Sandwich edition
Sandwich edition
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10 bans can't come soon enough so I can prevent teammates from picking retarded shit
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
>Graves can be meta forever but Kindred's meta for 5 months in total.
Do I go 12/18/0 or 0/18/12 on Illaoi? I really really like Runic armour and summoner insight, but I'm not sure it's worth giving up all the raw damage in the ferocity tree.
>tfw no wonderland witch that summons living cutlery and a moon monster to fight people
Kindred needs a reworked passive
>tyler1 has been playing league for the past 30 hours
how does he do it? i get exhausted after playing 4 games b2b.
>Ban yasuo so mid/top doesn't pick it
>Lee is open and jungle picks him
It can't come sooner
can he stream it yet?
No, he's still being watched by riot
A good thing is that they know about the account he's playing on, and it's not getting banned. It's very possible he could go back to streaming again
I'm just gonna play Support since i'm sick of auto-filled jackasses and shitty adcucks. It hasn't been to bad so far I've currently won about seven games in a row mainly playing Thresh. Was just wondering the best rune set for him? I was thinking about Running AD marks/1 crit rune, HP yellows, MR Blues, Armor quints but I was wonder how MS Quints were on him?
>Some idiot in my game thinks pink wards still spot eve
D5 ladies and gentlemen
It is your fault, I can't tell you as a Leona main how many times I've been hooked on purpose to get to the enemy adc and my partner just runs away while they are focusing me.
You little shits should be executed seeing as all you have to do is right click yet still manage to fuck that up.
I thought they did only she gets alerted when near a control ward?
xth for lambutt
The Kindred/Nidalee era was easily the SINGLE worst jungle meta of all time and I hope it doesn't return EVER again. That bitch needs a gameplay update at least to make her less fucking cancerous
xth for cuddling in bed with foxes
>extremely negligible amounts of more raw damage
>versus stronger heals and shields on a champion with %hp heals who builds DD, sterak's, and visage
>versus more MS on an immobile champion and summoner spell CDR
>versus bonus resists
cmon senpai
>the bigger they are the harder they ______
>*one-shots your carry*
nuff said
why is she so cute
You missed one.
Why do you keep posting your games that no one cares about?
Literally the reason i picked up the support role. That and no one below platinum knowing what a sight stone is.
why do the same posts get posted every thread?
and im not talking about lulu either
Taric has literally nothing to offer in lane. His sustain compared to other sustain supports terrible, we are talking here about 20 health per charge, with a maximum of 60 health after 45 seconds. Soraka, Nami, Sona even Alistar can provide better sustain. Since he's a melee tank support he's already having a hard time, strong laners such as Cait + Karma won't give you the opportunity for an all in and zone you away from cs constantly.
His all in potential is easy to read and predictable depending on the support it might be useless in a pure 2v2 scenario (we are talking here about either supports that can lockdown an enemy such as Leona/Alistar or protective supports such as Lulu with her shield + poly, hell even a Janna ult can clear that engage).
And even if we ever reach the point where teamfighting becomes relevant other supports can do the same stuff Taric does easier and better then he ever could in SoloQ.
If your entire goal for the Taric pick is to pressure the enemy ADC in teamfights or towerdive them early on, pick Leona support.
You want your hypercarry to survive as long as possible, pick Lulu/Karma/Soraka/Janna.
You want to be a lategame machine who spams spells nonstop pick Sona.
You want to surprise your enemies in lane with sick CC, play Blitz, Thresh or even fucking Veigar support.
As I said there isn't a single scenario in soloQ where Taric will outshine any other support.
Impressive collection.
Thats alot of top-laners
finished version when
Cute manageable breasts.
>If your entire goal for the Taric pick is to pressure the enemy ADC in teamfights or towerdive them early on, pick Nautilus support.
Fixed, there's no reason to pick Leona when Naut exists
And somehow Graves/Lee meta with a side of Ivern is an improvement?
>play yasuo for the first time
>feed my ass off
i will only stop playing a champ (except a jhin and bard) once i get a chest on them
They do you moron
Camouflage != Invisibility
And before you go full autism argue this shit with Riot and their meme definitions, not me
Runaan's was buffed to 40% damage on the secondary bolts from 25%.
Runaan's is the best zeal item by miles currently.
>look mom I posted it again
>get an autofilled support
>has no idea what lane pressure is
>doesn't buy a sightstone until after tear
>can't land a skillshot for shit
the difference between being autofill and not is all about laning
if i can make them back up 1v2 because they're afraid of me and my poke the least you can do is stand to the side of me stop stand behind me you shitters
i was doing this before that buff
its literally just more, really small but melting shots
and allows you to target more enemies in a cluster at once
>Fixed, there's no reason to pick Leona when Naut exists
Naut isn't a qt like Leona
>I posted it again!
Well that is true, you got me there. Leona is gorgeous
>Morg and MF
>not above sona
really juices the fruit
Yes it is, very much so actually. Graves may be cancer but he's basically a very poor man's version of what Kindred was at her peak.
Lee is annoying as shit but he doesn't automatically nvalidate the entire fucking jungle roster because here are actually a LOT of champions that can duel him early game nowadays.
Like Riot said, there is zero place for Melee junglers to exist when Ranged ones can do literally everything they can do even better, and that's why they broke her kneecaps. Even NOW she still manages a solid winrate with her niche as fuck playerbase
>play draven
>harassing enemy support/adc every chance i get
>shitter support sitting 5 FEET BEHIND ME
>enemy adc and support realize my support is actually brain dead
>they both start walking up and harassing me while retard supp is a mile behind me doing nothing
99% of the supports i get when i pick draven are fucking retarded.
>never realized that Ez is giving Taric and Lux dirty looks
Since they shot down the Ez x Lux train does this mean Ez x Taric might become a thing?
what junglers can actually survive a level 3 lee with doubles?
I've only ever dueled a level 3 lee with doubles with graves, xin zhao, yi, and irelia i can't think of anyone else who can stand up to him other than elise? maybe nidalee at some point?
plz don't bait sir
More losses than wins, top fucking kek.
Probably not considering where the two are located
What jungler can fight lee at level 3 besides Graves/Elise?
Warwick most definitely can. New Sej can too especially if she gets the jump on him
He keeps trying to spread disinfo for some reason. It's funny because the charts make no judgement about you taste. Just because a girl might not have the absolute biggest tits or ass in all situations doesn't mean that she's bad.
Shit, I've gotta get Xayah on here
>people think they actually shut it down
More like it hasn't happened yet in the new lore retcons.
Else Ezreal wouldn't be getting a Tuxedo Mask skin to complement Star Guardian Lux.
I am leveling a new account now and I keep fighting scripters, I report the ones I'm 100% sure about and usually 1 - 2 games after I get thank you for feedback, action been taken against player lol.
It's funny that these people with their inhuman reactions and combos, usually laugh or flame in chat - but now they are the ones wasting money and time.
Sooooo... Taric x Lux?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>play Illaoi
>enemy jungler ganks me and my jungler is taking dragon while he does so
>be level 12
>decide to start playing normals
>get matched against a smurf in a 4 man party
>get shit on in lane and out of lane
>enemy team all chatting "wow kys you're so bad" "why do you even try" "uninstall this game"
>eventually my team starts insulting me to
>go 0/6 and we surrender
>log out
Is this even worth it? Goddamn
They shoehorned no less than 3 homos in the piltover/zaun lore updates since they hired Burch so it's very possible.
Champs you wouldn't bat an eyelash at if RIOT made them canonically gay:
Missing anyone?
Well, I just watched a Lee invade our Warwick and get eaten alive.
>Lee in all: wow that champ is soo skillful
Probably not considering where the two are located
Kha'Zix if he's isolated
Darius and Mordekaiser
your chart is just objectively incorrect
They do
Literally the only champ early that can seriously threaten Warwick is Graves. Dude's an early game 1v1 god, but that's supposed to be his niche anywho
Some people think if they get Challenger then they might get 5/10 Asian pussy. But they won't.
They were trying to tilt you on purpose. It worked.
When are they going to buff Leona? Like giving her a sunfire cape while her W is active.
Riot will never confirm the sexualities of their more questionable champions due to the fact that they sold their corporate souls to their Chinest overlords. And China doesn't tolerate gay stuff in their media at all.
>get a string of unwinnable games
>have to do promos again
this system is fucking garbage
Riot specifically wants to AVOID giving tanks hyper-reliable damage. Sunfire was a mistake in its entirety, literally oodles of damage strictly for existing and sitting on top of people. That's why they gutted it.
dude me
>Riot will never confirm the sexualities of their more questionable champions due to the fact that they sold their corporate souls to their Chinest overlords. And China doesn't tolerate gay stuff in their media at all.
I'm actually thankful for the Chinks on this one.
btw does this mean the lore page gets rewritten for the Russians and Chinese to remove fudge puckers and carpet munchers?
>dopa has an 88% win rate
>didnt even duoq abuse like tardzaned and viper
>ywn see dopa shit on faker and skt in competitive play
how is this gook so good at this game?
Whats ur ign we can talk there
Is Taric the only support that can buy both knight's vow and zeke's and put em to good use?
can u gift me on euw?
>no What Champion pisses you off the most?
trying for the easy yous?
I can only play Justice champions like Garen and Galio well.
What are some other Justice champions to add to my repertoire?
>tank support
>putting zeke's to good use when it's specifically for AP stacking champs?
>The usual suspects get banned
>Ekko gets through
>Don't mind because Ekko isn't a hard lane, just annoying
>Team mates find a way to feed him instead
give them an order of demacian royal justice
>get punished by Riot because I don't want to be locked into a commitment of getting butt fucked because my team doesn't know anything about team comp or what champions are good where and want to hop on free week shit like Xayah and Rakan
so basically the only junglers than can duel yi are those with sustain, cc, or both
graves being the exception because he's graves
Jarvan IV is a horrible example of misogyny in videogames.
His kit is heavily focused on penetration, with his dragon strike sundering his foes armor and it's ability to 'knock foes up'.
He heavily permeates rape culture, and it isn't just his Dragon Strike that is obviously supporting rape.
His shield 'Golden Aegis' "calls upon the ancient kings of demacia" to protect himself, Jarvan LITERALLY has the patriarchy protect his rapist ways and Jarvan's flag that he stabs into our mother earth is called the "Demacian Standard" so not only does he exemplify horrible overmasculinity with his focus on penetration and patriarchy, but he LITERALLY rapes the earth! and his flag's name implies this is normal for his culture, his RAPE CULTURE.
Not only that, but for his ultimate he rapes the earth so hard that he creates a huge crater, he DESTROYS the mother earth so hard that her vagina becomes a gaping ruined chasm - saying that unless you disfigure your partner during sex you are not a real man.
So ever since his rework this fucker has been absent from botlane.
Is this a good thing?