/svg/ Shadowverse General

>Just change the language of your client to chinese and claim 8 free packs on your crate.

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[Angry Ninja Noises]

love this meme

>there's anons that still haven't claimed the chinese packs because they think they will be banned

How retarded can you be?

your alright pepe sword

>3 shadowniggers in a row

>he still plays shadowverse

Good night, anons.

One concede please lads

I should save my 2k gold or keep pulling?

>there's anons that are still trying to get other anons banned

Beware the chinks and their dirty packs

Save. Id do that.

Seems like you can save. You're in a better spot than me and I got incredibly lucky this month, but I pulled a lot of meme legos.

Keep a 1k reserve. Grind arena then sit on it unless you want 2 more eachtar to mid shadow or your 3rd sibyl and some ouroboros/israfil for wallet durrgin

I'd stop there.
You've got a lot of "not good yet" cards that will probably be amazing next expansion. Gawain, Roland, and Ginger for instance.

>Get 8 packs, nothing happens
Hooray, free packs!
>Get 8 packs, get banned
Sucks, but probably a blessing in disguise that forces me to spend my time on more constructive activities.

It looks like win-win to me.

>tfw i vialed gawain, ginger and 4 aegis to craft my dragon deck

did i hit the jackpot for total trash?

>fairy cage
No, take your animated thicc and enjoy it.

>complaining about 900 vials

It's indisputable that beast dominator and deepwood anomaly are the WORST legendary of all time right? It literally does nothing on the turn it's played and beast dominator isn't even consider overstated anymore. Skullfane, and fiary princess at least do something when played.

>shitting on thicc fairy in her own cage

Jeanne, Fafnir.

>deepwood anomaly
wait till forest get some bullshit enabler like zell

>opponent doesn't have removal
>you win game
Don't bully user-mly. He's a dormant high school shooter at the moment.

>vialed a ton of legendaries to craft an overcosted deck
lmao, dragoncucks ar truly braindead

Beast Dominator is definetely one of the worst legendaries, especially when Mastema exists.
Anomaly, however, is shit, but usable.
This takes the spot for worst legendary, alongside Beast Dominator.

>emoting dragonfags after ramping to 10PP on turn 6
Why is this allowed?

Don't respond to namefag, you retard.

>emoting dragfag
Let me guess. It was rowen?

i thnk the 0/5 haven leggo is absolute dogshit, what was the point of that?

Both of them did the same thing (Rarely see Ryu, but yeah, dragonman is more audible in the douche-o-meter.

To sack you in story mode.

>not memeing hard with it

Gawain and Ginger are shit cards

Its pretty good against deck thst dont have board clears.

It's a meme lego for Count Haven. Mythrill Golem is absolute unplayable dogshit, they are not even comparable.

>hitting DShift with a "Don't let it get to you!" before SahaBahaZell on turn 7
Rowen truly has the best BM.

is there anything in the tos about switching your language? i know they say you'll be banned for mods/cheating

>absolute dogshit
user you can actually use that meme
Dragman is the most obnoxious among two. I would play rowen if I ever get titled just to emote the fucking shit out my opponent

>he doesn't know about clearing the board while laying down 19/20 on t5

>complaining about animated qt fairy of roach combo memery

Here's a better all golden pack just to rub the salt in.

>Open chink packs
>Receive meme golds ONLY
These packs were rigged alright, you can take them back Cygames

At least you got some nice animated golds, I didn't even get that much.
I'm jelly of your Medusa.

Can someone tell me if Vengeance Blood is worth making, keeping in mind that I already have complete Mid Shadow/Ramp Dragon decks? I don't have too much to worry about with the meta, but it seems fun to me. The only problem is I have no Belphegors and no Soul Dealers.

Not really, vengeance blood auto loses to shadow, easily loses to havencraft, it is only good against dragons and other crafts that you won't even encounter.

What's is he thinking /svg/?

beast dominator could go 2:1. anomaly is just trash

>lose to haven

You never play it have you? Haven is free wins as kys blood.

"Kill yourself shadownigger"

Cavalier and Jeno are legit good. Medusa is good when reduces and covered by wards. Shadowed assassin is secret murder tech

I play Havencraft in top 10k masters and KYS blood are usually free win to me, especially if I go first.
So I know it from the other end of the spectrum.

Does any one have a budget aggro bloodcraft decklist?

>"hmmm if i use dragon fervor now"

Gotta agree. I don't think i've ever lost to KYS with Storm.

I got a dumb turtle. I hate my parents.

Reminder to report avatar fags

>damn high-rolled by a luck-shitter with a meme deck
>guess I just move on to the next game

Wait you are playing storm haven? Then yeah you can beat kys blood. If its aegis or something else they usually lose if the kys have perfect curve activator on turn 4 with airjammer on 5.


You can just filter my name, sir.

I want those chink packs but I dont want to get banned, how many more days will the event last?

I'm play Grail Haven and I was never particularly raped by KYS blood.
The few times I lost to them was mostly due to my own bad luck and draws rather than their deck.

>how many more days will the event last?

How viable is this deck? I have most of the cards for it, just missing a few of the golds.

Pretty viable

There are plenty of legendaries that do exactly nothing on the turn they are played. For example Havencraft legendaries.

is it that good against dragon?
When I played various version of grail, they always have LB waiting for me.
Plus grail is almost always 8pp do nothing against dragone, while ouro just rap your face.

Don't fall for it, it's shit.

>shit on some BR playing Sun Satan in 2017 with Grail

Dragons are horribly bad players.
I just bait their lightning blast with my other amulets or a decent board. They are generally very quick to do that because they don't expect amulet based win conditions in this meta.
And even if they LB grail, I just place another down or summon Aegis, it is a free turn after all.
I usually keep banish for Oubourous, so it isn't a problem.
If it was shit, I wouldn't be sitting in 10k masters with it.
If you can't pilot it, maybe its your own fault.

which one?
Im gonna be up against 4 dragon and 1 shadow, anyway. Which one give me the best chance.

Thankyou chinks

>Someone plays Shadow or Dragon


>Someone plays a different deck, not even tier 2


Okay /svg/...

He has the cards do it so why the fuck not?

What did you tech in kaguya for?

I'm just making fun of him for using old and busted memes instead of fresh new ones. Calm your tits.

>If it was shit, I wouldn't be sitting in 10k masters with it.


>I play with Dragon/Shadow in ranked but I shitpost about playing with a shitty Grail deck, so retards fall for the meme and give me easy wins

Aegis, but it is also good against big dragons.
Aegis Havencraft is one of my worst matchups, only 33% win rate against them.


>>he still plays shadowverse
user who played this game for like 2 weeks.

It is dead? It was a fun game but my phone heated like a whore. Shame because it was a fun game with cute art.

>playing Shadow in T2
According to that one guy it's really bad so stop playing it.

Don't reply to him.

It's just a retard spamming his unfunny meme every thread. The meta is bad, but the game is far from dead, it's just in a bad state right now.

It's not dead but it's certainly not as popular as it used to be.

Wow, didn't know. Is Eachtar "subpar" too? :^)

Yes, don't draft him either.

Good. Nice and luck good with your game anons.

>everything is a falseflag
>only meta decks can work
Literally kill yourself, I'm sick of your pathetic kind infesting /svg/.

Is being drunk the only way to enjoying Shadowverse right now?

/svg/ can't imagine anything working outside of the things they already know. They're so narrow-minded. I'm playing with Seraph right now, and I'm surprised at how consistent and good it is.

You are cancer.

Some fucker dropped me to yet another 4-1 run after playing TWO Eachtars. Every time I get a ridiculous deck I am quickly reminded that everyone has a ridiculous deck now.

Arriet should totally work with Aegis.
What a worthless card.

Just themis bro

>themis in arena

How do I counter heavenly aegis as a control bloodcraft?

If he has to craft cards, he obviously doesn't have em.

Play a real deck