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>play unranked
>everyone takes the game very seriously
>play ranked
>full of russians who do dumb shit and flip out when they solo feed and then feed some more and drop items and send couriers down the mid lane

I love you kpii but newbee just doesn't have the magic anymore

bek to bek tetris

is crystal "maiden" the worst name in all of dotaland?

based R co-poster

wtf mate? Just cause he's an aussie doesn't mean you can tell him you love him, he has a girlfriend.

ET waifu: Claimed.

I thought they didn't get plastic boobies in mainland europe. wtf? you euros lied to me.

is that kotlguy

ur brain is plastic

keep talkin shit and see what happens

who is this games Lulu?

Techies are your teemo.
Looking for more similarities dotafriends

ET looks nothing like a terminator how did you connect those dots?

Who are the best offlane heroes for bullying the enemy carry/supports in lane?

kotl if the other players are really dumb

if you are not watching midone play tetris you are missing out t b h


>dota is dead it's losing players
player numbers start growing again
>haha the TI prizepool this year will be lower
it's actually breaking records
>b-but look today prizepool increased less than the same day last year! it's slowing
next day TI7 surpasses previous years growth

what's next for our shitposting community?

blowaki more lie choke-aki amirite


shrines were a mistake

Sheever getting blacked on stage

looks like you were wrong all along

We will reach peak eventually.
At least we aren't Blizzard asking 20M for a sport in their Memewatch league


>reach peak
I was thinking about it, and I'm not so sure that will happen soon.

There's a lot of people that don't play at all anymore but when TI season comes they still buy the compendium.

This group of ex-players that now are just spectators but still support the game with purchases keeps growing every year as new players come and eventually go.

I think it's this group of people that will make the TI prizepool grow for many years to come.

>people here blog abiut how they can't get out of nornal skill because of their team
>queue up with awful friends, can't even queue ranked because of mmr disparity
>games end up in normal skill
>win every single one easily with 20-30 kills
>4.5k mmr
Honestly your bracket is stupidly easy, get good.


Comfyleague is about to start.

>winning games against people 2k mmr below you
wow impressive, no one's done that before

>normal games are an indication of skill level



>normal skill ranked is harder than normal skill unranked
>normal skill

>ranked vs unranked
>believing that stacks tryhard in unranked
congrats on beating up some thirdies though user, when can we expect you on the stage at ti?

or don't

I don't care

dumb horseposter


post sheever panties

post sheev pantsu

why would someone put panties on a horse?

Heres a tip for all u sub 3k shitters.

Storm, ember, sf, ta especially will get you out of your shit trench. If you cant get out by spaming those heros, you belong where you are. Ta can solo win lane, and the game.

That is all

>venereal disease

>wearing a cap with the tag still on

do brits really do that?

>I've seen your ghetto side before

I dunno, ask MLP

League of Legends status: Fogged.

>four liquid games today

imagine the handjobs with those arms

are they racist Trump supporters?

wait can I be racist without having to support trump?

Shark boat when


Mjolnir or Desolator first on Sniper?

sure is

Neither, dragon lance. Then in to pike if you need escape.


Lance to mjoll or pike first depending on if you need to more defensive.

I wish there were no invites at all this year and all teams had to go through qualifiers.

i play dota 2 about 12 hours a day on my laptop and its running at 53-60c
is this ok?

>mfw when slacks says something

you are shortening your laptops lifespan
gl when it dies in 6 months

this is by far the worst commentary team ever assembled.

That's really good for a laptop temp. Hardware is rated to operate 20 degrees higher than that though obviously that's not ideal

>tfw every time you cook macaroni you speed up the heat death of the universe

that's moonduck man
>other mox canadafaggot


how can mind control be this good? Doom is fking shit man

>technically esports
>qt fogged
>milf sheever
why are we dead

How do we interpret this

He's good in lane because he gets a free +6HP Regen + Spookynuke or else free mana regen + healspam along with his regular healwalk.

There is a little girl in his home sleeping, so he doesn't want to wake her up

She needs to start dressing like a whore.

Who cares, waga is a faggot.

claerly he abducted some poor girl

is matu in this game? has he been jungle farming all game?

>From professional host to girl at her high school prom
Make-up is magic.

It'd be nice to watch an even game for once

I feel bad for Dendi. Do you think he even wants to play anymore? I think he'd just be happier if he retired.

his girl is getting railed behind him by Jamal

based matu

I love this boy n-no h-homo

>rap version of the lord's prayer

Whats you're problem kiddo?
Everyone has their own way of appreciating God.

Try to stop thinking about cuckoldry for a second amerifriend, I know it's hard for you but nobody cares about your fetishes.

I want to lick sheever's freckles

did you just assume his nationality?

what is name of that song? sounds very catchy

Slacks is a madman

Of course you do cause you're a beta faggot trendy. Kill yourself.

Nobody else gives a shit about cuckoldry. Hell most other languages don't even have a such a word. This cuckoldry fade comes from America.

When will Slacks die? I'm so sick of seeing this fat fuck.

Are you the guy that reports every single sheever image?

Sheever is cute. Cute!

I'm pretty sure this cuckoldry fad comes from /pol/, I don't think it has to do with nationality, but your problems stemming from america is an interesting mentality to maintain.

>play normal solo match
>hoping for comfy
>get put with two stacks of two
>they're all memeing fucks and really bad
>All have high level battle pass

Is a battle pass a sign of a retard?

lol, no.

That chest. Imagine after giving birth to your kids, those things would balloon to a d cup.

Sure user it comes from pol you don't see it in all the american side of internet at all.

I'm pretty sure the cuckoldry shit comes from the American election because Trumpfags congregated on /pol/ because they heard it was an edgy place to hang out, so they picked up on the cuck shit.

I dated a girl who was F cup without being pregnant. Shit was awesome desu, at least when she was lying down.

I'm pretty sure most of you ugly nerds would kiss sheever on the lips after she licked a niggers asshole.

Am i wrong?