building banner and zzrot

that's a kangaroo how do you not recognize this

>user doesn't know what a kangaroo is


they have very big rabbits

>4-5 am in relivant parts of the world

let people get up cunt

>enemy team is a meme comp with mid Sona and ADC Heimer
>I win mid, Cait and Morg win bot
>it doesn't matter because Naut lost lane to Trynd, who snowballs and destroys our nexus by himself after destroying just one inhib
Fuck this champ.

>amerilards coming back from school
>shit OP

like pottery

Why have Australians so low intelligence? Have it not been for the chinks you import your country would have lower average IQ than Uganda.

why haven't they fixed leblancs tether range

or her retarded mobility that makes her impossible to gank

why is this champion allowed to exist..

>You got a few kills with your team and can get one inhib, two if your team is smart
>Three of your teammates decide to instead walk all the way to the toplane's T2 that tryndamere is pushing, even though he wouldn't have even gotten 1 inhib while we had two

made think

>7:19 in the morning
Nice shiptoast faggot

Ahri standard

>Amerifat defense force after 50 seconds
go shoot up a school

They don't play LeBlanc in elo where most of Riot's balance team is.

>leblanc lands a fairly long range tether
>flash in a straight line away from her
>tether is still here

it's ok guys maybe we'll nerf her ap scalings ever harder (even though she's actually viable to be built AD (though having zero ad scalings or as steroids) because of her bullshit kit)
it'll fix it

>compliment my support (Soraka) a few times with a gj and wp here and there
>game is over, we won because we shitstomped the enemy bot
>tell her it was a pleasure to play with her
>get ah "ahw thanks :3"
>friend request in my inbox

I cant hang with you guys anymore Im part of the Chads now

sun cooks the brain

why do u think central mexicos and arabs r so angry and stupid

xth for Syndra

x zed

I'd rather shoot up your mom's tits with my glue you little shit.

mobas shouldn't have easy characters at all
I can't play them because I find them boring but others can still beat me with them

Go play a fighting game. All moba characters are easy, the game is hardly about micro compared to how much it's about macro.

t. windblade420X

>visit r/lol
>every second post on the front page is someone witch hunting on famous league players

so the neckbeard thing was true...



They let me pick. Did I ever tell you that? Choose whichever Guardian I wanted.
You know me. I did my research. Watched as you became the protector we needed you to be.

Like the others, you were strong and swift and brave. A natural leader...
But you had something they didn't. Something no one saw... but me.

Can you guess?

rate the meme lolg
>bruiser top zed
deaths dance->tabi/mercs->cleaver->guardian angel->spirit visage/randuins/deadmans->one of the three depending on which you built first

grats user, i got my girl the same way. we're very happy together.


Post a picture and other suggest you a champ based on that picture

You can't choose poppy she isnt the protagonist

why is nigger trigger so much fun to play?