/drg/ - Danganronpa General

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Previous thread Brocons Only Allowed Edition

>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 4/5/2017*

>New to DR
pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide to enjoy Danganronpa
pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - Indepth gameplay mechanics and infomation

>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:

>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls is coming to Steam and PS4:

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe)

>DR 1-2 Reload coming to PS4

> DR3 Anime episodes and more

>Kazutaka Kodaka Interviews and more

>DR Manga Scanlations:
>DR Manga Collection (Eng): *You need an account to use Batoto*
bato.to/search?artist_name=Spike Chunsoft

>Download pastebin *contains downloads, art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

Other urls found in this thread:



>ywn get extra portions in exchange for sexual favors
>ywn be pinned on a kitchen table and pounded by chubby chef dick
>ywn engage in naked tantric blindfold taste testing
>ywn correctly guess the secret ingredient it's more dick
It's not fucking fair terubros


monomi fluffy tits

Angie and her beloved Saihara!

>that name
>that avatar made with the Mega Anime Creator or whatever

Well that's one of an opinion... she's just going around in circles.



Is maybe a brocon!

I want to cure Shinguji


There is nothing wrong with spending time in the nude with your soul brother.

I'll post this once more! And after this thread I'll count the results and then reveal 'em.

Will we ever get another spinoff like this?

How did we hit the limit so fucking fast, I didn't even notice?

Is it just me or that last thread was over really fast?
Is mine
Fuck off Sato

Agreed, fellow Tulpatrician. Just finished my 13th reread of The Sound and the Fury, this time playing close attention to Faulkner's use of folklore in the narrative. Going to get my record player in a second and spin some of my favorite first wave post-rock vinyl while laughing at Tulpafags and their degeneracy!


I want to gently love Mitarai.

Reminder that I want Tsumugi kidnap the V3 dangans by grabbing around their weist and covering their mouths to watch them struggle
The biggest cuck of a protagonist needs to go first. His muffled screams will eventually turn into tears as he reaches out for help.
Cute loli witch easy to tackle. There's no differences between her umus and her muffles. She just sounds mildly annoyed.
She's gone looking for Himiko. Unfortunately for her, she gets caught too. Except she's thrown into a bag to restrain her better.
He's watching and wants his sacrifice back. Mugi realizes his zipper stops her so she just kindly asks him to come along. He obliges.
Just so happened to see Korekiyo. She doesn't care too much about being taken.
As Mugi grabs onto her, her muffles sound more like orgasms and she realizes Iruma is pressing her ass against Mugi's crotch
Definitely a slippery one but she manages to catch him eventually
Wondering where Iruma went, Mugi erases Kiibo's AI to catch him properly. Unfair but it must be done.
His muffles are the sharpest and he even tries to grabs onto her hands and get her off of him, but to no luck. He leaves evidence of him getting caught though.
Everyone blames Kaito for Ouma's disappearance but it turns out Kaito gets caught as well. His muffles almost form proper words.
Triggered that her husbando went missing, she believes she got cucked again and is now looking for Ouma. Mugi immediately takes her knife without her noticing and uses her ponytails to tie her up.
Literally just lured him with a bug.
Definitely puts up the biggest fight but is no match for Mugi's strength
She's had enough and is looking for Saihara. Her muffles are on par with Ouma's.
Amami finds the evidence Ouma left behind and tries to use it to find the others. He finds the basement but is grabbed by Mugi before he can enter it. Amami's going to the sex dungeon instead.

Must've been because of all the shitposting. But yeah, it's like it just flew past you like a jet.


If we do get Ultra Despair Girls 2 what would you want it to be about? Would you want it to be in the V3 universe or stick with HPA's stuff? Who would you want it to focus on?


>yfw you see Tsumugi

I found that book very good myself my fellow Tulpapatrician. Faulker's writing is one of the best I've seen in the literacy world. He's a man who truly did his research. I suggest looking into Literature The Human Experience 10th edition when you get the chance. Truly insightful knowledge there.

Look at this fucking nerd. Eyy Himikobros, just finished editing my AMV tribute to the werewolf scenes in Harry Potter and about to go whack it to Zootopia to cool off

H-He's also mine!
Just leave me and my friends alone!
>Would you want it to be in the V3 universe or stick with HPA's stuff?
Why not both?
We should do it again

Fuck off with your retarded meme pairing

Being a rareshipper is suffering
I'm craving fanfics so hard


How is this picture making you feel, tulpatricians?

I want to eat Shinguji's hair!

From what Kodaka said, maybe an RPG or fighting game.

It will start with the V3 survivors finding Ki-Bo's core in the rubble, they will then escape the dome and meet up with Prof. Iidabashi. He will take Ki-Bo's AI and upload it into a gun which he gives Saihara, he will also give Yumeno a similar gun, which enables her to use her magic. From this point on, the game will be played from 2 different points of views, Ultra Truth Boys and Ultra Lie Girls. Maki and Himiko will primarily fight against TDR while Saihara and his Ki-Bo gun will primarily investigate TDR and also find out more secrets about the other V3 participants and the world in general. Himiko is the Komaru and Maki is the Genocider, Saihara is the Komaru and Ki-Bo can temporarily transform into a bigger combat form, filling the role of the Genocider of their duo. They will both meet survivors of previous killing games and will occasionally cross paths with each other. This game will conclude the V3 saga.


>new thread saimeno goodness and cuteness reminder

As expected of a Tulpafag. Truly disgusting subhuman.

Well, it's 5:30 in the morning here. I'm going to sleep.
Nighto, /drg/.

My man, are you gonna be at furcon next year as well? We should meet up and laugh at Tulpatricians together.

The former. The latter is dead and busted. Plus stop with this UDG2 meme. It will be something else.

So a continuation of UDG that involves the HPA verse's versions of the NDRV3 cast? Would be interesting reminds me of a dream I had where that was the premise

They would be hikshon in that universe. Because if not then logic would be that the V3 survivors will meet up with the V3verse version of the HPA cast.

I forgot what I was supposed to mashup... can someone remind me please? Sorry.

Thanks my man.

This desu... it's just a joke, if you guys are referring to that cameo in game, it's nothing serious...

Your ship probably has more fanfics than Momoharu to be honest.

Me too. It looks silky and delicious

Begone, hedonistic fiend! Of course a brainlet would fail to comprehend the extremely simple social commentary in Zootopia and just use the film as another means to sate their bestiality-related desires. You're as bad as Tulpafags!

And do not even mention that poor excuse for literature you call 'Harry Potter'. The writing was dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing.

That was a pretty dumb cameo too.

Beautiful Ruin (Summer Salt or the regular one) and a Beach Boys song, maybe Good Vibrations.

Dude you fucking know it! Doubt we'll see any Tulpatricians there, they're way too pussy to step out of the house and get to know their fellow animal-man by rubbing plush suits together.

Aroused intellectually. Time to go read Thomas Pynchon's complete oeuvre again!


All the characters who survived their killing games (and if we count DR3 as canon that means the whole DR2 cast too) would be alive but for some reason haven't said anything to the public about the true nature of Danganronpa and apparently the world didn't actually end due to Ultimate Despair?
How do you fix that plot hole?

Hajime will never love you.

Harry Potter is a book? Fuck off nerd, I only watch movies.

yes it will be about kaede's twin sister searching for her sister she is also Prof Idabashi student. He gives you a machine that can give you a talent choosing a dr character. She is komaru and ki-bo 2.0 is the genocider. you have to rescue the survivors kidnapped by TDR and you have to find TDR secret place.
You'll also meet amami's sisters and hoshi's cat.
let me dream

That would be pretty cool besides the Kiibo thing.

I'd be fine with either but Kodaka will shit on the one chosen.

>avoiding the question

Do you think Ki-bo should stay dead?

>implying Kaede's twin sister didn't die in V2

Nah let the whole HPA cast be alive in this universe if the whole V3 cast is alive in the HPAverse.

>meet hoshi's cat


Of course not, we can still laugh about those losers though. Can't wait to see you there, I already got my new Tiger fursuit.

>implying kaede's twin sister was in V2

Going by AO3 momoharu's tag has 24, although there aren't that many of them as a separate ship and not as an addition. Saikibo has 17, 95% as a separate ship and I've read them all.
And because I'm a fucking nerd: the most popular are Saiaka of 89 and Saiouma of 90. Harumatsu has 15. It's lower than Saikibo yet still shows up. Why. How.

Let me enlighten you, brainlet. Watching 'movies' is nothing to be proud of: here is the true hierarchy - anything below the first is unadulterated shit.


Come back when you have watched all of Stan Brakhage's 'movies'.

And Nee-san too?

Speaking of UDG... Despair is great, right?

That's a fair point, I just needed someone for Saihara, so I guess Iidabashi will do.

>implying she wasn't

Maybe Idabashi could be the Dr. Light of the group.

Damn, I also like Saikiibo and I thought they had more. But as you said, Momoharu is mostly used as an addition, and there are hardly any that focus on it. Harumatsu needs to not be a thing though.

why not
>implying TDR didn't kidnap kaede instead of her twin sister who survived V2 for join V3

>Nah let the whole HPA cast be alive in this universe if the whole V3 cast is alive in the HPAverse.
Well, UDG vaguely connected DR1 with DR2
So I thought it would be logical for a UDG2 to connect DR2 and DRv3
He will cry because Ki-Bo is dead
>implying TDR was wrong and kidnapped her sister and the real Kaede is alive

*notices buldge* OwO whats this...? :3

Piss off bookworm, I'll watch what I want. Go back to getting bullied.

>implying kaede's twin sister wasn't the first victim in V2

Have fun being bullied for being a degenerate uneducated furry, brainlet! Perhaps one of us patricians will sympathise with you.


>the artbook says that kaede still wear her music
hairpins because her past is connected with music
>kaede doesn't have them in the prologue
>TDR kidnap her twin sister thinking she is the one interested in music giving her the SHSL pianist
>the real kaede is still alive
Oh shit i am confused now.

I'm personally still debating whether Kiibo should stay dead or make a comeback. I'm a goddamn kiibofag.
If he does come back, I want it to be, like, appearance-wise, the head is more or less the same sans maybe ahoge but the body is completely different, maybe sleaker but still visibly robotic and still a fucking shortie. Memory-wise, I'd go for him retaining some memories from his life before the killing game and Idabashi and some inklings of memories from the endgame trial but not the actual game. He doesn't exactly recognise Saihara or others but feels like he's known them before and is willing to be friends with them.

Oh, that sounds nice, would be cool seeing them rebuild their friendship.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

Reminder I want to fuck Kaito!

I'm a bit late.

...way hotter than it deserves to be.

Keep being delusional

UDG interview from the V3 artbook. I doubt there's something interesting here though.

Does Shinguuji get paired with every V3 character?

At least it's not Gonta/Mitarai or Shinguuji/Mitarai :^)

>implying i really believe in my theory

Rantaro nii-chan!

Source please?

I haven't seen him in suggestive art with Kaito before.

Ouma on the other hand has ship art with EVERYONE.

I'll assume the latter since the team worked with the former's format in V3's bonus mode and they're once again working on the former with Zanki Zero which will take awhile. i'd think they'd be burned out with the former after it's done so if Kodaka's given the chance by SC, they'd probably want to try out the latter this time and see how it works.

Way, way hotter...

>shinguji not wearing a dress as well

I have seen Kaito x Korekiyo before but finding the pic in my Kaito folder will be hell.


I'm conflicted Himikobros, Saimeno is the perennial meme favorite but Oumeno has much more content.

Wolfknot or horsecock?

Comments on normies sprites from V3 artbook.

Hell yeah, finally