League of Legends General - /lolg/

bestest girl



Other urls found in this thread:


QUICKLY! Claim your league waifu before Noxian slavers find her!

>build deaths dance
>win game

Reminder that if you post an after game screenshot of "muh feeding team", do NOT censor the names in order to prevent people from looking you up and criticizing your shitty play you fucking Plat 5 subhumans.

pls help im not even into girls

just delete them then
youve been doing this for weeks

Remember when Riot said 1350 wasn't going to be the new price for skins? I do.

>buy no defense
>die instantly
>buy even a smidgen of armor/MR
>unkillable monster
nice game

>implying she's not hotter as a noxian

I'm going to be Sejuani's wife.

I wanna cuddle Jinx and Sona is cuddly too I guess

I wanna give Lulu ALL the headpats!


>Riot releases a new skin for Orianna
>it's a 975 quality skin for 1350

>in promos
>1 loss 1 win this match decides it
>get an udyr jungle with no spirit guard or mastery emote and darius top with dunkmaster and no mastery emote
>darius feeds the fuck out of illaoi while udyr feeds jarvan
>yasuo mid calls out udyr and his low bronze missplays
>udyr responds with "kys"
>enemy team has such a huge fucking advantage they just 5 man mid and shove hard
>illaoi kills me in 2 seconds with her E (i was jhin adc and doing just fine until udyr gave cait a kill and bot tower first blood)
Holy SHIT these people are so goddamn retarded.

>darius players dream this
>but they will never beat her CC

fluffy tails!


>Quickly! Post the same generic shit that is posted every thread because you have literally nothing better to do!
No one gives a solitary fuck about you or your waifu you shiteating marsupial. I hope you die in a care accident. Take this (You) and fuck off you unoriginal cunt.

not him, but you're retarded. get out

comfy bfs~

also tfw date tonight, wish me luck cuties

>I hope you die in a care accident

press S to slap tights

Friendly reminder to eat out your support

good luck!
at getting run over by a drunk driver

>care accident

->Syndra bitching about Lux ult being broken

Boy low elo can sure be hilarious sometimes.

>you will never get mastery 7 on your favorite champion because you're trash
Release me.

Gotta protect my waifu from them dirty noxian slavers.

4 loss in a row diamond 2 gold elo trying to boost
nice game
not scripted at all
50 50 is a meme haha - riot

good luck. sorry for the stuff i said the other night. wasn't looking to fight. hope we can at least be on good terms

Post your main without actually posting them.

That's how fucking triggered I am by you cunts. I can't even spell car.

Probably, but I'm less retarded than you faggots who obsess over "muh waifus" so much that you post the same things with the same 2 images every fucking day. That's true autism.

Lulu is MINE and i will cuddle and protect her every day until the end of time!

sure im in a good mood, still you know the reason I have you blocked and I dont get why you took it so personally

>dashes in from fog
>blows up your adc, your mid, and true damages your other 3 members for 1/4 their hp
>dashes away, automatically giggling for literally no other reason but to tilt you


send them my way

If the artist who started this yesterday is here I want to encourage you to finish it.


but do NOT


to all waifu fags
noone likes u
kill yourselves
u are of no use to anyone
not even yourself

me being the OP claimed her first, get cucked faggot, better luck next thread

i've just never actually been blocked before that. and didn't know what i did at the time. its fine.

Just fuck my shit up

I cant believe how shitty my skin luck is, I never roll good skins on qt champs

I missed you so much user...


You be good to her, user.

NuGalio feels like he's less tanky and does less damage than old Galio.

We can always have a knife fight over her. But she will remain mine either way.

You're welcome. The amount of posts you will see now will be halved, but the quality isn't as bad. Bitching doesn't solve anything when Veeky Forums gives you the option to filter.


>looks like he's seen some shit
>energy of some sort


I missed you too buddy

but you went off after I explained it?
its fine tho, ima head back to bed, its almost 10 and Ive only gotten like 7 hours of sleep since I was excited
hopfully I can snag the last 3 so I can be in top form

Shouty dead man of charging and war criticism.

where did you go for so long?

yeah. i guess my feelings were kinda hurt, and didn't fully understand yet. anyways, have a great night dude.

same, shit looks good senpai

Been trying to get my life together


>obscuring from your view everything that's good about /lolg/
why would anyone do that to themselves



Gibs me dat

pew pew

>ignoring all the I love X item posts


That's Soraka and who else?

Do you guys think Shyvana and Jarvan fucked on top of the corpse of her dead mother?

No. But maybe later that night.

Balanced kick man of infinite mobility and obscene AD ratios.

95% of the posts containing those words are worthless and only 5% are funny. I'm fine with missing out on the 5% that's funny if I get to avoid utter shitposts like most of the time.

I hope alls well then and im glad youre back cutie

Looloo is sweet and adorable!

Wasn't it her father? Or did that get retconned?

you're sweet and adorable



Daddy dragon saved her and died protecting her, her egg was fucked up by a human touching it or something so mommy wanted to kill her because racism.

I think her lore has always been that she saw her father killed.

xth for Syndra

y-you too



Cthulu when?

Y-you guys mind if I dump a few skinconcepts? Request any champ/role you want

Something strange just happened to me in game and I don't know how to explain it.

Basically, I was playing a game, and there was a Blitzcrank on the enemy team. We had just won a lategame teamfight, and were going to end the game, and everyone was saying GG and shit in all chat. You know how it is in those situations. And you know how when people chat, it would say "Username (Blitzcrank): GG" or whatever. In this case, when the enemy Blitz all-chatted us, his champions name showed up as Squill. Now I'm well familiar with the thing where people put parentheses in a dumb place to make it look like something that it isn't, but this isn't what happened here. It looked like "Username (Squill): GG". I made sure that he wasn't being an epic troll or anything by adding that name Squill to his chat.

Could Squill be the name of an upcoming champion? A quick google search showed me that it's the name of a type of flower.

+ zed
- you

>that time between posts
really destroys my nexus

It was retconned around the time Galio's VU. Instead of being half human half dragon from birth, she gained a human form when some wandering wizard sprayed his magic soul jizz on her eggs. Her father ended up getting killed by her mother when he tried to spirit her away to safety

I'm not kidding, this is really what they wrote.

>we will never get a cool Owl champion

xth for breast metal waifu


So, now instead of some random dragon killing her father and her and J4 chasing him down, now it was her own mother? What.

easiest adc to last hit with early?

If you're polymorphed by lulu your name is Squill, like how anivia is Eggnivia if she talks during Rebirth.


lolg think of a new skinline and describe its aesthetics

Heres mine:
>cleaning series
>janitor jax
>cleaning lady akali
>cleanup kassadin

comedic theme for assassins for the "cleanup" joke, mainly use mopes and towels for weapons

surely you got a better idea.

>those games where you lose both of your Nexus turrets but still manage to win

twitch, cait, mf, vayne, lucian, draven

any ad is easy to last hit with desu senpai

What's in the box?

I'd like a series of skins of various champs in casual, non combat clothing. Just street clothes. That could be cool.

Buff your bro by giving him/her another champ's passive


>Irelia passive


a bit like snowday syndra?

that could actually be pretty based, but changing the abilities could be difficult, unless you make them 750 rp and dont change that