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>Fire Emblem Heroes - New Heroes (Rite of Shadows)
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes - New Heroes (Rite of Shadows)
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Azura is shit
I want to get off Bruno's Wild Ride.
Ike is pretty great to be quite honest.
I want to BE Eirika.
RIP Bruno.
>Female Kana wears a thong
What is IS' fucking problem?
Azura a best
He's just average now, but any cav is "good" when they are on a meme team.
I want to fuck user while he BES Eirika.
Gonna post this for new thread.
What's a good build for Bunny Camilla? She's +atk -res and is also +1. Mixed team so no flyer memes.
Is it better just to use a nino over her? Hurting for a green unit figured her IVs and +1 might make her good but hell if I know
Right now Julia vs Sanaki is 964m(Julia) vs 779m(Snack)
At least the plot might finally move on.
Did Tharjafags already blow their loads?
>All my orbs i used and i summoned and summoned and summoned.
>The only thing that came out 5 stars was a +Atk -HP Ike
>Only 4 silver stars , at least one of them was a Reinhardt with +Atk -Spd
>Got so many 3 stars my eyes are burning
Death Blow for meme kills.
Is the Masked Stranger seriously not Zacharias? Am I being pranked?
Come on snackifriends we can't lose to reddit's Sophia
And you even have a Voting Gauntlet letting you get feathers for that Reinhardt. How lucky
No they've only had 3x points once so far compared to Linde who's had it for a large portion
Damage control already started?
What's with this "blow their loads" thing? Are you guys gay or something?
I love Severa and so do you! She's so sparkly!
Is this seriously not a fire emblem game?
Uh, can you get that shit girl out of that picture of best girls please?
>Gets Ike and Reinhardt
Nigger I just blew 60 orbs and only got 5* Catria, 4* Seliph, and the rest were all shitters.
I didn't tell how many orbs i wasted
>blowing your load
>implying im not a cuck
lel @ ur lief
>Lindefags burning all their flags to catch up to Tharjas 600Mil lead
>"Hey guys, Were doing it, Were keeping up with Tharja, we can win this"
>Tharjafags still have their flags
If the Lindefags were smart, they should play the waiting game and stay as low flagged as they could to just get the bonus, so they can constantly get the x3 bonus for the entire time, THEN burst it all at once
>Tharjafags literally shaking right now
cute butt
Get the fuck outta here the twists in FE games have always been entirely predictable. This is tossing a red herring at you repeatedly.
Worst girl
Who /no Hector/ here? I have never had a Hector
No one seems to be using flags on Team Henry and Leo, but they seem to be yo-yoing pretty well.
Would whale for
Green vs Red Gauntlet when
We need to settle this for once.
>Fucking bitching about a +Atk-HP Ike and a +Atk-Spd Rein
I fucking wish I had at least one of those two
Whoa there Sun Tzu, you must be the only person to have thought of that strategy there. Now if only you could get the people on your team to actually follow it.
Tharja a shit
Who /teamleo/ here ?
>robin is barely beating merric
Because Henry has been under the x3 effect longer. When they aren't Leo is doubling his score easily.
Did Zephiel do anything wrong?
Oh! Uh, oh, I see. It’s you isn’t it?
I wish we get a super stat-buffed event for the Starter Characters and have that event buff their stats for a little.
Thanks for reposition & ta selrerera
Archers vs Healers
Gauntlet of the Century
You're not missing out on. Only idiots lose to hectors nowadays
Leo's team? more like Lose team!
Everything basically
Great at what?
You can now remove one thing from /feg/ for all times. What do you choose?
Hard Mode: No reddit posting
Lunatic Mode: No tripfags
Yeah, he lost.
>Red vs Green knight event
Needs Forde, Sain, Kent, Alan, Lance and Kyle to be added first.
Which one?
Lunatic+ ?
Heroes posting. At least /pol/posting is almost gone.
Tripfages I can't even beat hard so I'm not gonna try lunatic
All of the unused flags that you have carry over to the next round right? Should I keep trying to use them normally or do I have to wait for a 3x bonus?
>still no 4th ursula quest
kill yourselves ISIS faggots
Waifu posting.
It would kill /feg/ though.
Genny is cute! Cute!
Fluffy hair! Fluffy heart!
Good wife to Saber!
Best healer in the army!
Good friend to others!
Spending all your orbs for Genny and getting Wrys, Matthew, and Gaius!
When you combine Henry being a much more common character and people tending to side with prospective losers, I'm surprised Leo hasn't been left in the dust.
Could Ike have saved Hector? Roy sure as hell couldn't.
Maybe if she had a good stat spread, I won't eliminate her to my Maria
Tharjafag. Hard has always been the best way to play fire emblem
A terrible idea. Better would be if we can send Fonse away for death blow.
Henry will win Okay!
ISIS does it again by creating ARTIFICIAL COMPETITION
maybe if they made it balanced they wouldn't need to do this shit
Who needs stats when you're cute? CUTE!
If any juliabros want a counter azura
Who is best waifu and why is it Tharja
reddit cumdump
I want to suck Lukas's dick
Leo still has plenty of fans+really popular va. I actually don't think he will lose even though I want it.
They can't keep getting away with it.
You completed him, right?
That's my wife.
Saggy tits.
more like
>you made the cookie cutter build, right?
Bend the knee to Begnion.
>They weren't both done by Abel's artist
A shame
Not that Cain's is bad, only a bit on the bland side
Leo is superior just face it
It's not even something Leofags should be upset about. Henry has never gotten above him without the x3 effect in place, without which Leo handily outperforms him.
>patreon watermark
Instantly flaccid.
metaposting as it's what is truly ruining /feg/. huh guess I am good enough to beat lunatic.
how big is nox folder size? mine is up to 5gb and i don't know why