/wowg/ - World of Warcraft general


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night elf

an abominations

what's next, night elf paladins?


Fuck pandas and the autismos that play

Get those red pandas out of here.

/wowg/ flex this saturday! US-Horde side like it's always been, starting at 8pm cst. Depending on who shows up, we might just jump straight to heroic. Everyone is invited! Minimum ilvl should be at least 850. Invites go out at 7:45. Add Froo#1664 for details and invite.

We will be using discord for voice but it's not required.
Discord link:

Reminder that Final Fantasy is free to play up to level 35, and the new expansion is coming next month.

which furry race attracts the most furry autistics? worgen or panda

after the two Moonfangs in the paladin order, it's kinda confirmed.

Is anyone else enjoying the hot air balloon event? It's a nice little mmo feature imo

this is thal'kiel
say something nice about him

Both should be purged

Evidently not good enough to stop you coming back here

How do I do it?

That's really tricky
I'd say Worgen "literal female dog" women are worse overall because it's just straight bestiality instead of really autistic fat chicks

>A trial is Free to play

> Final Fantasy gets new expansion next month.
> WoW gets a garbage 9 boss raid.

100% worgen

I obtained most of the demonology hidden appearance items while farming for affliction's. Fuck thal'kiel

>we had to wait 10 weeks after 7.2 for the raid just because they want the release it at the same time as another MMO expac hits

literally every raid or patch release since like MoP coincides with another MMO's "big patch" or new expansion in order to snuff them out

>Using a pre-Legion title.

Talk to the npc at one of the balloons and then wait for 2 more people to also do that. it'll put the 3 of you in the balloon and fly you around the zone.

he's my second favourite artifact after the frost DK swords
fuck Archimonde and fuck Eredar people

What zone? What baloons? I'm level 40

>using titles still available in the game
get a load of this turbocasual legoogoobaby

There's a small red X on the map of zones that have balloons. Go to those locations.

the lowest level balloon is in Crystalsong I think, so you're sol until you level up

>using a pre-WoD title

It's fucking over a new expansion
A new expansion you guys!!

How will we ever recover?

>sign up deliberately to boost groups
>link key
>they invite
>i proceed to btfo them on DPS
>run ends
>"heh, thanks for coming fags"
>leave group and logout satisfied

Fuck the light.

there's some draenei in the rogue class hall too, so?

I've lost my way and need a new class

lmfao what is this, wodbaby circlejerk hour?

are they order hall champions that get entire questlines dedicated to them becoming rogues and then going "wtf I love sneaking now"

Play warrior

I'm legit scared this time. FF is doing great, and WoW only "slightly ahead" of WoD. I think we're in troubles this time.

>thinking legion thinks good

Calm down old content solo man

t. highlord/shadowblade/huntmaster/slayer/archdruid/archmage/farseer/battlelord/netherlord/grandmaster/high priest/deathlord

Stop being guildless.

Oh shit they might get 3/4 of our pop maybe

>scared of Chronomatic Anomaly slow-phase:the game

they're random ebin pirates of course xd

you will address me by my rightful title, turboshitter, "Old Content Solo Man, Hand of A'dal"

>not using a title that flows with your name

>not being Stylist

Stop mythic raiding.

I know this is a meme, but you should take time to criticize the actual shit aspects of the game instead of talking about shit you don't seem to understand.

>using a title

>finally level lock to max
>play afflic from 100-102
>demo from 103-108
>destro from 108-110
>like destro the most even though it's weak single target and idc about being top dps
>learn the next day that Blizz is reworking/buffing destro
>now every lock I see is destro
>mfw I have unintentionally picked a FOTM spec

>2 second global CD

yeah sure bud, whatever you say

>meme title
no ty

Caring about FFXIV new expansion... I have tried to like and level up a character in XIV for 3 times by now, one time I had my buddy playing it as well (he ended up doing 5000+ hours in one year or something) but every time I've been put off by: slow as fuck combat, stupid lolita characters, stupid armor etc designs, small areas which feel like they are copy-pasted or something...etc. FFXIV is only for mega-weebs.

WoW has always been charming at least graphically and musically even though it is carrying this spaghetti-code decade old engine etc. But still...

>The shittiest class

>not Scarab Lordé

heeeey you used my pasta

Stop unsubscribing.

A new singleplayer storyline.

I can't do it cross server so I never started

If you take out the population of non-english speakers out of WoW's population I bet it's less or equal to ffxiv right now

having """millions""" of people buy the game doesn't mean shit when most of them are chinks and russians you'll never play with

Like so many people don't speak English in the group finder in EU, it's rare to even find a group who are from primarily English speaking countries

ffxiv is literally only popular in English and jap speaking countries

I know that feel. Well I like the characters and the armor actually, but the areas and music and combat just dont have the good feeling WoW gives me.
Will buy SB anyway, I want to play as a Red Mage.

Great, fuck off to their general then with your reddit spacing, faggot

>dazed while flying

Ffxiv is loosing players now too tho. Many people are unhappy that SB wont change anything about the system (of getting gear for example, or the 4 boss patch circle). So that doesnt look that good. The devs are scared to try new things.

I still like xiv but that is something I have to give WoW shitty devs, they at least try to do new shit even if it makes the playerbase butthurt.

>n-no your millions don't count

>the affliction trait that gives UA a chance to reapply itself when falling off is bugged and is procc'ing ALL THE FUCKING TIME and is clearly the reason why affliction is shitting on everyone else
>Blizzard is fixing it like they should
>They throw in some straight nerfs to go along with it because fuck it, everyone is tired of seeing affliction anywhere on the damage meters
>Demonology is hardly being changed
>Destruction is getting a damage buff across the board
>The soul shard system is going back to Embers but they can't call it that because that would be admitting they fucked up so they're calling it Soul Shard Fragments
>Mastery is still retarded as fuck but at least they're raising the RNG floor of the stat by giving it a minimum +% damage
>Destruction will probably still not even keep up with Demonology after all is said and done

>mfw archeology got me the fossile raptor mount

>Not having a goblin glider for emergency landing.

congrats I am jelly

They haven't officially announced anything about the expansion though.

Please fucking shoot me.

whats the best kidfucking simulator mmo? blade and soul or TERA?


It's truly the best thing

I need more qt femhumans /wowg/

That is the fucking problem user. They dont indicate any changes.
From interviews with yoshida you can clearly read that he does not plan to change the boss circle at all, about the combat system changes they mentioned that they want to make it easier so the skill gap is not big anymore.

Nothing else new, you gonna farm these 450 stones each week to buy after 2-3 weeks your gear, and when you finally have BiS it will be shit 1 week later after a patch hits. The system was good in ARR, boring in HW and if SB continues with it... dunno maybe I and others are just burned out on that game for now.

jesus christ how horrifying

looking at this thread makes me realize blizztard's flass cantasy isn't so bad

qt brown femhumans?


>clicked out of curiousity
>top of first page for /r/legion is LEEROY JENKINS

reddit was a mistake

All qt femhumans.


Brown girls go to the trolls

just go look at some fucking porn you hormone-addled virgin

>all forsaken were humans as they were citizens of Lordaeron raised by the Lich King
>in Cata, Sylvanas is using Val'kyr to raise more Undead
>clear opportunity to include Forsaken of other races
>elves and trolls fit in perfectly in terms of geography
>still stuck with undead humans


>Mfw I finally get the bug scepter mount from Tol'vir and see three other people with it pass by after hearthing back to Dalaran

>violating the dead bodies of your allies is okay
are you dumb

Just me and the gf in a mildly dangerous situation.

>12 people show up to raid
>5 of them are missing enchants
>it's heroic NH

How well do you think this went?

who do you miss?

i miss....


Your raid got shitslapped by Spellblade a lot didn't it?

> Not a spider.


This wasn't even the first time the Smiling Dog Crew went out of their way to piss off the community.



Bolvar Fordragon after he got demoted from tard wrangler to undead babysitter on Artha's frozen shitter.

>Zen Flight moves at fucking 175% mount speed
>regular epic flying is 310%

why does blizzard hate monks


i miss my (you)´s