/wowg/ - World of Warcraft general


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the Black Empire did nothing wrong
gas the titanforged. Void wars now

>stealthie enters black rook hold arena and does nothing
>npcs dont spawn since there is more than one person in the arena
>cant complete the quest because of this retard

Undead or Human warrior?

wtf is the black empire? is it some african thing?

>not using WQGF a year into the expansion

I impressed somebody today

Goblin girls must be imprisoned and raped daily.


>roll warrior
>spam whirlwind

Looking for people on Sargeras-US to chill and do content with...

Bit about me, I like Sam Hyde, Asmongold, Ghost of True Capitalist Radio, Westboro Baptist Church... shit like that...

lemme know -- Bono #1848


I had the most fun starting in cataclysm when I first played this game and did heroic dungeons who were pretty hard in the start.

I enjoyed them so much though

I didn't even get to raid during that expansion

I was always hooked throughout it though, the zul'gurub and zul'aman were my favorite dungeons too.

What the fuck happened to this game, why am I already bored after 2 months and come back in half, or a year again

Was told to go back to rreddit again

As a female (male), should I get a girlfriend or a boyfriend in World of Warcraft?

You become a futa, obviously.

wowpedia link is in the OP, RTFM

get a rope

fuck off drumpfkin

male fembelf, femnelf or femdraenei gf

/wowg/ flex tomorrow! US-Horde side like it's always been, starting at 8pm cst. Depending on who shows up, we might just jump straight to heroic. Everyone is invited! Minimum ilvl should be at least 850. Invites go out at 7:45. Add Froo#1664 for details and invite.

We will be using discord for voice but it's not required.
Discord link:

not an argument


I fail to see how a common hood becomes a burqa in your eyes, and I do agree with that other poster. Shoulders would look too gaudy and they don't blend in with this outfit at all. Not even the Overlord spaulders look with this.

Oh well, back to dungeons!

what to do now? i dont even have 35AK to send 30 to him

>tomboy haircut

just make yet another alt like the turbocasual LFR hero you are until you do reach ak35 of course


are you my tsundere love intrest?

Don't ever reply to me again.


looks like garbage, generic garbage



i don't know what the fuck that weebshit you just spouted means but i certainly don't regard you in any positive light, nevermind being a love interest

>this thread

If you play this game to ERP or slutmog and you don't also play BDO or haven't migrated to BDO, explain yourself right now.

i'm not a turbovirgin who settles with playing pretend fucking with other desperate turbovirgins
not sure why this demanded an explanation

but you are atleast a genetic female in real life?

Gonna get that rep-boost

I'm doing the arcane mage weapon scenario. Azuregos has stood up but hasn't turned into an elf like he's supposed to. I can't continue on with the scenario, it seems. Do I just have to abandon?

stop playing mage

i wouldn't tell you i was one even if i was one, loser

have you tried logging out and logging back in?

this entire general must be purged

are you na or eu?

>everything on LOW
>even sound disabled
>game still runs like shit

My family and I like to play WoW together. We're about to get back into it. I'm going to be the tank. What is the most fun tank as of current version?

Did you try playing it on something other than a Nokia 3310?

post cpu, gpu, amount of RAM, OS, x86 or amd64, if 64 are you running the 32 or the 64bit client.

that leaves me little hopes

I'll be your female (male) gf in WoW

>looking through guild finder
>it's shit, no filter, can't even sort them, just a big list displaying 4 at a time of all the guilds on the server
>half of them are one player guilds
>found guilds still advertising for Firelands raids
jesus what a mess

>t's shit, no filter, can't even sort them

there is an addon for that. A bit outdated and throws an error when you open the guild finder, but works anyway. you can search for guild name, sort by points, members, alphabetically, by role etc.

druid and paladin are daddy af

EU or US?


idk just from looking at it it doesn't seem anyone at all uses it anymore

What does this even mean in this context?

choose a tank after everyone else chose their """"""main""""""""". You don't want to fight for gear within your own family.

>Question targeted towards ERPers and slutmoggers
>Claim to be neither of those
>Claim to do neither of those things
>Still respond to the question
>Still get butt blasted as all fuck

It's okay to come out of the closet, user.

Is anyone elses PRAT bugged? I keep getting an error window that refuses to go away in dungeons.

define what's fun in tanking for you, everyone likes different aspects

I heard belfs were popular on /wowg/. Do you like my belf?

intelcore 2 duo amd radeo hd 4850 3gb windows10 pro 64x, running the 32client

Does she have a nice cock?

And how did you and your PC travel through time and end up in the year 2017, so far from your own time?

You said you play with your wife and kids

>My family and I

That can fucking mean "my parents and I" or "My husband and my children" and so on.

Post sexy nelf fanart.

I like that there's always something to do and it isn't just about rotations. Like some enemy starts to run for the healer and you're like WRONG MOTHERFUCKER and hit him with something to pull him back. When I last played, WoD had just come out. I played a Brewmaster and loved it.

>drunk at 11pm and playing WoW

pretty comfy


I play with my sister, her boyfriend, my mother, and my stepfather. It helps my mother feel less sad with us all moving out.


it's 12pm m8

it only just turned 12pm now

we've been through this a few times.

Get more RAM, get a video card from this decade, enable superfetch and set up ReadyBoost

>tfw true lesbian ERP is dead thanks to the popularity of futa

I'm going home!

superfetch and readyboost is a meme

can someone stream the /wowg/ flex and make the chat box huge so I can get some laffs without having to go?

>usa peak times
>thread went to shit again

as expected

>kill the murloc rare in the broken shore cave
>all other named mobs disappear from my map
>that can't be right
>go to one of the mobs I know was showing on my map just a second ago
>it's a normal elite now so no legion supplies

uh blizz?

Vjera did NOTHING wrong.

Paladin has some downtime without shitton amount of haste, but still not too much, it's mobiltiy isn't that great

Demon Hunter has nice self heals, mobility, utility and dps (if you chose the right talents, fuck last resort in the last row)

Monk has good mobility and requires some haste to reduce the downtime, but not that much as paladin, sucks playing without chi though if you tried it in wod(did they have chi there? I completely skipped wod)

Guardian druid has shit ton of mitigations, but it is getting nerfed (magic damage reduction spell will be removed) in the next patch, it's easy but I find it quite boring

Blood DK I can't say much about as I'm still leveling with it but it seems alright, though the mobility is probably the worst out of all the tank specs

I haven't tried prot warrior yet, and I currently have no plans to


I wouldn't even care about futa if they didn't all have 18 inch cocks with ladder piercings. Sometimes a normal penis or a small cute penis is okay but Goldshire doesn't understand that

Piercings are disgusting.

>though the mobility is probably the worst out of all the tank specs

This is absolute fact.

Same here but it's still kinda disappointing when half of the characters are futa either way. It just gets stale.

alliance flex for MG friends when?


is there any actual performance difference between win7 and win10 for WoW? Preferably backed up by benchmarks (which don't seem to exist online anywhere)

only thing I've been able to find is rando /v/redditards saying shit like "just werx senpai + DX12"

I don't give a fuck about DX12


Blizz BTFO yet again by /ourguy/

hopefully never

How do I get my elf to look like that?

I admit I'm a little biased as I currently enjoy Vengeance and Brewmaster the most
And Vengeance can be weird at first, needs some time to get used to

yes. a cute feminine one

I'm a gay furry and BDO doesn't have the race selection to cater to my needs.

Treey does lesbian ERP.