League of Legends General - /lolg/

Porcelain perfection


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how about no
go make someone gay vladfag

Post songs made for climbing

I'll start:


>Enemy team is a protect the twitch team

>twitch runs in for the epic 1v5 flank midgame and gets blown up instantly

good feel

Post your face when bork nerfs

> straight to the bank
you made me remind 20$ dollars slender.
ol' internet times

I have no power to do that

>No caitlyn nerfs soon


they are slowly buffing mundo.
Soon you guys will cry about us mundo mains running a rape train on you with our 6000 hp unkillable mass of stats.

>mfw toplaner


this is old my man listen to your granny vladfag


Play Mordekaiser bot

>get autofilled top
>beg to switch

>mid gives it to me
Okay I dont know how to mid much better either but
>enemy first picks Ahri
>panic look up whos a strong mid laner
>fiddlesticks, also listed as a good counter
>Pick him, do nothing in lane but throw crows
>0/0/0 at 16 minutes, game is 9/2
>early surrender
>it fails
>end game 4/9/12
>enemy K6: "fiddles is busted."

What did he mean by this?
apparently he didnt like that I could just Ult on top of him and throw a bird and ignore his stealth


>There used to be a "Quit" button here

What did they mean by this?


u ran into a mad bad

welcome to league

I'm all in for Botrk nerfs, but man, poor us adc players, thank god i got to gold before i this got out.

>Kalista is now even more useless



They're making it harder to quit..




rammus fucking sucks now what the FUCK

how are you supposed to teamfight when you're permaslowed

Completely deserved. ADCs should not be able to have a catch all 1 item powerspike when they're designed to be a class that is weak as shit early and game warpingly strong late

Build Swifties??????????????????

>game warpingly strong late

Yeah, really not understanding why this was changed.

Stop playing Rammus

Low elos should learn to stop back talking diamond 1s or higher. If someone from bronze has an opinion that differs from a diamond 1's, the bronzie should NOT try to reason with the high elo. He shouldn't ask why either. He should take what the diamond says as fact without talking back. Too many times, I've seen a bronzie backtalk a diamond 1, and it's disgusting, because the bronzie is wrong most of the time. The only time a bronzie is right is when 500,000 bronzies are talking back to a single diamond 1. There's a reason why you're stuck in bronze. It's because you think differently than the diamonds. Start thinking like a diamond.


Rammus slows himself.

Fiddle mid is mediocre, just super oppressive laning phase and only mains play him so high win rate

If you want some real cock chopping with fiddlesticks, if you really wanna fiddle someone's diddle, you take him jungle

He's actually not completely dogshit anymore so if you thought that was neat play some

>gave first blood because my cat sat on the keyboard.



Hello summoners,
We at Riot like hearing your feedback, so since a lot of people were complaining about adcs being too strong, about getting oneshotted 30 minutes in the game by a vayne, we decided to nerf bork, and nerf the most oppresive adcs at the moment.
here at riot think all of you (not only top mains) will love these changes.
See you at the rift :^)
Also no item sets yet fuck you


If you somehow survive a late game team fight with everyone trying to kill you, you can do a decent amount of damage to their Frontline.

This is considered game warpingly strong late LMAO

>game warpingly strong late
considering they're not unless you're specifically a lategame hypercarry, your statement is dumb.

Trust me btw, this isn't gonna change much. Lucian, Kog and Twitch will all still be solid spikers with this thing and Cait will continue to be the worlds leader in cancerous tumor creation seeing as she doesnt even buy it.

I know how to play fiddlesticks. I didn't want to play him. I got forced to play Mid.

It's actually them wanting your attention, among all the flashy lights coming from the monitor

excuse me?

What a bronze says may be true at his skill level but not yours 'amumu is OP'

>Don't use curl ball while you haven't taunted anyone

He's way stronger than before, and you know it.



fuck off armstrong

ad carries in lol aren't like carries in dota. there are ad carries in league that are supposed to be stronger in the early game. that's why they're known as marksmen now.

only mandatory because all players think like sheep

can someone tell me lissandras combo
i ult first right

comfy bfs~

>if affects Blitz self slow
Why won't it affect Rammus?

>blow up

meanwhile sejuani gets a billion armor for free

using memes on your posts makes you look like a memer
no one takes a memer seriously
you don't want to be a memer do you

fluffy tails

Hey guys i'm going to be streaming in a bit. Soraka only from Bronze to Masters. Anyone else trying to get out of low tier?

ok i'm actually rustled.

we were killing either jinx or maokai at will bot lane, but we could never take their tower because either talon or elise would roam down and force us back.

meanwhile, trundle was getting wrecked and jayce could never take mid 1v0.

then croc/talon just kept on slowly taking towers because we could never match their split 1v1, and jinx, despite getting smashed, is reasonably good at taking towers while protected so we had to defend mid still.

end result we had 0 towers for forever while they take every objective until we lose.

0-2 so far in 4th time p5 promos this season.

Reminder that I hate adcucks too but this game is fucking awful when its just a big battle of tanks trying to buy the most damage and tankiness they can to fuck the enemy team up.


how do i get out of bottom lane

Hey guys can we ignore all the butthurt ADCs throwing a literal fit for 2 threads now, and circlejerk about how much we hate Ahri, and her players like usual please?

dude I'm getting tired of saying she can oneshot you with her w and r
I want to be retarded about something else

Ahri's getting nerfed next patch, not this one.

... Huh. You learn something new every day.

You know they gutted that

Is kindred going to be good after these changes? I always thought her theme was neat, but her kit was so wonky feeling and underpowered I didn't buy her

Queue up for top/mid

>Lee Sin is banned
>I get to play League of Legends (TM)

Really gets my LP rising

>tfw no adc gf

did contest user die?

can i be your adc gf (male)?

>no Illaoi buffs anywhere in sight

Why do Gold players have such an ego problem? And I don't mean cocky asshole Platinum guy but I mean they're total pussies. I'm Gold IV and I keep seeing people just skirting around objectives when they have a clear window to go in and pop the fuck off.

they are nerfing ryze every patch so you'll suffer as much as I do.

>death's dance
>spirit visage

you got your buffs

>tfw no fox gf

>needing buffs
she's a pubstomper thats only good if her enemies don't know how to play against her. you can't buff her for high elo without making her completely overpowered for low elo

What is a good support to climb out of low elo?
I dont want another Crit building bard retard

>build crit to make Wolf's damage completely murder people
>make it magic damage so Cleaver and LW dont do anything at all

Yes, the Tank update has already been shown as a failure in either being over- or undertuned. Let's make ADC's pay for it. Just when they were FINALLY playable/enjoyable again. Thanks. Back to Midlane I go.

>she has an 80% winrate
>yet when I get someone 5 divisions lower on my team they have a negative win loss (happened to me yesterday)
>their jungle also had a 94% winrate and has lost one game of the 17 ranked games he's played
>-20 lp

>ADCs whine that their role sucks
>only role that is a complete hard requirement for teams and their position
>meanwhile Top, Mid, Jungle and supports can have any variety of carry, tanks, bruisers, utility or assassins
>marksmen don't go in any other role and nothing besides marksmen don't go in the bottom lane role

You can call yourselves "useless" once I can play Karthus bot seriously.

> league of legends™
do it right

>Dom playing Rammus
>Yasuo dashes into him and gets blown up due to thornmail and DBC
>Yasuo: your champ is cancer

the counter..

No, whatever a diamond 1 says is correct at bronze. Bronze players need to stop back talking diamond 1 players.

>What is a good support to climb out of low elo?
Thresh if you know what you're doing

>blow up

Rammus literally has more resistances than sej in a teamfight.

platonic adc friendo (male) is cool. I'm gold/plat on NA if you actually want to play.

learning to bouncing brand ult can get you pretty far.
Sona/Raka are both good if you group up and make a roaming death ball like some games turn into.

Lucian is definitely going right back to ER builds after if that change hits live. Cait is getting fucking destroyed with the Runaans change

Even when the role is complete trash ranged dps will still be necessary and they'll still get played

>not playing the AP + attack speed splitpush Rammus build

I can't believe this ult still affects structures




Sona seems good, since I can just rush Lich bane + Ardent

>What is a good support to climb out of low elo?
Sona and Thresh depending on which playstyle you prefer.

>100% necessary
>literally MANDATORY, unlike every other role

This is the kind of delusion ADcucks are capable of.

>mfw sona with athenes and redemption
what in the fuck is this shit? the healing amount is fucking retarded,bonus points if your teammates have Spirit Visage

>"Hey Riot, some of the AD Carry players are concerned about the Thornmail changes on the PBE. What's up with that?"
>"Really? Well, we don't want them to feel bad for tank players! Here, we'll buff Ninja Tabis too."

Holy shit AD Carry is so fucking dead.

Good thing they literally just got done fucking annihilating Sunfire so hard there isn't a single tank not named Sej with a positive toplane winrate

Just because something is necessary doesn't mean it's good for carrying retard

adcucks on full damage control lmao

That's why there's no ADCmains in challenger right?
>implying people complaining about tanks have ever been complaining about actual tanks and not tanky DPS champs.