Have you guys ever just tried asking people for money?

Have you guys ever just tried asking people for money?

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>tfw no blm bucks like deray

What's 700 000 to a multi billionaire. Nearly nothing. With that money I cold never work ad be the permaneet virgin that I already am.
This actually sounds fucking doable, what if I sent a mail to all the billionaires in the world and they found it funny enough and just gave me that money.
Should I try ?

rich people are rich because they spend their money to make more money. They'd just be wasting their time talking to you.

for sure. But wouldn't one of them think Im funny and that I have audacity to try ?
Googling billionaire's email right now.
There must be some bored emirate right now willing to maybe do this.
I know in games sometimes some give huge amount of money for no reason and everybody flips out.

welp project aborted, impossible to contact these fuckers

You honestly think you are the first one to think of that idea? Hell, even people who won money on TV get hundreds of emails where people are begging because their grandma needs medicine.

Billionaires get spammed by people like you all the time.

yeah I think you're right. I never had this idea though but it's not original of course.
Oh well.

Literally the only way is to get a billionaire to like you. Like if one got in a car accident and you risked your life to save them without knowing they are billionaires or shit like that.

But that's like winning a lottery.

Get a buddy to shoot up a country club, and then tackle him to the ground "saving" multiple rich people. Boom, instant profit.

Yeah, it's called pan handling.
First you dress up like a homeless dude.
Then you sit by a busy intersection with a cup asking for change.
People in my area (Austin Tx) can clear upwards of $400 per day doing this.
I was personally making around $100 a day sitting out there with a small radio.
This is how I funded my first business without having to get a loan.
I guess that would technically make it a "crowd funded" project?

Not a bad idea but I doubt that they would be grateful enough to give you over 100k. They would probably invite you to a dinner, maybe have the newspaper have an article about you and that's it.

In public spaces you are expected to help. The scenario with the car accident is far better. It would create a bond between you too and they really felt that they were dying. You don't have that with an autist with a gun who gets tackled to the ground.

OP, could you please send me money?

>100 per day
$2,000 grand a week is not bad.

Iv thought about actually relocateing just to do this in a good area.do you have any tips on how to get more money and avoid being beat up by other panhandlers?

It probably won't work, but if you don't ask them then you definitely won't get any money. What do you have to lose?

George Soros/Open Society Foundation gives hundreds of thousands of dollars to fringe progressive groups across the world. Maybe you could set-up a fake one and ask them money.

>What's 700 000 to a multi billionaire. Nearly nothing.
t. poorfag

>tfw Clark Kent and Lex Luthor in Smallville

I actually created a potential BLM-related domain name and contacted his Open Society foundation about it. No reply lol.

legit rich ppl don't manage their money, others do it for them, and you should know anyone who has extensive history in finance is a soulless lifeless piece of shit who would rather see you burn on the street than give you a dime

Someone in this thread please send me money.

>What's 700 000 to a multi billionaire. Nearly nothing. With that money I cold never work ad be the permaneet virgin that I already am.
This actually sounds fucking doable, what if I sent a mail to all the billionaires in the world and they found it funny enough and just gave me that money.
Should I try ?
It's not going to work. Imagine yourself as a fucking bum. You're probably the 1 millionth bum hopelessly asking people for a quarter. It wouldn't cost people much to give to a beggar but they're most likely revolted by your sight.

ya. It only takes fucking 1 to say yes. Just 1.

>ya. It only takes fucking 1 to say yes. Just 1.
It only takes one ticket to win the lottery too.

Nope. Bit i tirned down some from a multimillionaire that wanted me to start a business. Aint got time for it nigga. Maybe next year.

Fuck. My aunt and cousing spam me all the time and i gotta fucking job

Billionaires love money. They will never give some random dickhead that amount of money


My buddy from high school hit a gold mine. He does that shit and spends over $500 a day on drugs booze and bullshit

Tell them to go fuck themselves. Stop being a cuck and letting their problems ruin your life.


Oh i did years ago.

Fucking blocked my aunt on facebook this morning.

God damn they kill me.

Kinda feel for my aunt cause my other cousin is actually retarded and has to have constant care. My cousin that is mentally retarded is a scum dipshit. I probably saved his life the other day. Talke my buddy he robbed out of shooting him. More so to keep my buddy out of prison...

My grandma is also worthles but she's a riot when i run into her in town.

Bitch litterally gives 0 fucks about other people or inside voice. Cusses like a fucking sailor. It's quite comical.

I have managed to grow up in a town of about 1500 people and half of my friends dont even know i'm related to those fuckwits.

yes and it worked. i asked my boss for 30% raise.
he agreed.

Good way to get free dinner in a fancy restaurant, but is that worth risking your life for some fatcat?

Yes I've send this old woman from L'Oreal a letter asking for money and received 5000$ albeit from her daughter (or granddaughter idk) and not from her

I don't know if I want to be rich. Money just fucks me up mentally sometimes. I remember working at a theater, saved up, and had like $1000. I'm surprised I even made it that far.

haha he looks so depressed about being old hahaha

After his 6th heart transplant still invincible. All because of the Rothschild dynasty

If I were going to, I'd set up some sob story crowdfunding shit with a relatively easy to attain goal. Non-rich people seem more prone to emotional whims than some reptilian billionaire with someone he pays to screen his mail for this exact shit.

It doesn't work. I've asked people to send me money in this thread twice now and no one has.

Make a fake charitable organization, with a story, website, etc and ask billionaires to donate to it.

Find some public domain books, something people like such as Edgar Rice Burroughs or something people have to read for school like Shakespeare.

Make a YouTube channel. Start videos by asking for donations then read the book aloud. In fact break each chapter into a different video and start each one by begging.

Bonus points if you make funny voices and use finger puppets. Bonus bonus points if you get a hot girl to voice some of the lines.

So there, now you provide a service and get to spam your paypal/bitcoin address everywhere begging for money.

Here you go: gutenberg.org/ebooks/