/twg/ - Total War General

Love thy Ratfriend and Lizbro Edition

New Lizardmen Gameplay:

>Warhammer II
>Steam Groups

>FAQs and General Info

previous thread:

All comes down to cost.
Gunpowder should deal with them decently.
They should obviously never outnumber anyone either.

Their artillery isn't long range artillery either, so you can outrange them.

Fast cav are kinda worthless.

Their characters should be glass cannony.

And from the ashes, I shall build a better Empire.


This action does not have my consent!

Dropping this here

Lokir Fellheart

>that helmet tho

infantry that are mostly frail for the price. Small numbers, probably 75 for standard units and 60 for elites. Their great-sword wielding elite infantry likely won't be that well armored, meaning they'll be vulnerable to missiles, while the halberd and axe-wielding elites will be more resistant to missiles but lack an anti-infantry bonus meaning they won't win the footsquirebowl.

Serious lack of a good light infantry option like witch elves, flagellants, gors, battle pilgrims or savage orcs.

Lack of monstrous infantry to embed into chaff infantry and do damage with

Artillery is a weakpoint, not just in that High Elf artillery is bad, but as expensive squishies they are quite vulnerable to artillery themselves.

All that said, they'll be the strongest faction for sure if CA's previous performance is any indication, because they'll also have strong flyers and monsters in addition to all the things you mentioned.


It will never last.

RatLiz Love is true and pure

I await the day you are both cast out from society for your unholy shenanigans.





As we used to say
>burn everything and move to Britain.


Thats some ancient, stanky ass fluff

The Sisters of Twilight, Drycha, and maybe Ariel if they want to be weird, are the three options we most need
Naieth would be great but we'll never get her

Was leaving out Daith because he's already in the game? He has a better claim to some of these losers

I was under the impression that Daith was legitimately blind to the point of only being able to smith through touch and smell, none of that fantasy blind warrior trope. Also I ran out of room on the grid but if people complain enough I can replace someone with him.

Araloth, unfortunately, has good odds of being another WE LL, as apart from his hawk he is pretty low charlemagne and he was very important in 8th Ed (And then got cucked hard in ET) which TWWH is loosely based off of.

Araloth has all the lore legitimacy he'd need to be another LL, except for the fact nobody anywhere likes him

Daith fights at least occasionally. It said somewhere he has weapons he forged that he won't let anyone else touch. They'd never implement him, but if they did it'd be cool to see him as a Lore of Metal caster.

If we ever actually do get a third legendary lord I think Ariel or the sisters has the best claim, just because they'd want a "normal" elf and a waifu to balance the current roster.

It's pretty sad how CA shat the bed by not having tons of special named heroes.

inb4 small family company, would cost many charley mains etc.

>implying the DLC ride is even near finished.

It's kidn of pointless, most heroes in warhammer aren't particularly unique unlike the lords or are just improvements over non named heroes. Sniktch for instance is just a much more efficient assassin.

Depends on the faction. Krell is the obvious example. The Green Knight is already in.

Krell is just a wight king with more character assassination. The Green Knight is a good example of how pointless they are, it's a different model sure but pointless.

One ethereal unit in a faction with lore of life is pretty damn distinct.

>tfw you will never be the Fay Enchantress's personal foot worshipper, gently sucking her toes and softly tickling her feet.

Thank fuck, feet are gross.


I think its more finished than you might expect. How many DLC do you think they'll sell us for Greenskins, Empire, or other races we've already got? As a good goy I wish for more, but I don't think we'll get them.

They'll probably give us a couple DLCs for the four starter races and one or two DLC races beyond that for Warhammer II. I really wish they'd milk this harder than they are.

Are wood elves fun to play? I have some steam credit to spend.

There's a lto we don't know as of yet, and more features for the current races won't take precedent over more factions and new content until they think people are committed. Probably one reason why they didn't do naval combat, it'd require free updates to vanilla.

One DLC for each existing race would already be huge.
I doubt it.

The point why it would be great can be glimpsed (in a somewhat half-assed form) when you look at the beastmeme gorebulls.

The concept of having army-wide buffs for certain types of troops and aura-based buffs would be the single best way to implement unique (call them legendary if you insist) Heroes that belongs to a certain troop type.
Giving these buffs to a hero that is essentially spammable so that most of your armies can have that buff was the part where the concept failed.

The various Elven heroes tend to be 'White Lion hero guy', 'Shadow Warrior hero guy' and so on, they'd be perfect for this. You can now make an army centered on that one troop type, and have them be reasonably effective even at things they normally suck at thanks to the buffs from 'their' hero.

Yeah, I know it would be explitable in multiplayer, and CA would fuck up the balancing, etc.

Have not played total war since Bretonnia came out, fuck i really want a fun campaign but i have played everyone and everything.

How is that Call of Warmhammer mod for campaign? I have tried to play it before but it felt like a clusterfuck and also crashed every 10 min.

Beat Shogun 2 as every faction, dont feel like playing Atilla and pooping myelf when the Huns go full dick mode. Rome 2 is still a piece of shit the combat is so slow and dull.

>How many DLC do you think they'll sell us for Greenskins, Empire, or other races we've already got?
A metric fuckton

They could do
Unique Character packs
Unique mini factions (Kislev, ect)
More separate campaigns

And there are still a fuckton of LLs to do.

female horned skaven pack 60$

They could do many more, but I don't think they will. I think we're looking at ten more DLC tops, having shipped five already (not counting blood.)

I'd like to be wrong, though.

Guys, why is the lizardman *POMF* =3 not the OP picture?

Well you are wrong, CA stated they will keep making DLC post W3 as long as it sells


Because thats just gay

>lizardmen trailer
Oh, right
See you guys in another two months

because it's degenerate and encourages the mentally ill to contribute.

wow that trailer didn't show shit

>being this much of a pleb in taste


Its been just over one month

God that's funny and almost cuter than lugia


But E3 is a month away.
I'm expecting atleast a campaign demo.

Its just going to be a HE trailer

Then a month later, DE

To be fair, I don't really give a shit about something that will be released in so much time.

Just give me the Old Friend ffs.

>Implying getting Boris changes anything


Very Fast Skink Falling at Incredible Hihg Speed


I warned you about elves bro!!!!

I told you dog!


needs speed filter
and ZOOM

Is Cataph's magic mod any good? I hear it's been changed around a lot since I last used it several months ago.

>knife ears

hmm, the dead make good friends


What did they mean by this. Honestly skarsnik should get some kind of huge debuff on his trustworthiness that would be literally impossible to overcome within the game time span.


Holy shit, he's the coolest elf of all.

He looks like a mindflayer/cthulhu cultist.

>he's the coolest elf

Wrong answer kid

>literal edgelord

This is pretty much how 14-17 year old bullied schoolboys see themselves.


Good work on this, glad you made an Elf version

Ariel would be the best LL

>*teleports behind you and releases inner demon*

my trust rating changes like every 3rd turn, dont put too much into it

>you now remember when everyone thought we were getting mousillon/middenland as separate factions w/ the red duke/todbringer as lls for the flc
>you now remember that CA put Isabella on the FLC chart knowing that MWNL was rigged in our favor for once in order to make people think we were getting more free shit than we actually were

He didnt Sneak so good.

I care more about the fact the campaign and battle AI is totally rubbish and there is no difficulty at all.

>No Daith for WE, Zatoichi of Warhammer and elven god Vaul himself

Skink a cute! CUUUUUUUTE!!!!

any info on Skaven or Old Friend in the last week?


Difficult battles are never more than a quickmatch away big boy ;)

k, see you guys in a week

You know what annoyed the shit out of me in that belegar campaign on hard, fucking skarnisk pulling an arachnid queen out of his ass several times. It was absolutely ridiculous.

>there is no difficulty at all.
there is artificial difficulty known as -billion stats for you and +billion stats for AI which is shitty and unfair

skaven? haha what do you mean :DD

turning off RoR vastly improves the quality of WH campaigns, especially if fighting the Dwarfs

>Making an unchallenging game significantly easier
>"Vastly improves the experience"


in attilla how do i get the ai to run into my spear units with their cavalry? im having to chase them around like a headless chicken meanwhile their supperior swordcut down my infantry. i cant even tell if my missile units are killing anything

but what about muh boi Korhil
>axe man cometh
>big kitty


The AI isn't stupid all the time, it's actually hesitant to charge bracecd spears with cav if it has an option not to. The spears are there mainly to deny their cav a charge. You need to have cav of your own.

the green knight is hands down the best single unit on that roster wtf are you talking about, have you even played that faction?

REMOVE DRUCHII remove druchii
you are worst elf. you are the druchii idiot you are the druchii smell. return to naggaroth. to our athel loren cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,naggaroth we will never forgeve you. witch elf rascal FUck but fuck asshole druchii stink naggaroth sqhipere shqipare..druchii genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead druchii..ahahahahahNAGGAROTH WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget great sundering .druchii we kill the king , druchii return to your precious daemon waste….hahahahaha idiot druchii and cold one smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE DRUCHII FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. ulthuan+empire+athel loren+bretonnia=kill druchii…you will great sundering/ teclis alive in ulthuan, teclis making album of ulthuan . fast archery teclis ulthuan. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of teclis… you are ppoor stink druchii… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a ark

teclis alive numbr one #1 in ulthuan ….fuck the athel loren ,..FUCKk ashol druchii no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. teclis aliv and real strong wizard kill all the druchii farm aminal with high magic now we the high elf rule .ape of the zoo kang malekith fukc the great daemon and lay egg this egg hatch and naggaroth wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. ulthuan greattst countrey

>literally Edgius Darkedgy

>john hammond intensifies

no but then I'm not braindead.

So cav is the only thing that matters like in the other games? i wanted to play saxons which seem like a foot army with spears and javelins, should i just switch to something else if i want to role play?


How can lesser races even compete with the power of meme magic?

Does that guy have the best job in the whole army, he rides a fucking tyrannosaurus.


Found them on total war access

Sorry, what were you saying?

I was busy dooming my entire race.
