League of Legends Genereal /lolg/

Real Life Ahri Edition, Volume II

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>same edition twice
Waifu fags are the worst.

Can I get some input on this? I figure I'd want to capitalize on Spirit fire with Mpen and abyssal's magic amplification.

How do you guys keep your eyes on the map while last hitting and laning? I am a shitter and have to stare at life bars to make sure I get the CS.

stop posting this slut

Are Item Sets coming back next patch or did they push it?

why people hate yasuo

it's fine. it's not lulu and it was made at 750 posts.

QUICKLY! Claim your league waifu before Noxian slavers find her!

i dont have a waifu

Start cleaning your friend list. I have ~30 for the very reason I loathe random invites. Also, start using folders/notes so you know at least something of who's who and avoid accidental deletes.

has ties with noxus we should be fine

So, this is why I spend more time smurfing than playing on my main account



>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3

With cuddles and warm hugs.

>be top lane
>team wants me to play a tank
>lock in Mordekaiser

xth for Syndra
go away

Nami is MINE.

*supportic screeching*

x Zed

Hmmm I'll give it a 7 (Seven) out of 10

At best

>look mom i posted it again xdd

What do you guys think of Sarah Fortune

Because he's the most controversial man in the League, of Legends.

Recommend me a champion based off him

I will to lick her feet

I love Sona!

He has a reverse harem and makes me jealous.


Sion, Renekton

What are the differences between a good and bad Darius players?
What mistakes do bad Darius make?

manliest support

I'd start a family with her if I weren't already in a committed relationship with my waifu

Sion is angered at who he is and retaliates against his opponents. Kinda fits.

the first step to make the difference between a good and bad darius player is that the good one uses the W slow to then land an almost unmissable Q during the slow

name me some man-mode junglers

i want urf

i miss rush


The biggest weakness Darius has, past Platinum, is him being easly gank- and kiteable

So good Darius players use the minimap like a genius in order not to get killed or get unlickely kills

any update in the upcoming Ahri Nerf?


>it's fine
No it's not. Don't double up OP images.


>im a rebel
It's not really rebellion if they don't already belong to the organised institution they're fighting against, is it?


Is there a jungler like Kindred but better?

Maybe you should watch the show instead

Darius highest win rate is in diamond, senpai. His lowest winrate is in silver and bronze.


Hey /lolg/, I used to play Dota a lot, and eventually stopped playing it and moved to league to play with flatmates/friends.

Generally playing ADC, ranked up my masteries on Graves, Kindred, Tristana, and I'm really enjoying Jhin.

Should I just keep playing the same position to get really perfect at ADC, or try branching out?

Also I'm building Runaan/IE/Zerkers/LDR/PD/Mercurial or Guardian on Tristana, sound good?

And take a guess where people begin to use the minimap seriously. Thats right. Diamond.

Is Boxbox actually gay? He makes a lot of homoerotic comments, sounds and talks like a total fruit, and looks really feminine (his fucking Riven cosplays man).

>tfw you realize DD is a way better damage item than cleaver on Illaoi
>tfw you just pickup LW mid game if the enemies start stacking armour


He has 10% pick rate with 51% win rate according to op gg and op gg counts only plat+. TO call him easy gankable and kiteable from plat+ is laughable. Reminder again he has a terrible win rate in low elo not high elo.

Lulu is the spookiest! THE SPOOKIEST!

>This is not allowed in my own code of law

Should I just keep playing the same position to get really perfect at ADC, or try branching out?
Depends on your elo and what you want to achieve in this game.

In general, playing mid and jungle more should help you out regardless. If you only want to be better at adc though, you should probably branch out your playtime a day instead of roles. Going up from 6h to 10h a day to rly get gud as adc.




stfu bitch and get your AI fixed up

>TO call him easy gankable and kiteable from plat+ is laughable
>Doesn't know what high elo junglers do

>6-10h of league a day

Wew lad I have exams coming up but maybe after

And yeah, ADCs feel like ranged heroes in Dota but nicer to play against melee characters with due to 0 turn rate

>queue up for ranked
>2 people are intentionally feeding
>after the match i get banned for 2 weeks

I think I've given up hope.

As long as there is a mute button...

Literally statistics speak otherwise. Darius is the second highest picked top laner in plat+ while have a nice win rate. Only Fiora is above him in pick rate.

Let us us, remove your chains.

I want to facefuck them.

How does xayah play compared to tristana?Can they be compared at all?
Tristana is just so bad.

Braum is better off as a jungler in this meta. Attack-speed for quick stun stacks of course.


The true "Quasus" build is actually zz'rot into a typical nasus build (SV, TF, etc.), although he doesn't really play Nasus anymore since the zz'rot nerf. I do think zz'rot is a more situational item now when you think the enemy team is a little slow to rotate and you want to get a shitload of tower damage to punish that mistake.

What you're talking about is AP Nasus which I'm not sure about. That's how they built Nasus in a pro game and it does maximize his early pressure, but that may fall off a little too hard in solo queue.

You have icy heart
This is how you really strike like ram


If you don't know why statistics show what they show, you shouldn't use them in the first place

I love typing in all-chat after helping her kill/helping to kill her: such misfortune.

Pretty good in lane with Rakan, outside of that she's a bit lacklustre unless she got fed


Also, that rework talk about her sounds like her ult may be a little too busted. A 1500 range point and click ability that executes sounds bad for anything that's less tanky than her

>2 weeks


how fucking stupid can you be to openly rage in chat

Camille is actually really nicely designed from a mechanical perspective, aside from her ult. Her passive could be more involved and not read the game for you but I still like it.

>say that Darius is easily abuseable in plat+ when I btfo with statistics
>even tell you that his pick rate is in face very high so it wouldn't askew the win rate with loew pick rate
>but they don't count!!! xD

>demoted to silver 2
and i thought i was so close

Adc is the weakest role in league since about 2014, just a friendly tip

This is my wife, Sona Buvelle.

Say something nice about her!

>ever saying anything in chat in a game full of whiny kids

first mistake


Is it due to getting blown the fuck out by pretty much everything?

They do count, but you fail to realise for the past 15 minutes WHY they do

she's a good design but was overloaded
also she just deals too much true damage and too often to not be frustrating to play against

>the two people trolling on my team don't get punished
>meanwhile i get a suspension


I just like congratulating my teammates on their plays man

I wanna cuddle Jinx

So i have 14k ip.What to buy?Rakan,Xayah, Ivern, Jhin maybe yorick,camille?Don't really play top since Riot fucked Mordekaiser up.
I'm leaning toward Xayah and Ivern.

>I am just going to be vague because I got btfo xD
Math isn't subjective you idiot.

Well I mean, I wouldn't be stacking AP. I'd just be building penetration to capitalize on Spirit Fire's huge base damage, and Liandry's has really nice synergy with his ultimate. New Abyssal isn't quite as sturdy an MR item as visage, but it's a nice hybrid offense/defense item.

I was thinking something like Triforce, frozen heart, Abyssal, DMP, Laundry's, and then boots are of course a flex slot could go mercs, could go Tabi, could go sorcs to solidify an early lead.

I assume runes and masteries are the same though?



>me unga team bunga

youre fucking retarded if you think you got punished instantly for that game

Jhin is great fun to play as if you've had any contact with Quinton Flynn's voice acting, it never gets old.

Mechanically speaking, he's a nice slow paced breath of fresh air from ADHD hypercarries

I cry every time.