/dg/ - Destiny General

Lords of Alpha Edition


Anyone on PS4 doing VoG?

Just let it die

I'm thinking on picking Destiny 2 for pc, since I don't have a console, but I heard that updates might be delayed for a whole year to give PS4 exclusivity, it's this true?

The only things that will be timed-exclusive are one or two exotic weapons, a strike, and PvP map

no you fucking retard.

So, no content restriction and everyone will get the same things at same times?

I'm asking this because while looking for lore, I saw people complaining that the xbox still don't have things from taken king content, but the reports of what those contents entails aren't clear.

Such wonderful person, can I be your friend?

We don't have a strike, 2 weapons, a PvP map and some armor. When TTK came out, the contract said "until at least fall 2016," but they extended that to "at least fall 2017" because RoI didn't include any new PS exclusive stuff (except for a ship).

>So, no content restriction and everyone will get the same things at same times?

are you some kind of fucking retard on purpose dude? what part of timed exclusive do you not understand?

xbox is missing 2 exotic weapons, a strike and a pvp map and some legendary armor. they're only missing it because bungo signed a stupid contract that made those things exclusive to PS until destiny 2 came out. this retard is fucking wrong.

destiny 2 will still have ps exclusive content

fuck off retards, both of you.


>we don't have a strike
>2 weapons
>PvP map
>advertisement for TTK said exclusive until fall 2016
>changed to fall 2017 when RoI was revealed
>all of these objective statements

his reasoning for why it was changed is wrong.

fuck off retard.

Then what is the reasoning? Let's see some proofs

they signed a contract that made those things exclusive until the launch of destiny 2.

guess when they were supposed to come to xbox? fall 2016. guess when destiny 2 was supposed to come out? fall 2016. looky here, destiny 2 gets delayed to 2017 and so does the exclusive gear.

it doesn't take some fucking mensa guy to connect the dots here you absolute knuckle-dragging mong.

you wanna pull the fucking proof card motherfucker prove that they delayed it for AN ENTIRE FUCKING YEAR simply because RoI only had an exclusive PS ship.

protip: you fucking can't, fuck off retard.

i forgot to mention here but fuck off you slimey britbong piece of shit, fuck yourself ron weasley.

>being this mad

great defense there my weeb shitposting dude

fuck off retard

>being this upset

Will people be flooding back here when the reveal drops?


Dead fucking thread

Who dis? Gonna be looking to run a few in a few hours.

Where the fuck are these hats everyone is talking about? I want to buy one but can't find them anywhere on gamestop's website.

If you buy the shirt it comes with a code that lets you open a special section of the store for destiny elite.

>pantheon trials





Bump so we don't die
Futaba best girl

nth for best girl


2/6 VoG

What's the featured raid this week?

kf's fall

I have another 3 so 5/6.

6/6 if you're in Joof.

Ite a minute left of this redbone video

Hory shet thread is ded

Iron Banner anyone? Or Crucible in general? Shitters preferred.

Will anyone stream it?

read the op, you fucking retard

>real brit hours stream
You don't want this

>41 posts in 7 hours

ded gam


Itr: People can't into jump

lfg titans with suppressors for IB

>Oryx is transgender
>The Tower is full of muslims

is Destiny the most bluepilled game ever?

>page 10

>Oryx is transgender
as I understand it, the Hive don't have sex or gender in the same way we do
>The Tower is full of muslims

Need 3 for King's Fall CM.

Gimme like 20mins and I'll come help


4/6 for KF CM.

>tfw ded thred on a Friday afternoon


im sure you can't get Y2 class items from IB. I've played like 50 games and i haven't seen a single one drop.

You ready? Still need 2 more if you are.

Eating a light meal, if you still need one in around 5-10 mins I will be there


Look at you. Every meal you eat is light.

>5-10 minutes

5/6 for King's Fall Challenge Mode.


Goddamn I love being a titan.

But hunters and warlocks are cool too.

Post your guardians.

Cannot use this feature.

why even eat? you'll never surpass 5'8 manlet status

because I want to stay in shape for daddy c:

Need 1 more for KF. Some fuckass from LFG dropped out. Currently at totems.

I actually have very little doubt that the PvE in Destiny 2 will be much better than in Destiny 1.

But as before, the PvP will be the problem child.


are any xboners doing group stuff?

your mom

riveting comment


>he wasn't invited


your mum


Thank you whore rihanna

There hasnt been boners here in forever


I hope so honestly, the rumors about things being more open is exciting.

>female titan

I'm playing IB

Each class gets a unique movement mode

>Hunters get Mirror Edge or Titanfall styled wall running and generally acrobatic shit
>Warlocks can blink like in Dishonored
>I'm thinking Doomguy mode for titans where they get fucking fast run speed and can fire heavy weapons with no movement speed loss
>Modes take a bit of your super bar to use so you have to make a choice between one strong attack or being fast

How bad is my idea?

The abilities aren't OP so just take the super cost away and they should be ok.

>wall running hunters
>better blinking warlock
>faster titans with no movement penalties for shooting
>not OP

great another "I have retarded ideas" chain of posts, I love these reruns.

>Wall running being OP
>Blink that takes setup being OP
>Running fast being OP
How does it feel to be retarded?

If anyone was down for vog thatd be cool

I did know my ideas was bad, that's why I always try to overshoot with the costs.

Having them count as a alt supers sound better? You fill the bar and you can get the big attack off or enter movement mode. Also I felt titans got shafted a bit, would a defense boost while moving or something like "running forward for x seconds creates a field around you that knocks people back and deal damage" be better?

Another thing I forgot to think about, bigger maps would need to be created for these modes. Outside of patrols, some boss arenas, and pvp maps a lot of the maps are pretty cramp

yeah dude lets give people to activate a super evasive movement ability 3-4 times a game haha, how could this possibly backfire lol!!!!!!

Stop pretending to know shit you fucking autist. Blink, shadestep and titan skating exists and are used much more frequently, and are more versatile than wall running, teleporting with cast times and sprinting fast. You think you know how the game works, but you fucking don't so just fucking stop. The suggestion the guy made could be implemented with minor tweaks. You don't even know how fast said sprint would be, how fast or smooth the wallrun would be and how fast the warlock would teleport, and you are already jumping to shitty conclusions to seem smart and shit over a fun idea. Fuck off.

Are you ready to become an animorph in D2?

This week's Angel's Advocate is mida pre-nerf + zen moment


> Blink, shadestep and titan skating exists and are used much more frequently, and are more versatile than wall running

gonna stop you right here mr epic idea man, you're a fucking retard.

fuck off retard.

Like the song says, "It ain't me"
That was not mr epic idea man, I am. Also is retard the only thing you can say retard

So legitimately what happened to the Boner presence here? It's never been great but it just fell off a fucking cliff the last little while.

The Inner Circle has declared a full recall on all xboners in preparation of Alpha Team's announcement on the 18th

>Universal remote/NBP
>300 dis suppressors
>Weapons of light with a sniper
The fun is all mine, none for anybody else.

t. quadster

>wanting to be part of destiny blog post general

3/6 for CE