Is his shield really that fragile or did i just get fucked over?
Mason Anderson
Wait what happened? Why is the game dead?
Connor Hughes
>d-ded game >makes new thread early Made me think
Sebastian Gomez
hong kong operators + map content update was cancelled for 3 months of alleged bugfixing that should've happened last year
Samuel Sanchez
most likely was damaged before
Eli Cruz
When the shield is destroyed the whole thing goes away, that webm looks like you just got glitched.
Grayson Ortiz
Ryder Clark
I had just placed it there, it was intact.
Lincoln Hall
15 for sakuya
Nathaniel Wood
>cancelled for 3 months
So delayed? 3 months isnt really THAT big of a deal, does that mean this ranked season is being extended?
Jeremiah Thomas
What happened to the drawfriend Renaissance
Frostfag gone, no name gone, most of them gone
Campi is still here but he only makes porn
Matthew Martinez
it's dead jim
Caleb Gonzalez
Thank god
Adrian Clark
People thinking this general is dead killed it
Daniel Lee
so now that ive been saving up as a fucking retard for chinese operators, which DLC one should I buy?
Blackbeard Capitao Buck Jackal
Frost Valkyrie Echo
Landon Moore
Frost Jackal Buck Valk
One of those 4, depends on if you need attacker or defender
Aaron Murphy
I have the same number of attackers and defenders, so that isnt a problem
which one is more versatile?
Charles Cooper
buck and valkyrie are best imo, so pick one
Austin Cruz
ok I bought Buck, that shotgun seems strong
any recommended loadouts?
Lincoln Bennett
Main camrs and abuse the muzzle brake all day You can be a little more forceful with it than Glaz's Rifle
Hunter Parker
Mainly use the shotgun for kill holes, it's week compared to most. ACOG can be bouncy as fuck so maybe holographic sight. Definitely use compensator or muzzle break. Extended barrel is a meme.
Camden Cooper
camrs with muzzie and maybe laser,depends on what you wanna do skeltal key
I personally prefer the c8 with a REFLEX sight, oddly enough I vastly prefer it over the holo.
I wouldnt even bother with the CAMRS desu, but thats my opinion
Hunter Richardson
The C8 with the reflex sight is odd, but I aim better with it. Although acog is always better.
Chase Collins
I play on console, where the ACOG recoil is too much for me to handle personally. I've heard its easier on PC though
Wyatt Bennett
>Consolefag playing FPS If i wasn't on my phone on a Malaysian knitting website i'd post a few webms of console "tourneys"
Jack Young
>Playing FPS on console
Michael Martinez
Lincoln Bell
Half my friends dont have PCs that can run it, so I don't quite have another choice.
I play games like PUB on PC
Dominic Ortiz
>Half my friends dont have PCs that can run it >having poorfag normie plebs as friends lmaoing at you're live faggot
Jordan Powell
Brayden Thompson
Nicholas Jackson
feel when causing tears from playing cav
Parker Ross
Does nobody play on the western US server? I kept trying to find games last night and kept having to leave the queue, as I was getting matched up with guys that I previously played with (TKers and all around rude dudes)
Also your teammate who dies and immediately leaves. Fucking love those sorts.
Eli Murphy
>console controls on the HUD
Justin Nguyen
it was casual so i don't mind so much
Blake Hall
People are being retarded about ops that they weren't even going to play being delayed. Game isn't dying.
Asher Williams
>EZZZZ xDD Back to redit kiddo, I'm sure they'll be impressed
Wyatt Wright
fuck smurfs i got my team full of people who just joined the game and the other team has 3 smurfs, guessing by how they play
Hudson Martinez
Valk, jackal, buck, frost in that order
Grayson Lee
jackal is shit
Ethan Johnson
>posting mvp screens >namefaggotry >ez reddit's that way, kid.
Isaiah Gomez
Henry Baker
buck is shit jackal is amazing
Isaiah White
Matthew Morgan
give me one reason why i should take him instead of ash
Luke Long
dont worry the game will be dead soon and you wont have to play any smurfs
Angel Garcia
Jackal's a good shooter with an ability that's situationally useful but never mandatory.
Buck's a mediocre shooter with an ability that's really important for any sites with breakable floors/ceilings, and he has Frags.
Logan Stewart
its doing bretty gud honestly
Lucas Jones
Nobody knows thats the best part. They released this article how they want to improve the game but had really skimpy vague goals to improve the game and also didn't make it clear exactly what else was going to happen. Its obvious they didnt thinkt his through and just needed an excuse to cut content that was promise in the season pass so the shills and cucks wouldnt riot.
Christian Bell
Rate muh skillz plebs
Dominic Collins
>fake numbers by ubishit
twitch russian viewer bots are more reliable. im sure operation health will fix all the issues lel
Brayden Gray
>fake numbers do you even realize it is from steamdb?
Kayden Foster
better gun, neat gadget that can help with point defenders and hunting roamers
Sebastian Hernandez
>make a bunch of fake steam accounts running their own r6 keys
wouldnt put it past them, those frogs have zero morals
Michael Young
>terrorist hunt
Dominic Diaz
terrorist cunt/10
Ryder Barnes
I gotta be honest, I shat myself when I saw this then realized it was terrorist hunt lmao
Ryder Taylor
valk > buck = jackal in that order, rest are meme ops
Robert Stewart
heh found the shitters :)
Jason Carter
>he doesnt have the shitpost folder ready on his phone
Ayden Robinson
>.78 k/d unranked my dude, you're in no position to be calling anyone a shitter
Wyatt Martin
Kevin Long
>that FPS >game slows to a slideshow at the end pottery
You got me user. People good and bad at siege post here Shocking desu
Josiah Parker
Jayden Perez
At least crop the pictures correctly. But if this is your master plan.. it's not really turning out that great.
Adam Moore
who is this nice guy
Xavier Butler
I don't get it. Why'd they "cut" Poland instead of South Korea. South Korea was at the back of the line, not Poland. Besides, why do we need 2 additional Asian countries? We've got Frostu-chan.
Blake Gomez
Jeremiah Walker
Dominic Barnes
Justin Young
wow i got le trolled haha you really showed me xddd
Ian Lewis
Angel Torres
hostile takeover of ubisoft by vivendi?
how about a hostile takeover of the booru by dogposters?
Josiah Gomez
>Be an xbawz player >In fact be the players in webm >Cross over to pc >in 2 months you beat the former 2x NA Pro league winners cTm >Qualify for lan this season