The new Civic Type R is the ugliest sports car I've ever seen. It's angular, acicular...

The new Civic Type R is the ugliest sports car I've ever seen. It's angular, acicular, forbidding and generally unlovable. Zero sex factor.

Too much bumper garnishing, triple exhaust is Porsche ripoff. Fenders are STI ripoff. Car is too high, wheels are too big. EK was ultimate

Type R isn't pretty but that car is fucking hideous

never mentioned it was pretty.

But its 100x better looking than the new one

>that car is fucking hideous

It's cute. I'd be in for one if it wasn't wrong wheel drive!

why would they make a civic RWD?

>sports car

I need not remind you that you drive a Punto, innit.
Every single time I drive mine, I cringe at the lot of Abarth faggots with their riced Puntos saying "m-muh Abarth, much sportcar, not a FIAT durrrr"

Faggots, the lot of them.

I prefer the EG, but the EK still looks far better than that turd in the OP.

reminder that it set track records at burger king

>"every design feature in this car has a purpose"
The rear is ugly on purpose as a way to taunt the losing driver.

CivicRX STi


Not everyone can afford a genuine EK Type R.

can someone redpill me on Honda's? I dont own one but I never saw them as being so tremendously terrible

Why did Honda decide to go EXTREME?

toyota shitter detected

economical, no-nonsense, reliable. in a word, bland, if not good value. honda make excellent engines, and most of the cars built around them are sort of boring.

>center exhaust


it's not a 'sports car'. a corvette is a sports car. it's a hot hatch

a very hot hatch

at least get your nomenclature right

Big fucking whoop, the turbo Cobalt SS used to the be fastest fwd around the ring, does that make it a sports car?

I agree mostly, looks like someone went HAM with Autozone accessories. But where do you get triple exhaust being Porsche-sourced? I'm autistic enough to have searched it and it only appeared on one's with mansore-y tier aftermarket body kits. If anything they tried to rip off Ferrari but I could be wrong (and probably am)

MRW the dumb fucking idiots of Veeky Forums thought honda advertised this as a sports car

You guys are so fucking over expecting of well fucking everything. Any car company that releases a sporty version of a previous model just to have something a little more fun to drive and enjoy and you shitheads go


besides the giant wing i think it looks cool. it reminds me of armored core


Who would win:
>eg hatch with a few simple mods
>tofu memebox with a silvertop and carbon hood

500$ CRX with a 1200$ B18

At least an Abarth has heritage, and it isn't a fucking Civic, innit?
Still doesn't make it a sports car.

>Sports Car

Just kill me now.

And they are just as much of a faggot for calling a FIAT 500 a sports car.

kys retard

>it isn't a fucking Civic
it's worse

It's proof that everyone are just entitled shits. I like the design, personally and I'm not even anywhere remotely a fan of Honda.


you should probably just neck yourself

Looks like a hot wheels car designed by a kid with autism

It's not a sports car, it's an economy grocery getter. Jesus you guys are retarded.

Not even a hondafag but the 90s type-r's are pure sex

Because that would be intelligent and against the norm and as we all know chinks are the opposite of that. God forbid someone makes a new rwd econobox that isn't a fucking mustang.

You know what I hate the most about the Type R? The sheer audacity of dealerships to attribute a "Market Adjusted Price" twice as high as the Mustang GT350.

One guy was arguing with three salesman about that ridiculous price and one of the salesman just said "Well at auction one sold for 60k." Turns out that auction was to raise money for a charity.

Never trust a dealership.

>Honda is a chink company
>Mustangs are econoboxes
This might be the most American post I've ever seen.

>Never trust a dealership.

Thanks for advice, captain obvious!


I recently saw one irl and it didn't even stand out that much. In person it draws as many eyes as a 4 door sti

But mustangs are econoboxes (at least the ones with less than 8 cylinders are) and honda is literally a chink company.

It's a Nip company, Chinks are Chinese.

Same difference they all look the same

Learn the difference - it could save your life.

Im willing to bet you dont travel much.

Stay ignorant pleb

>At least an Abarth has heritage
You italfags are literally the worst. Do you have any other arguments besides muh passion and muh heritage?

>Civic Type R
The honda civic is the FWD title holder for the fastest FWD car at Nurburging

wrong, its a sport compact

I live in New England in the United States why should i give a flying fuck about the lap time at some track in germany?

If ninjas pop out of your hood

The point is its one of the fastest road legal FF cars

A motorcycle company that funds its obsession with other products.