What are your thoughts on people that put those "Baby on board" signs on their car

What are your thoughts on people that put those "Baby on board" signs on their car


That those poor suckers have a wife with no real sense of humor.

The worst is the "My kid is an honor student at fuck off middle school". Who cares. But your kid will probably be offended if all of their friend's parents have it on their car but you refuse.

>The worst is the "My kid is an honor student at fuck off middle school"
That's done for the kid. They eat that shit up. And you would have too.

I tailgate them in town, and destabilise them on the motorways.

Despite what these edgelords say, the "baby on board" sign does keep tailgaters away. I've been using one for the lulz and have noticed people keep a further distance.

>Sign is supposed to refer to the pet
>Can easily be used for furfaggotry

no kid would want that shit unless they're a stuck up bitch

that'd just be embarrassing

I feel sorry for the car and think people like this shouldn't own a car.

Keep up the good work.

If people are going to drive like douchebags, a sign will hardly stop them. If they aren't driving like mad cunts then the sign obviously isn't for them.

I always thought it was funny how little they did anything to protect their car.

This sign might as well say I drive 10mph under the limit in the fast lane, but please drive careful around me.

I keep one up all the time and drive like a maniac.

The point is to let emergency responders know theres a baby in there in case of a crash, its not to get other people to not be assholes.

I had one on my ///M6 just for giggles.

This is the reason why I want to get a baby on board sticker. Keep the tailgaters and road ragers away.

I had an autismal tantrum when my parents put a "my son is an eagle scout" sticker on the family car.

I have one on my rear windshield, two on my bumper and one on each side of the rear passenger doors windows. Just for shits and giggles, I have a baby but they never ride in my car so they're never in there.

If it DOES work, I want to put one on my motorbike. Just dangling off the back.

But then, people would probably have a go at me for riding while pregnant. Bad enough that I've had other bikers follow me through towns because they saw the long hair.
I'm not even female, trans, or a crossdresser, dammit! I'm just a metalhead.

I would make sure they crash with no survivors. I wish Jews would put a sign in their cars too.

Every other car in Markham Ontario is some bucktoothed Asian in a white SUV, with one of those stickers, changing lanes and braking randomly.

I swear they must hand out a booklet on the boat.


Also car seats are most likely to be ejected from a vehicle so if the 1st responders see a sign but no car seat they go looking in the surrounding area

I don't get it

The drivers who are likely to crash are drivers who are very much likely to not be paying any attention at all, and as such a small sign does fuck-all

I hate that sign so much because it implies so much self importance.
"Hey everyone, you should prioritize my car's safety because I have a baby"
Fuck you, cunt, if you have a baby, you should be driving safely, not asking everyone else to drive safely around you

My first thought is that they have babies duh...

Some poor guy with a nagging wife and a screaming kid. He has nothing left to live for, so don't get in his way.

"My kid beat up your honor student"

It's basically a good warning sign, saying "watch out, I can't drive for shit"

Why is that necessary? They already know there's (probably) someone inside the car, why would an arbitrary description of it's occupants nature change their response speed?

Either brake check them or tailgate