League of Legends Genereal /lolg/

Real Life Ahri Edition

last thread

I want to IMPREGNATE Leblanc!

first for sejuani

Graves is number one

discord moderators can eat the corn out of my shit

Tell me a secret

I play Ap Udyr Middle

>being degenerate enough to be banned from the discord server
Dear lord.

Would you help Sona find a bikini for swimsuit season ?

She's having a hard time.

whats the discord?

I'm unable to stay loyal to a League waifu, after a week or two I lose interest and move on.

>"retard shyv goes blue smite or you get kited dumb jungler, slut"
>implying you get kited when you have an UNSTOPABLE ult
>mfw azir thinks his puny wall can stop me
>mfw red smite+exhaust allows me to 1v1 anyone I please at any point of the game

I enjoy this champion a lot.

>Lux and Ahri will never be gutted
>b-but Lux has no mobility s-she's bad!
Every faggot mage has the same pathetic excuse. Just more champs for girls to exclusively play because they're easy and are actually useful

Is TF jungle still a thing?


calle calle

I dont think the current Rune system is a good idea.

It would be much easier to balance champions if their stats weren't so modifiable. I think LoL should just remove the current rune system and rework it into a Mastery Tree v2 or some sort of customizable Talent system like HoTS and Dota

>get a good team
>someone dodges
>queue again
>bunch of instalockers fighting over mid and or top
every single time

>new client doesn't tell how much time exactly til next daily win
>just states hours

don't bother the moderators are actually awful morons that ban people for no reason and circle jerk all day

>Watching Trick try to play Xin

Jesus fuck this is painful, what is he even building???

>play on my silver smurf
>people ban irelia tryndamere and zed
>no one even touches lulu graves fizz sejuani

>"They ban people for no reason"

Says user banned for a clear reason.

>fwotd in 10 minutes
it does show the exact time in the end of match screen though

>dumb waifu champion
>bragging about being good over beating an even worse dumpster tier champion
>S+ because literally no one plays Shyv ever

oh yeah what is it care to explain

A-at least you gave me a (you), that makes me happy.

yes but tank now though

screen cap his current build

Is he in gold yet? He can join Goldbay99 as Trick2gold

>I walk into bindings constantly and lose to mediocre champions: the post.
When Ahri, Syndra, or Ori miss their Q they don't cease to be useful for the next 8 seconds.

I barely play my waifu because I can't stand losing as her
My last 4 or 5 games with her were S+ wins but I still get nervous and anxious everytime I lock her
I'm not even that autistic, I swear!

I'd rather rape her 2bh.

>tfw rape fetish

post more green flags

>shaco gets first blood 2:30 minutes into the game

>open up client
>set to smallest resolution
>try to change it on the login screen
>client freezes
Much better. Thanks Riot

>players playing at a lower elo struggle with different champions
wow what a shocker

for being your self :^)

>champions that can stand 3 miles away from fights and still win them
I can get over Lux but Ahri has been straight aids ever since her inception. There is no defending the move speed on her Q

surprise surprise mod sympathizer dumb as fuck and ain't got no argument himself
it's a league discord and these guys are so full of themselves really shaking my head

>Your blitz lands 7/7 hooks within the first 5 minutes as well as getting the first blood on the invade.

- Laner knows how to manage creeps
- Explorer Ezreal

If I'm supporting with Lmaokai how do I convince my ADC not to push so I can get off double damage saplings on the enemy bot lane?

Don't leak this super secret OP build to reddit, but try it out in a custom game

you is salty
you is salty
you is salty
you is salty

>adc doesn't whine like a bitch when you get a kill

champions that can stand 3 miles away from fights and still win them


>got Sion to 4
>start playing him again
>realize why I stopped
The only I'm worth anything is if I ult bot lane and hope they're dumb enough to get hit by it

>implying I even use the discord
Nice meme user, I doubt they would let an Australian in in the first place

Turned off his stream, but when I last checked it was Mercs-Red Smite Bloodrazor-Tiamat-Hexdrinker-Phage-Chain Vest.

yeah I'ma let this one pass but don't do it again okay, huh?

>iBlitz and the gang dominate botlane
>enemies actually complaining about blitzcrank being broken

I too enjoy Shyv a lot!
Why Black Cleaver? Stickness? CDR? Their only dedicated tank was on a support budget and you didn't even have an AD heavy comp so the shred was kinda meh in this situation.
I'd go for a FM, Titty Hydra or even a TriForce in this situation but I honestly don't know much about Shyvana builds so share your thoughts!

Tell him to start cull and last hit or you'll run it down mid

Delete this, stop sharing my Mid Rakan builds with people

She didn't always have the MS on her Q. Riot just decided to make so she has to hit even less abilities later.

wonky teamcomp like Pantheon/Leona bot t,Fiddlesticks mid, Twitch Jungle,Amumu top

something about the enemy team now knowing how to play against memepicks and picking comfort champions just takes the by suprise.

Its almost always a snowball stomp with non stop action across the map

>stole someone else's (You)

>mad chemist singed
>first blood within the first couple minutes

>enemy top starts dying to mordekaiser
>like alot
>visibly has no idea what to do
>morde shouting taunts in all chat
>jungler not even sure what morde does so unsure if they can even 2v1

I want to be internet popular and have people call me cute and have them defend me when I'm not around.

played a lot of twitch jungle in the past
it basically came down to taking red then ganking immediately

if you got first blood it's gonna be a good game, if not, it's basically ff20

I backed with 4k gold and had no idea on what to build, that thing had lot's of HP and CDR so figured "why not?" What would've been better?

>Karthus solokills the enemy laner
>Doublekill the enemy jungler by accident

lol I already did

Fuck I meant Mad Scientist Singed not Mad Chemist.

I love Lissandra!
Also MJF is a big meanie!

Becoming a drawfag is the 'easiest' step in that you get people to flock to you but you need to be able to draw.

if you go down this path I suggest doing reaction image edit first. Try turning this one into Oriana, bonus points for the ball floating around in there somewhere.

feels good man

>didn't read the last part

Sorry, I'm a dumb slut. I don't like FM much, it feels lacking on, well, everything somehow I never feel any difference when I buy it, I thought about titanic but I always forget to use the active since I'm dumb, and I bought triforce and then refunded it because it didn't seem that tanky, but maybe was the choice to go.

>support gets a cross kill after adc misplays
>"fuck this support im out"
>adc starts inting my lane (top)
wow what a great community of players we have

Please refrain from further avatarfagging.

>maokai support
>push lane like a fucking madman
>anyone who comes into contact with my saplings loses a third of their health
>throw some saplings into bushes
>completely overtake the jungle for the next twenty minutes, nobody can enter because if they do they get blown to shreds


>Sorry, I'm a dumb slut.
hey how you doin? ;)

>enemy team plays against a Master Yi Viegar bot
>Yi kills half the wave with Alpha while Veigar finishes it off with Dark matter
>they keep trying to poke Yi but he just meditates
>once they hit 6 veigar cage locks enemy ADC with Yi and Yi goes buckwild on them
>no matter who dies both of them get stronger

it was hilarious


feel like playing that rn

Yes, I said please you favela monkey.

I figured quick is better than good since most drawfags take 8 years to do anything.

Does the new client not have chat rooms? I've not touched this game in months.

im pretty sure the frustration from the other guy's post comes from having to deal with lux. yeah it's doable, but it's so fucking obnoxious that nobody wants to deal with it. people used to go clarity on lux so that they could sit in lane and just spam E. landing the binding isn't necessary

>Playing a fed Darius

Is there a better feel?

Very good actually, finally winning some games, this is almost as fun as memebuilding.
But seing you get so angry over it is cute.


sorcery, expose weakness, natural talent and double edged sword

wanderer, secret stash, meditation, bandit, intelligence and thunderlords

standard ap runes

Eye of the watchers into lyandrys with sorc boots, and then banshees and morello for cd reduction. If you get to full build you can finish with a void staff.

I'm a sucker for Titty Hydra and Shyv is one of the champions that can use it to it's full pottential
Next time you play her try rushing a Tiamat for INSANE clears and tell me what you think! I usually go Tiamat -> Bloodrazor -> BotRK -> first major tank item -> finish Titanic Hydra but then again I'm not a great Shyvana player and neither play her often
You called?

>when you report bots on your team in an intermediate
get fuck bots

>Cowtit Queen
>Dairy Dutchess
Evelynn MissFortune Morganna
>Cleavage Countess
Ahri Akali Elise Nidalee Vi Zyra
>Busty Baroness
Ashe Cassiopeia Fiora Illaoi Janna Katarina LeBlanc Nami Sejuani Sivir Syndra
>Modest Merchant
Irelia Karma Kayle Leona Lissandra Lux Riven Shyvanna Soraka Vayne
>Flat Farmer
Kalista Quinn Taliyah
>Sexless serf

>league of legends if it Runeterra had the societal structure of Manyū Hiken-chō

man I miss spell vamp.

>Captain Fortune
>Mastery 7
>She uses her Q's to poke even if she can't proc the bonus damage.
>Makes active effort to make the most of her passive.
You'd have to literally try to lose with a good MF on your team.

xth for Syndra

I know it's pretty good on her, but I just never know when to use the active or just forget, I know you use it to cancel your aa animation along with Q for a fast burst, but I can't focus enough to do it, so I just press W and rightclick people to death, I'm by no means good either, but I'll try it on my next game with that build path, seems actually nice. thanks user~

Syndra is so tsundere

I don't really consider my waifu attractive. Even her personality is overall bland and doesn't appeal. Hope she gets a VU, voice over/rework like Lux and some good/legendary skin(s)

Sona is a cow! A COW!

>tfw have been that exact MF for the last few patches

makes me sad how hard that builds been nerfed, think mfs build crit now but I dropped her after this patch hit

comfy bfs~

Who was Camille made to appeal to? She's such a dry character and her kit is about as paint-by-the-numbers as it gets.

>Malphite gets picked into Yasuo top and finishes his second item
>Lee actually remembers that his Q is an execute and isn't for initiation

I want to be murdered by a qt league girl

The best thing I've ever seen was a Xin, Braum bot lane. When they both hit 3 it was such a hilarious cheese because all Xin and Braum needed to do was have Xin Dash to the ADC and Braum use his Stand Behind on Xin and immediately Q the ADC and there was nothing the enemy ADC could do to not die. Even flashing wouldn't work because they were already slowed and about to be stunned anyway.

well she appeals to me
so people like me


Yeah, I think you might have pretty crosswired ideas of the differences between flat and fat.




Honest Question: Is Annie Bot (Jared Carr) gay?

desu braum doesn't even need to Q until they flash as Xin's E has a slow anyway.