Nocoiners on suicide watch "muh China fake volume crash" edition

Nocoiners on suicide watch "muh China fake volume crash" edition



Get a job you fucking NEET loser. No one cares about the 20 bucks you made on buttcoins today.


I was so close to selling like finger on the sell button if it went below 900

The most annoying thing about nocoiners is its still far from too late to ride the BTC rocket, but their inability to learn from their mistakes means they never will buy in no matter how often its proven that BTC is only going to grow.

The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

it was over 50 on each one but ok

You people are fucking retarded. My university paysme to research Bitcoin and I can tell you it follows a random walk. The only way you're going to make a profit in the long run is through arbitrage.

Also, Bitcoin will go into a deflationary spiral eventually. It could never be a viable currency in the long run, people will literally start hoarding it (probably what's going on now) and no one will actually buy shit with it. Worse still, it will be impossible to liquidate your position at a fair price.

No coiners be like.

Tick Tock Nocoiners, Tick Tock.

>muh academia cuck
>muh deflationary spiral
>muh gold will not be worthless cuz nobody buy coffee with it
>muh not predictable even tho you got adviced to buy for ages
>muh cope

If you learn a little bit of economics maybe some day you will realize that deflation and saving is good (and necessary) for a slow and sustainable grow without cyclical crisis.

These cucks have been brainwashed into thinking mindless consumerism of obsolence programmed trash is somehow god for "teh economy".

When will they ever learn? Also just lol at not understanding bitcoin can be subdivided into as small units as possible to never "run out of supply" and enter into muh deflation spiral.

If people wants to buy something they will in any case you dumb cuckolds.


>almost 1000 dollars per coin
when's the next dip?

I don't get this, but you keep posting it like it means something...

1000, after we hit 2500

That's why you are a nocoiner.

can you set stops and alerts when buying crypto or does it mean you pretty much have to always be at your computer waiting for a dip?

obviously, just find the right exchange

How is bitcoin a pyramid scheme, but any other currency/commodity isn't?

20 bucks? Damn son, you gotta think bigger than that. I'll dedicate a room in my future castle to your butthurt.

Shaking nocoiners, shaaaaaaaking.