Playerunknown's Battlegrounds General /pubg/

Staring at your female avatar's ass and getting sniped edition.

PUBG is a battle royale style game, based on realistic FPS combat. The lead designer is the modder that made ARMA BR and worked on h1z1.

>Game site

>FPS guide and general tweaks

>Dev's twitter


>Discord server for finding people to play with


Other urls found in this thread:

First for smug a best

xth for based fucking Lirik

streamerfags are fucking cancer.
why spend any amount of time watching the game when instead you could just as easily be playing it and gitting gud.

Enjoy being shit, faggot.

I looted a crate there was a fancy sniper rifle inside ( it was extremely loud) but there was no scope for it.


I threw it away because only 12 people were left and I had no scope and I didnt want someone else to get it

lol butthurt much ?

this is an amazing player

First win after 70h logged

how to gid gud at this game

I wish I had the money for this game. I'm too poor right now and can't justify spending the money even though it's just $30.

lirik looks like a turkish roach

would to know this also, any general tips?

I've done the same, sort of

>play duos
>Open crate
>8x scope
>Level 3 vest
>Ghillie suit

>20 people remaining
>get downed in a field
>teammate suppresses
>make it to my teammate and get revived
>immediately drop all of that gear
>eventually place 1st because I was no longer a walking bush

dont die

Took me about 70 to get my first win

and then 10 more to get this win with just my SCAR and a frying pan

All I've noticed for me to win both times was teamwork and/or understanding the way the circles move /generally/ and how to work around the geography to get to the circles

Had another duo win myself tonight, which makes my 5th win total. Fairly uneventful game, but I'd like to believe we picked fights well/avoided unecessary conflict.

Don't fall for the "you need 10+ kills or it doesn't count" meme.

how many hours you played total?

Scar feels great right now.Last kill with the double barrel shotty felt satisfying.

>how many hours you played total?
I'm at 55, but admittedly I've spent very little of that playing solo and don't have any solo wins yet. Came close earlier today but choked on the last 4.

i won 3 times with my friends though. But they are very good and kinda carried me everytime. Squad mode feels way easier, at least if u have good mates.

So why spend 30 shekels on this FOTM EA garbage when you can literally play the Arma mod?

Enjoy your DayZ Standalone 2.0 I guess.

the arma maps are boring as fuck

Because it's a more casual type of gameplay without the more in-depth milsim elements that some people dislike about ARMA, and it's relaxed enough that you can just pick up a few rounds occasionally and fuck about, without needing to spend days learning the intricacies of a more complicated game.

He's Arabic, Lebanese I think

Looking for EU squad mates, we are TWO
Find us on the discord linked in the OPs post

This is why I love Battlegrounds

It has the highest balanced battle royal map, I have ever seen. By far.

20+ kills from all 4 members

>2 threads
>both dead as fuck
Why did some retard make a new one so early?

Why is discord so fucking dead

So this is another game that has a fundamental misunderstanding about how grenades work. You don't release the hammer until you are ready to throw. "Cooking" is a meme. Also apparently the PC has no upperbody strength because that throw range is a laugh.

Ah, my region is picking Shen again


Just great

wrong thread sorry guys

>literal who's developing this game

If you think this game can get out of (((ea))) and be a semi-decent game than you are only kidding yourself

>trusting these devs

>tfw get to top 10
>eventually get killed because i can only find m16s and I'm going against SCARs and M4s

da fuck

Tfw no one to play with ever

-lyrics of pumped up kicks here-

Just ask on the memecord.

Why does UMP use 9mm instead of .45?

because then that would be a UMP45

I did :(

so they can replace the not shit tier 9mm SMG with MP5

>playing duo with a friend
>another duo is in front of us, running up a hill, don't know we are there
>start running closer as they are cresting the hill and I want a clear shot
>friend starts firing off shots without warning and hits me in the back of the head and they whip around instantly and kill both of us

>stalking another duo, they park a car outside a complex and we decide to kill them when they come to the car
>I post up in a building close to the car so I can get to a balcony and kill them as they get into the car
>he posts up right next to the car and tries to shoot them as they run at him and he dies instantly

>looting a complex
>hear people running outside the building I am in, call it out
>he asks "are you sure you hear people?"
>he stays crouched behind a waist high concrete barrier outside and they flank him and mow him down instantly

>parachute down into a coastal village, another duo right next to me
>manage to get a gun and then flank around the duo, they are on the coastal houses and don't know I'm there
>they are headed his direction, ask him to post up and cut them off while I get behind them
>he is on the opposite end of the village and continues to keep looting
>he thought he was right next to me
>they end up running away

>all of this tilts me into monkey like behavior and I make many more mistakes

guys this feels really bad

kill him irl

3 wins out of 4 matches

still going strong


Who lonely in pubg here?

Carry me please

What gun do you goys like them to added?

new ar's and snipers, I don't really care about anything else

either Dragunov or this baby

my squad is full sorry

Ok, thanks for trying


My 10th or so solo match and already got rank 1. Felt good but silencers seem to be key. If they find your spot it is over.

Best webm I've seen so far

>fighting 2 people george houses
>down 1, but get downed fighting the 2nd
>teammate picks me up as they pick up their downed guy
>throw frag, fails
>"shall i throw flash?"
>"do it"
>throws flash
>both crash from the flash

Nice meme.

How to win without being good at this game:
>Skydive far away from the plane (long horizontal flight), get to a small town with around 4 buildings and nobody around.
>Get a full automatic primary and a close range sight asap, with some ammo, you don't need more than 2 or 3 mags.
>Get at least 1 fuel jerrican (2 or 3 is safer), a bag, body and head armor and of course some medical supplies, but you don't need a shitton.
>Gather every smoke grenade you find.
>Get a car.
Now's the winning strategy:
>Do big (or not so big if nobody's around) circles with your cars, roam around until you find a place where there's no one. If your car has been shot at too much look for another one, preferably a UAZ.
>Keep doing that until there's at least 10 ppl and a really small circle. Peeps usually don't shoot if they're scared of revealing themselves.
>If the game's gonna end (when ~4 persons are alive) in a zone where there's a building, get in it with your car, spray any person occupying it with your auto weapon.
>Preferably camp stairs with cancer third person peeking.
>2 or 3 ppl left and circle is gonna force you out of your camping spot? Throw smokes all around.
>Burst out and pray & spray at people.
>gg chicken dinner

The small AK, 74U or something.
A better uzi like a MP7.

sounds really boring

>tfw no one wants to play with you

So more guns no one will use? NICE

yeah that shit is boring, don't play like this fag
winning isn't everything in this game

Well yeah, that's how you win effortlessly, not rack up kills for your sick youtube montage with anime music.

Like I said; winning isn't everything

>That nigger who directs his chute at you just to fight with you at your small loot area.

You're fucking scum faggot.


>dead p2w game that is only played by pedophiles
>dead game
>dead game in 1-3 months


who the fuck cares if this game dies in 3 months

I already had a lot of fun for 30€

True but personally want the fun to last just a tad longer ya know?

what does "boost" do???

heals over time
basically bandages and first aids will only get you to like 75% of your health. You need boosts on top of that to bring yourself back to full health.

at high levels of boost you can run faster

thanks user

how do i get rid of the black square flashing on my optics, it didn't happen on my old cpu/gpu setup and it makes red dots and holos unusable. also i just want someone to sit on my face

China numbah wan.

>Drop in a city trailing a squad of 4
>Kill one of the members of the squad
>Run away immediately after before their friends can get revenge

I enjoy watching other games being played while I play PUBG, but I can't actually watch someone play PUBG or I end up getting their audio cues mixed up for mine.

You'll find out it's not what you think it is.

It's a buggy pile of shit that runs worse than a paraplegic cancer patient that's so laggy you'll wonder if the servers are running on Windows 95.

It is legitimately a terrible game right now

What country are you from?
Also PC specs

I live like 100 miles from the NA server and my computer (should) shit on this game, I run BF1 on Ultra/high etc etc etc.

The servers and netcode are so unbelievable shit that it's almost insane. They are easily THE worst pieces of shit I've tried to play a game on since DayZ Mod.

It has nothing to do with distance or anything like that, in fact, the farther you are from the server you're playing on the better the experience seems to be. EU people play on NA, and I've been switching to EU and SA because NA is such a piece of shit.

I'm pretty sure it has to do with the fact that almost everything is client side(which is why performance is fucking pathetic) so when you're at 300ms latency and hit detection is client side you're more or less immune to them shooting you back because you're so far behind. And on top of that, the server itself is running like 2000ms behind because it's a pile of cheap Amazon shit that runs at 35 tick up and 12 tick down.

How many times do I have to report you for advertisement?

>he doesn't know how to jump off any windows without bars

PC specs is what I asked for my man

Who is the cutest discord user?

namefags baka

Use the reddit one, this generals is pretty fuckin dead.

server is down REEEEEEEEEEEE

Best shotgun?

>DrDisrespect AND Playerunknown in Grimmmz's channel


It's really disappointing that this game got so popular when it's so shit in every possible way.

I hope that people get burned again and learn never to trust these BR fucks.

>"PLAYERUNKNOWN: yes, we hope to add some more optimization improvements with the next patch"

can we trust him /pubg/? hope is a scary word

ETA on next patch is next week btw and apparently circle fixes are coming. Whats wrong with the circles right now what?

He fucking has said that every patch and the "fixes" haven't fixed anything yet.

Why would you believe him? He just regurgitating what his Anime MMO Korean devs tell him they're working on.

He is the posterchild they used to advertise their product and look at how well it went.


Yeah, circlejerk dead

Same, I think someone has called me a shitter to others

It's dead because people have realized what a shit company Bluehole is and stopped playing it. What kind of netcode are they using?! Why did they get 3rd rate servers that 1980's games cant even play on it?!

What the fuck decisions are going on over there to add weapons and other shit (((animations))) before fixing the core of their gameplay?!?!


I was on about discord user, but I do agree with you

except the fixes fixed the fps and weapon spawns, which he promised to fix. Granted the weapon spawns broke with the fps fix but still

No the intended fix was to fix framerate on low end machines, what the result was that it made fps higher on high end machines that were already getting 80 frames.

This happened because on the same patch that they altered the way buildings were rendered at a distance, they maxed foliage for everyone and increased its render distance by like 20m.

Foliage absolutely buttfucks shitty CPU's. They more or less left performance the same in the performance patch by simultaneously fucking and fixing it.

Weapon spawns bugging out isn't the same kind of issue as performance, servers, and netcode being atrocious.

Yes, it's great. Why would you cheer for configuring your settings to so low that you can't see foliage at all. Making the game unplayable with foliage on for others.
However the rendering distance could be lower for potatoboyz, but that should include rendering players too then. More fps and less los is fair trade.

The player models are fucked up in some way as well, as they are the main contributing factor to frames dropping. It's basically directly related to how many people are within like 800m or so, which tends to be a lot of people in the beginning and as the circle closes, that's why frames are the best in the midgame when areas get cleared out.

But that aside, foliage not affecting certain areas(like hay fields) was an easy fix instead of just maxing it like retards.

I couldn't give less of a fuck about it except for fields to be honest because I get shot from outside of render range for grass 95% of the time anyway, the fields are the only useful foliage because the match ends on top of them occasionally and they can be crawled through pretty well.

I think the next patch should include some fps fixes for the player models. That's what they said I think.
Yea well you don't need the foliage ever until last circles, but it would be pretty stupid to code the game to only show foliage in last circles only or something.

I'd like to see foliage rendered for the whole viewing distance, but don't know if my pc could handle that either. Or anyones.