Why has Islam always been pushed around in every nation?

Why has Islam always been pushed around in every nation?

Even by monks, like wtf.

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Newton's third law

because religious/political/ethnic minorities get percieved as a neusance, competition and/or threat by religious/political/ethnic majorities, and responding to such with intolerance, discrimination and violence are basic human behavioral patterns

People tend to avoid plague.

Because people can smell bullshit if they didnt grow up in it.

What is correlation here?
It's not that Islam is being pushed around, Islam is trying to push everything and everyone around, negativity directed towards it is simply the outcome of stupidity that Islam is.

Basically because the Middle East keeps exporting exploding headcases to the West, and because your religion is made-up nonsense.

To be fair so is every religion, but most people's made up nonsense doesn't compel them to blow themselves up in crowded public spaces.

The Middle East is currently a warzone - this is due to historical interference by Western Governments, no doubt about it - destabilizing Saddam was a mistake because he was using his crazy to keep a lid on all the Durka Durka lunatics who after his fall immediately swooped in and dragged all the girls out of school and started executing people for listening to pop music.

Of course, I didn't vote for this, and we were all pretty pissed off with our government about it - they don't really give a shit what we think though, and then a bunch of loopy Muslims decide that the best way to get our government to stop pissing around in the ME is to blow us the fuck up - so a bunch of our civilians get blown up, are still being blown up, by Muslims, and we more or less take it on the chin.

Takes a few years, but our troops left Iraq, and what happens as soon as we leave, like we thought you towelhead bastards wanted?

Bam, ISIS hit the scene - and they are VERY MUCH a Muslim operation, no matter what the apologists say - their punishments and tortures are mostly either of Quranic providence or are in emulation of The prophet and his companions.

And now we're off the scene we've still got Muslims exploding all over our damn countries.

Muslims are a nuisance and a threat to peace in any country where they reside; even their own.

Islam has been waging war in many forms on the rest of humanity for the entirety of it's existence. They're like Tolkien's orcs, dangerous to fight and festering if ignored.

Islam is a religion of conquest. Give them an inch and they will take a mile.

While do people hate on Islam for being imperialistic and conquering when Christianity did it first and is so much better at it the majority of the world are Christians?

there is literally nothing wrong with muslims

Even Buddhists hate Muslims

Because their women converted to Islam and married Muslims. Those people are only jealous fags.

Hatred is not part of the dharmachakra.

Based buddhis, their anti-islam stance is one of the reason i converted to theravada.

They are only afraid of losing the power and to become unemployed. They've witnessed how many people converted to Islam (peacefully by the way) and don't want to lose their position.


He's afraid of losing money. He's a conman user.

Can't deny the truth, Hector al-Madridi.

>What is correlation here?
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

Not necessary equal, or opposite.

>your religion is made-up nonsense.
>your religion
You mean ALL religion, right?

> religion of conquest
You mean Christianity ? Yeah everything happened thanks to kind words. Byzantines ? New World ? Aztecs ? Native American ? Colonialism to bring the light to ignorant african/arabs ? Slavery ?

Islam can dish it out but it can't take it.

Yes, necessary equal and becessary opposite. It has only been a fundamental part of physics for over 3 centuries, so it could be wrong

>To be fair so is every religion, but most people's made up nonsense doesn't compel them to blow themselves up in crowded public spaces.

Fucking dumbass

>losing jobs to bengali trash.
Burma knows they have to deal with the Muslims severely. They don't want to end up like India/Pakistan.

>atleast a hundred middle eastern civilians are killed by western countries for every western civilian killed by terrorists
>we dindu nuffin, we good boys, collateral damage dont exist mufugger, need mo money for dem bombs

Those Buddhists don't give a shit about their "religion" . They only want more and more money, and are afraid of Islam becoming (peacefully) the first religion. They'd lose their job then, i.e. no more donation.

Southeast Asian Buddhism is a fine argument at how LE PEACE & UNDERSTANDING religion is a piece of shit when given state power/state religion status.

China was right to subjugate Tibetan Buddhism.

>Western Christianity is a fine argument at how LE PEACE & UNDERSTANDING religion is a piece of shit when given state power/state religion status


>He thinks that it was American and British soldiers killing civilians in Iraq
> not the various Islamist factions ripping each others faces off and setting off car bombs and suicide vests in markets and mosques

??? There is enough proof that American soldiers committed a lot of civilians killings in Iraq and they even enjoyed it.

No one is claiming Christianity leads to peace and understanding, meanwhile Buddhism is a meme religion whose followers never din do nuffin.

You're both right, you know.

No, everyone hates Christians too. I don't think there are Christians dumb enough to believe their shit, just ones smart enough to use Christianity for social and emotional gains.
But hey, they are not doing violent conquest right now, and tons of them are cucks, so wtf.

Are you arguing that because Christianity has violently fought it's way to the top it should be understanding to the fledgling violent religion of Muslim?

> Christianity has violently fought it's way to the top
> 1+1 = 2

Thank you based Karlings, you are my greatest ally

Christians were doing wars for a time between their foundation and today
Muslims were doing it all the time


If Muslims are such an issue then why are Indonesian Muslims (all 200 million of them) alright?


From the days of the prophet Mohammed usurping nations by use of muslim immigration has been a common method to spread their faith over the world. It is so pivotal to this religion, that their calendar starts with the trek to Medina. Clearly, they are not even trying to hide their intentions. Each muslim is commanded to put in effort to spread Islam; it forms one pillar of faith named Jihad. So, over the centuries, this is what they have attempted to do in Iberia, Lebanon, Myanmar republic, Serbia. The effect of this is naturally some resistance of the local population who may take up arms and retake their territory or lose its territory to the advantage of Islam. Northwest Europe adopts the latter reaction, while some Buddhists are choosing to fight back.

It's reletively young, and while its rulers may preach tolerance of people of the book, normal people are not so accepting.

Couple that with a resurgence of ultra-conservative salafism and you have a recipe for disaster.

How many is "a lot"? Nowhere near the tens of thousands that were killed by their fellow Iraqis and foreign jihadists.

Proselyting is inherent and important to all religions, save for maybe Buddhism.

>From the days of the prophet Mohammed usurping nations by use of muslim immigration has been a common method to spread their faith over the world.
> this is what they have attempted to do in Iberia, Lebanon, Myanmar republic, Serbia.
You make it sound like the first thing a Muslim thinks when emigrating is "I'm gong to convert those heathens!", rather than "maybe I won't starve under a different lord".

ILink The article or I call bullshit

>Buddhists are now or ever have been non-violent

This is why you need to read the whole post.

>what is jihad ?

what is jihad?


sounds perfectly reasonable, stop being bigoted

Usually because Muslims start pushing first

The people that did those things where not real Christians

Are you retarded? You know that ISIS is controled by americans? just like 9/11 was a fraud?
Or you still believe that America is good justice father looking over the world and keeping peace.


>Ashin Wirathu
The man's name is literally "Asian Wrath" said with a stereotypical chinky accent.

Because it's trash.

>Magyars in caucasus

So you can agree that terrorists aren't real Muslims.

Also, american solidiers has been tried in military courts for war crimes and sentenced to death:


Pity it won't be by firing squad.

Now, how many jihadists has been brought to court martial? How many russian soldiers?

>Proselyting is inherent and important to all religions, save for maybe Buddhism.
For fucks sake! Buddhists proselytize. Judaism doesn't.

Pick one! It's a concept held together with Mighty Putty and second-hand band AIDS.

>For fucks sake! Buddhists proselytize.
The "save for Buddhism" was meant to be linked to the "important". I agree that Buddhism proselytizes, but it doesn't seem to play a large role.

They in your base killing your dudes.

> sentenced to death
Six men and among them two with arabic names.
I doubt only 6 people committed atrocities.

Normally we have always the same formula
>Pick any religion and call it X
>Pick any sacred text and call it Y
>"[X] is a religion of peace. Violence commited in the name of [X] is due to a misinterpretation of [Y] because any violence is a sin for us."

Islam was literally founded and spread with the sword, unlike Christianity. Yeah some Christians did some bad shit but Jesus himself did not encourage violence unlike Muhammad.

Because Islam a shit and ruins nations

See: Every Islamic nation for all of time and ever after til the sun swallows Earth

Having to resort to violence being a Buddhist doesn't make you desperate, it makes you look retarded. He does it for the $$$ he has a huge movement in Burma and he makes a lot of promises that haven't been kept. Majority of Buddhists see him as a quack

>muh back pedalling

>religion of peace
Blame it on GWB's speech writer.

>Are you retarded?
Are you retarded?

>Based buddhis, their anti-islam stance is one of the reason i converted to theravada.
no thats because your a autist faggot who like trees and gommunism

>While do people hate on Islam for being imperialistic and conquering when Christianity did it first

Wrong, bud. Unlike Islam, Christianity was persecuted for centuries before being accepted in the Roman Empire. Territories were not conquered in the name of Christ, unlike Islam, but rather for secular (Imperial) reasons.

Read some history. Christianity's foundations are inherently, fundamentally different from Islam (Love versus Submission, respectively).

are you really this autistic?
>if you love good, only if you love and ofcourse believe youre going to heaven
its some made up 16th century bullshit

>For God so loved mankind that He humbled Himself to walk among man and become flesh, was crucified, and rose for the forgiveness of our sins.
>Not Love

It's ok if you want to be edgy, fedora.

>its some made up 16th century bullshit
What is, exactly?

there are still magyars in kazakhstan actually


> unlike Christianity
Read some books user.

Islam is the pale horse of death spoken of in the bible. Which is given the power to kill by the sword and given power over 25% of the world. The original greek for "pale" was "chloros"which means green.

Green is the official color of islam. 1.8billion out of 7billion people are muslim which is one quarter. QED

> Muslims were persecuted by the Quraysh first.
Then came a Verse "Fight in the cause of Allah THOSE WHO FIGHT YOU, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors."

The red horse is communism, I guess. What about the blue and pink one? Feminism and I guess USA?


>Muslims were persecuted by the Quraysh first.

>Less than a decade of city-state rivalry versus centuries of persecution.
>A warlord/ancient Joseph Smith leading his Muslims to war and conquest versus a flock of sheep that were instructed to give themselves peacefully to authorities and proclaim their faith in Christ in spite of, and in the face of, execution.

Not so fast, buddy.
Also, Allah seems to love transgressors according to history and Muslims relations with non-Muslims.

>Why aren't you letting me invade and replace you

How cucked do you have to be to think like this

>Territories were not conquered in the name of Christ

Tell that to the New World

Were they? Show me where they were and not for the Kingdom of Spain.

Also, Roman Catholicism was subverted by Satan's temptations on the Roman Bishops about temporal powers. They give in, and look what happens? After their break away from the Church via the Schism, Roman Catholicism goes full retard and soon launches the Crusades, murders, later the Inquisition, Conquest of the New World, etc. No wonder Protestantism came about - heresy begets heresy.

Ever heard of wikileaks ?

That's exactly what I'm talking about.

>All those statistics begin with "among those who support sharia"
Way to be dishonest and manipulative

If everyone you meet end up hating you.... Maybe you are the problem?

I wonder how the populations were weighted given the statistics are by country

You're retarded.

>Byzantines ?
They were already an Empire, and most of the expansions they ever did was against other Christians.

>New World ? Aztecs ? Native American ?
Why are you mentioning the same event thrice? In any case, taking a whole new continent full of resources with little effort (because your mere presence wiped out 90% of its inhabitants) is something you do with or without religion. If anything, Spanish priests (after their brief "burn the heretic books phase) were actually the most sympathetic group with (converted) Amerindians.

>Colonialism to bring the light to ignorant african/arabs ?
Same thing as the Americas, except after they were advanced enough to also take Africa and Asia with relative ease.

>Slavery ?
Fucking hell. Slavery was widespread everywhere throughout human history, and it was Europeans the ones that finally put an end to it. In fact, the Arab world was (is?) the hardest nut to crack in that regard.

It really is this simple.

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you know how surveys are made?

That's the reason "Support for Sharia" is the first graph. Can't blame the reporters for retardation among the readers.

>strawman someone
>he corrects you
>y-you're just backpedaling!

You seem blisfully unaware of the universal ambitions that are characteristic of islam. There are very obvious reasons for the fact that wealthy muslim states are not accepting refugees whereas the west is a major muslim refugee target. If you still have any doubts, Gulf states are subsidizing construction of muslim prayer houses in Europe. The muslim agenda is right there in your face.
You clearly did not read all the statistics. This, however, did not prevent you from drawing flawed conclusions.

It's discussions like these that make it all worth the effort to come to this board.

Really makes you think