League of Legends General - /lolg/

I want to have wild, wet sex with Nami Edition

Old Eyosongive.us

Other urls found in this thread:


>Shitters think spending mana to heal oneself is free

i want to look EXACTLY like shyvana!

xth for breast metal waifu

I have a question about Adaptive Helm.
Does its passive apply to DoT like Zyra's peashooter or Morgana's W or only to consecutive casts?

>can buy a BF sword
>cant buy a GF sword

Best nami skin
Best support girl

Best ctrl+4 spam


How sexually skilled is River Spirit Nami?

why is thread tracker on eyosun dead?

To junglers out there. Any reference to know about jungle paths and why take them? Kinda interested in learning the role and that stuff.

Pic unrelated

BF = Best Friend.

Riot Game does not condone sexual relationships with weapons.

fuck nami
fuck supports


Im a scrub but I honestly just start Red -> Krugs -> Scuttle -> Gank if healthy/easily able, otherwise get blue buff recall chickens -> scuttle or gank Or dragon.

Certain exceptions like Evelynn I try to start Blue, amumu should exclusively start Chickens (Razorbacks)

xth for Syndra


>Successive damage from the same ability or effect
So yeah it blocks all of that shit except shit like Teemo E I think.

Reposting in this thread since it took my so long to write this that I didn't notice there's new thread


>Amplifying Tome
>Athene's Unholy Grail
>B. F. Sword
>Banner of Command
>Banshee's Veil
>Berserker's Greaves
>Bilgewater Cutlass
>Blade of the Ruined King
>Blasting Wand
>Boots of Mobility
>Boots of Speed
>Boots of Swiftness
>Brawler's Gloves
>Chain Vest
>Chalice of Harmony
>Cloak of Agility
>Cloth Armor
>Diet Poro-Snax
>Executioner's Calling
>Explorer's Ward
>Faerie Charm
>Fiendish Codex
>Frozen Mallet
>Giant's Belt
>Glacial Shroud
>Guardian Angel
>Hextech Gunblade
>Iceborn Gauntlet
>Infinity Edge
>Ionian Boots of Lucidity
>Liandry's Torment
>Locket of the Iron Solari
>Long Sword
>Maw of Malmortius
>Mejai's Soulstealer
>Mercurial Scimitar
>Mercury's Treads
>Mikael's Crucible
>Nashor's Tooth
>Needlessly Large Rod
>Negatron Cloak
>Ninja Tabi
>Null-Magic Mantle
>Quicksilver Sash
>Rabadon's Deathcap
>Recurve Bow
>Rejuvenation Bead
>Rod of Ages
>Runaan's Hurricane
>Rylai's Crystal Scepter
>Sanguine Blade
>Sapphire Crystal
>Seeker's Armguard
>Seraph's Embrace
>Spirit Visage
>Statikk Shiv
>Tear of the Goddess
>The Bloodthirster
>The Lightbringer
>Trinity Force
>Void Staff
>Warden's Mail
>Warmog's Armor
>Wicked Hatchet
>Wit's End
>Wooglet's Witchcap
>Zhonya's Hourglass


When are these icons and splasharts getting updated?

No enemies and allies can enter your arena. This would be pure 1v1 like Legion Commander from DotA2

Midriff a best

An even bigger sword? Madness. Perhaps it could have an extremely short stun or slightly longer slow property due to its size and weight.


But Nami and Zed can work together quite well.

When will rito games make this an official skin???

>when some riven gets caught out of position and the entire team just lets out the mutual hatred on her

post a better feeling

When is ranked going to be back up?
T. East coast shitter

Funny, I was thinking something about a support being able to lock two champions into a duel, or at least make it so that only they could do damage to one another (but allies can still use shields, silence, stun, etc just no damage)

>Breast Support

>more kitty skins
Maokai needs something.
He'll be forgotten if that happens.

>fuck nami
Well if you insist?

It doesn't block DoTs such as Teemo E or R or Malz space aids, but it does block persistent AoE and multi-hit abilities like Gangplank ult, Morg W, and Zyra plants.

Whenever I'm against a Riven, any time I kill her in lane or she gets herself killed I type "ribben maynes" in chat. They get so fucking upset.

Playing flex queue by yourself is the easiest way to make yourself want to commit suicide

Here you go guys. Delivering the RIP AND TEAR Darius pic. Hope you like it.

We're posting these?

Why are Ahri posters either cuckholds or traps 90% of the time?


This is pretty good

I want these huge hands on my butt /lolg/

Because lolg is 99% cucks, fags, and traps.

>Blind Pick Normals are a waste of time
>Draft Normals doesn't exist in this shit region

Flex is the only place I can practice what I want preparing myself for SoloQ.

Blind Pick would be the cause of me thinking about suicide.




but those are tiny hands compared to mine

damn user, that's some god tier photoshop skills

>The contrast of Vlad's porcelain white hands on Vladfags shitskin flabby butt


Hey, that is mildly adequate.

Based as fuck
you doing more? this with Lucian but make it "buying a B.F Sword on first back vs buying a pickaxe"

useful tip for ranked

if you are feeding, you basically have permission to do something wild to try to get yourself back into the game

theres no point going back to lane to get 20-30% of the farm and eventually die, go dive or set something up and get yourself back in the game

Very nicely done! I'm impressed.

What champion has the most based fan base?

I've never seen a Braum rage

ranked when?how long does a maintenance really take?

Sorry, I was just taking a break from a comission and life shit, so I'm afraid I can't do more for now.

But I'm always around so expect more drawings on the future.

When's OCE back on?

what would riot do to a team that named themselves the holocaust niggers

c: fluffy tails

apparently 6AM sydney time, so just over an hour left

i've ignored league for like a year. has riot advanced garen x katarina at all?

What's that dog so afraid of?What the hell he doesn't even know where to look

>making her cat look just like her
Can't tell if a sign of pride or just really lonely.

>no ranked queue

vg vs vg is up. need 4 more.

Literally every champ that comes out has a voice line referencing it

I don't think I can handle this.

Breaks are good and healthy, so it's good that you got something out of it too.

Lulu is cute and adorable and i love her!


I got you senpai

For starts, you may enjoy a look at this:
The path that this players takes to start with is especially nice.


>first pick mid
>"guys do I pick lux or ahri pls tell me i'll play whichever you want"

why did you queue mid if you don't know what to play. why are your two options the super long range sit back and snipe mage and the short range dash into the frontline mage. why does it matter if you're blind picking it. why do you need someone else to tell you what to play instead of picking whichever one you're least garbage at.

>get in game
>"first time ranked! :)"
kill me

Get out of low elo and this won't be an issue.

You can get out of low elo, right?

i asked this yesterday but i fell asleep inb4 replies

when is double edged sword mastery worth it?

Never because battle trance is superior with no downsides.

everyones banning seju
trying to learn mao and zac, how do i git gud at em? or just wait next patch for rammus?

make them change their name or forfeit their team slot.

>take 3000 damage instead of 2000
I have no idea

which champion lets me bash the fash

So looking to get into Top lane. Right now I only play Poppy.

Should I buy Illyaoi or Camille?

not him but you can be 'stuck' there for a while with bad variance. if you're a good player you'll eventually climb unless you tilt hard and like go backwards but yeah variance can really fuck you over no matter the elo.

Squishy, gonna die anyways, probably not gonna take a lot of kills to stack Bounty Hunter and you do not take part on extended trades.

As you may guess, it's almost never worth it except for a couple of junglers, maybe. It's the weakest of the three at that row.

>considering illaoi or camille

fuck off from top we're full

tell me lolg
is this the fate of all generals? to just become waifu threads?


Really it's only worthwhile if you're a support that's not a tank since attention will be divided between you and ADC and you'll likely be a bit further back than them on top of that.

Plus in order to help them you want that instant damage rather than the wind-up Battle Trance has. A lot of it comes down to testing both and seeing what you supposedly find more effective.

im in gold. certainly nowhere high but i don't think this guy should have been matched into this game he's like 30cs down at 5 minutes.

Am I the only one that REALLY, REALLY hates Tryndamere? I can't stand this stupid ass champion. Literally zero (0) mechanics. Just faceroll and rightclick. Press R when you are about to die. Ahh. It's so annoying playing against that shit. And it's always the same shit. Non stop split push that require minimum of 2 people to deal with, because Trynda wins most 1v1. And he's not even bad in teamfights. Cuz staying alive for 5 seconds means he can put out a lot of dmg. And if he eats all the cc then there's nothing left for the other carries. Fuck tryndamere. And fuck all the idiots that play that champ. I rather h

you're the only one talking about waifus in the last 10 min

I have others I just want to spend my IP on of the newer champs...

platinum mad

>take rift herald
>finish the game in 18th minute

nice game lolbaboons

These are all pretty good conceptually.
Wrestling one falls a bit short since it disregards the mano-e-mano idea of wrestling though.
Surprisingly, the Cosmic Reaver one actually unnerves me some, in no small part thanks to the very alien face of her mount.

Because Ahri is a degenerate, piece of shit knuckle dragger champion.

Most retards hate Tryndamere, congratulations.

?? we still have vgs and drama we aint in the waifu retirement home for threads yet

there's one up right now. need 2 more people

Thanks for that positive feedback on Ekko reaction pic, I'd like to """draw""" some more so if you have any ideas drop them.

>no Gravelord Illaoi
>no elderwood Illaoi
>no dragon sorceress Illaoi
>we'll probably get fucking Dunkmaster Illaoi

awww, upset.. :c

>risking being called racist


>Tfw you and your team have to drag 6/20 TF to a win, kicking and screaming as he tried to surrender every chance he got

I used to be like you, then I adapted. You get the feel for fighting him eventually, especially if you're the one in charge of CC for the team. It becomes a proud accomplishment to CC him right eventually.

Plenty of games won in 20 or less even before the coming of that beast.

They let me pick. Did I ever tell you that? Choose whichever Guardian I wanted. You know me. I did my research. Watched as you became the protector we needed you to be.

Like the others, you were strong and swift and brave. A natural leader... But you had something they didn't. Something no one saw... but me.

Can you guess?

My favorite part of Poppy is her shield