>Grubby's "close enough but still not a map tier list" Tier List >Tier lists are effective guidance tools, but should never be blindly followed robogrub.com/tierlist
>Where can I join the Clown Fiesta? "/join Veeky Forums" in game chat
Joshua Anderson
Where the FUCK is Maiev????
Brayden Wood
Where the FUCK is Tirion?
Benjamin Perry
> Blocks your path
Owen Lewis
Where the FUCK is Naisha??
Benjamin White
Where the FUCK is Fenix??
Aiden Gutierrez
>Dumb as fuck healing output. >Great damage in late game. >Good CC options. >Literally just have to position self correctly in team fights. >Has an "Oh shit" button.
Why do you not play flying angel bitch of infinite winning, /hotsg/?
Christopher Parker
>Alleria and Turalyon gone from WoW >obviously they got pulled into the Nexus >they're not here either wtf blizz?
Jaxon Price
Do you have your 15k ready for Hana? You ARE buying her on release, aren't you, /hotsg/?
Joseph Stewart
I saved up my gems for her.
Evan Morris
She's like Zarya where her success is dependent on your team not sucking.
She's a win-more hero and can't really play from behind.
Benjamin Collins
i am
Chase Robinson
No Dva a shit! A SHIT!
Robert Anderson
I need 4000 more gold for Varian
Logan Flores
That is a fair reply.
Parker Jones
You also need a reliable battery to generate hope otherwise no one gets heals.
Daniel Perry
>be blizzard >make a moba where you only have ~4 good supports >nerf them all >never make any new supports
:) fun game :)
Cameron Morgan
Abathur buffs when
Oliver Torres
>I love 2 support meta, give me all the dicks in mah butt right now
Dominic Gomez
176544690 you fucking baiting cunt
Hunter Hughes
I'd put that under "not sucking".
If you have a bunch of no-damage teammates who plan on playing defensively and expect heals out the ass (aka. sucking), Auriel is probably not the best pick.
On the other hand, if you have something like a Varian / Jimmy / Valla just AA'ing the shit out of anything that gets near and/or hammering the shit out of the enemy, it will be impossible to die.
Owen Thomas
Why the FUCK are the banners of the Alliance and the Horde not attainable Portraits in this game? I am legitimately baffled by this.
Chase Cook
Spreading out that content just like WoW.
Ryder Diaz
>tfw you trash talk your team and they pull it together in the final half
Bentley Harris
not bad
Camden Reed
Reported :)
Jeremiah Perez
Why is it that some fags get angry when you don't stick around to 2v5 the enemy team?
Adrian Johnson
It won't matter. She's going to be banned every game until she's nerfed into the ground like Samuro and Rag.
Christopher Brown
>Hanamura >Be Stealth >The entire enemy team can't find me >Only got reveal due to afk bullshit
They really should remove that feature on that shitty map.
Jaxon Brown
Because it shows you weren't skilled enough to even try bailing them out. Boldness wins, pussyfooting loses.
I bet you're one of those fuckers who hide behind their healers.
Isaac Rogers
Can I get a zeratul build please? So many good options. Right now I'm going Greater cleave Rending cleave Seeker in the dark Void prison Mending strikes Master warp blade Protective prison
Easton Thompson
I don't want to hear tales from bronze league I want to see tales from bronze league
Alexander Foster
I'll fire off some slows or stuns if I have them but nothing good comes out of engaging the entire enemy team
Logan Clark
Unless you have some sort of long-range CC, going in 3v5 is even worse because then 3 of you will be dead.
Thomas Martin
When is Sgt. Hammer good? She's been working well for me on Cursed Hollow to Siege up in a bush while my teammates get the shrine, but outside that I dunno
Tyler Lewis
I have a good chuckle when some braindead faggot on low hp tries to 1v2 or 3 enemies when they are respawning and they blame you for dying. Just what do they expect you to do? Haha
Justin Young
I am going to get Scarlet Johanna and rock it, and there is nothing you can do to stop that.
Benjamin Rodriguez
In protect the Hammer comps, on Braxxis and that's it. She's a really snowbally hero. When your behind she's really worthless but when you have a lead she can spiral a game out of control.
Jose Ward
>cursed hollow >shine
Joseph Gutierrez
>that dindu chromie skin
im fucking laughing
Jordan Young
I use Spellbreaker Johanna because of how stupid the helmet looks.
Dominic Roberts
>implying You can't bail out stupid.
If your teammates die to a Zarya+Pylon wombo combo in a narrow corridor 5 teamfights in a row, they're not going to learn the sixth time or onwards.
Where's that bronzie who tried to tell me hammer out ranges Probius and that warriors can just rush him down?
Gabriel Myers
>no quickcast Triggered.
Samuel Peterson
look they both have the raven lord I got confused okay
Logan Young
What talents do I go with for Valeera?
Zachary Fisher
>Enemy team has Chogall Li Ming and Chromie >Zarya starts spamming CHANNEL and pinging when we try push them away from the objective
Caleb Morales
>cries about probius >calls other people bronzies
Dominic King
why the fuck don't you have graduating range?
Eli Torres
Andrew Jones
Are we getting new skins with the new patch? How often are new skins going to be released?
Kevin Lewis
Cuz it's fucking shit
Sebastian Barnes
According to Grubby's tier list Probius is the strongest hero in the game According to Hotslogs Probius is among the strongest heroes in all game modes in master league According to tournament statistics Probius is one of the best heroes in the game
Colton Martin
Graduating Range is better in coordination where you can have your team force fights in your extending range. For general use hover is better.
Xavier Rodriguez
then play probius fagtron
Brody Wright
The only other talent worth taking at 16 is executioner, and that's comp-dependent. >Hover Siege moves forward at roughly the same rate as Graduating Range expands, but puts you in more danger >Stoneskin means either you have bad positioning or your team isn't covering for their DPS
Nathan James
I love that no matter what I post, Rabbit Portrait manages to upset someone.
Brayden Watson
Kind of unfortunate tbqh The armor itself looks pretty rad, I think.
Jaxon Campbell
Any tips on playing the Bottle Lobbing Man of Suicidal Dives? >CAPTCHA is 'check side road' I guess that's a good tip
Ethan Sanchez
Hover is fun with stealth tho
Mason Murphy
I want to buy auriel, her sakura skin is too good
Tyler Wood
Don't attack towers all game
Liam Bailey
cocktail poke is insane, learn to aim it properly and to use minions, summons etc to your advantage (use them as the first target hit). you can also get so many kills by lobbing it at the gate after someone with low hp retreats into their fort range.
Connor King
>doesn't change her voice to a pure Japanese maiden
Justin Rogers
Combat readiness Initiative Slice and dice Smoke bomb Death from above Expose armor Night slayer
Cameron Parker
>Gravekeeper >Raven Lord >Sky temple dude Why is everyone in the Nexus a fucking dick
Charles Reyes
Old Wolf of Bottled Piss and THE SOUTH WILL RISE is the most fun when you get a good GO FOR THE THROAT chain and just annihilate their entire back line.
Daniel Morgan
Are we only talking Nexus theme maps? Because Braxxis has a pretty nice guy.
Zachary King
Because it's a talent that's only useful when nobody is going to come and attack you. One hit and all that range is gone.
In a small 2-lane map like Haunted Mines with an enemy team that has no qualms about getting in your face, it's a shit talent to pick.
Wyatt Jenkins
But how can each side have a Dr. Cook?
Matthew Perez
Lost Vikings Tips Anyone? I'm doing okay as them, win some lose some. Got MVP for being 33% of my teams xp one game but there's definitely room for improvement.
Dylan Ross
Same reason we have mirror matches.
Elijah Hughes
>implying Quick Match is canon
Isaac Miller
Cook isn't a Nexus OC, so like the rest of the cast, it is two alternate dimension Cooks trying to murder each other.
Asher Martin
Hover Siege has a lower pick rate and win rate compared to Graduating Range in every skill bracket of every game type except for the bottom of Hero League, and diamond Hero League where pick rate on HS is lower but win rate is about equal. Not that it matters, since I just noticed this dude went with Stoneskin.
That dude doesn't have stealth.
What are you talking about? Taking damage doesn't reset Graduating Range. If anything, Graduating Range makes it harder for the opponents to hit you because they have to walk through more auto attacks.
Jonathan Gomez
The angel one its really comfy to hear praising you even if you fuck all up
Isaiah Bailey
>room for improvement indeed you need at least 50% team exp to be viable
Austin Garcia
>Taking damage doesn't reset Graduating Range. It does when you press E or Z to get away because only a retarded Hammer is going to sit there trying to 1v1 someone in a teamfight.
The whole point is to siege out of range of the enemy. If the enemy's in your face, what's the fucking point? You sit there in siege mode for everyone to see for 5+ seconds so that you can get some increased range like it matters in an even fight when every moment of a fight is you wondering when it's time to bail and scooch over by a smidgen because you're a sitting duck that's going to be a free loot box full of exp.
Only retards in QM will just straight up walk up to you to punch you 1v1 to die instead of just blasting you from range with some burst/lockdown as group. If Graduating Range seems to be making a difference, it's because the enemy is retarded, or outdrafted, or both, not because the talent is worth picking.
Christian Taylor
>Nova brawl >3 games How do I get these games over as quickly as possible?
Kevin Wood
>qm literally only has infernal shrines, hallowed grounds, temples of doom and sun temples
Why are the other maps gone?
Justin Hernandez
kill yourself
Isaiah Johnson
Ian Hill
>Hanamura, Braxxis, ToD and ST only
worst maps
Robert Bennett
>game has 13 maps >can only play 6 at a time LMAO
Kayden Foster
All for the sake of showing off such a great new map. Isn't it grand to be alive in time like this?
Noah Moore
>it's another "retards think invis heroes are op on hanamura" episode
remove this map from the game reeee :)
Jeremiah Wood
>next weeks map rotation is only 8 maps
Haunted Mines Tomb Of The Spider Queen Warhead Junction Braxis Holdout Hanamura Sky Temple Battlefield Of Eternity Cursed Hollow
>still no dragonshire lmao what are blizz doing
Leo Ramirez
Bribe enemy merc camps as often as possible. You can solo your own, so bribing your camps isn't that important.
Joshua Clark
reminder that invisibility is harder to spot on low settings rich2win
Alexander Walker
>Every Warcraft 3 or Starcraft custom game with multiple map >Each player votes at the start which map they want >WoW >Can choose which Battleground not to queue for >HotS >It's completely random and maps are taken out of the pool because fuck you
Why is this allowed?
James Scott
Damn Braxis,Mines,Spider,Eternity and Cursed are my top 5 maps
a pity hanamura is still in the rotation
Andrew Myers
Hanamura was a mistake. I'd rather get Blackheart's Bay or Garden Terror.
Jeremiah Reed
It was mines, so ideally I would've gotten something like Napalm + Hover but teammates were incorrigible feeders who just A-clicked down the lane and chased the Probius and Muradin aaaaaaaaall day in the mines to get blown up instantly.
I died like 4-5 times before lv 10 trying to rep at teamfights and salvage teamfights.
I gave up and went BFG+Stoneskin and pushed in every single tower, fort, and keep mostly by myself while they kept feeding and feeding despite already being a body down because we had an Abathur. >pingpingping >noob hammer >mines > keeps+catapults u noob They had plenty of time for bitching because they were dead all the goddamn time.
Fuck those teammates. We only won because the enemy team skipped the last two mines entirely because they were too busy dealing with the catapult waves on both lanes and/or chasing me around in circles instead of going into the mines. aka. I did a stellar fucking job turning it around The Abathur was the only who didn't chew me out for not feeding and helped me push waves at the front lines when he wasn't busy hatting the idiots.
Why didn't I take Graduating Range? Because it would not have helped me turn the tables while my teammates fed and fed and fed.
Charles Ross
Nicholas Gutierrez
Is Voyboy /ourboy/ now?
Benjamin Turner
My favorite maps are Haunted Mines(pre and post rework), Battlefield of Eternity, and Braxis Holdout. What does this say about me?
Andrew Lopez
I don't mind Garden but I go out my way to grab the plant because most people fucking waste it. I am usually able to push up to there fort very little effort.
Ryan Carter
> >That dude doesn't have stealth.
Level 1 ambush talent that let's you stealth on siege.