After failing yet another job interview process that had me judged solely on my extroversion and normieness while...

After failing yet another job interview process that had me judged solely on my extroversion and normieness while surrounded by posh normie clones and interviewed by their slightly older clones, I am tempted once again by self help. Are the below books good?

A guide to rational living
What every body is saying
How to win friends and influence people
Psycho cybernetics

I am a huge cynic and see all philosophies as unfalsifiable and all pieces of wisdom and self help as bullshit at their core. Should I just ignore all pieces of advice, all of which I would probably forget, and just lie more, speak louder, speak clearer, speak more?

stop stop posting this

Man you're whinning so much it's painful... Grow up, stop reading crap and think for a second. Selling yourself isnt difficult if you know your shit and what people are looking for. You can figure that out by yourself, no need for motivation speech.

not to nitpick, but wouldn't it be falsifiable not unfalsifiable?

Oops, that's not a nitpick, I had a brainfart. I should have said that I see academic philosophy as flailing about within the unfalsifiable (and a few more things) but I think you get my gist.

the important thing with philosophy, I think, is to keep it in the realm of the possible.

a good example of this is the typical "free will/determinism" line of argument.

this can be argued indefinitely, but how much can this REALLY affect your life?

the important thing to gain in that situation is to realize what is personally true. you are free to believe that you are free, and also free to believe you're shackled to fate. but the mere belief in one or the other doesn't exactly change your situation.

same thing with morality, you can debate the goodness or evil of a certain action for weeks, yet you ultimately will "do as thou wilt"...

its basically coming to terms with things as they are, "it is what it is" etc.

but that's also relevant to the books you're considering,

say you read "how to win friends..." the info is there, you got the info, now what happens? its significance is entirely up to its relevance to you and its applicability to your own life.

in general, it is my belief that if someone has a "notion" that something MAY help, its worthwhile to explore, as at worse, it is no help, and you have wasted minimal time. you can read 3 chapters of a 20 chapter book and decide its not for you.

that being said, I find it interesting that the jobs you do apply for so consistently have this would think different places have differing situations, not universal replicas of the same "posh normie" dilemma


try r9k

>still being a cynic
Veeky Forums is intended for posters 18+ only.

>How to win friends and influence people
I am about to read this. Bumping this thread for a good review.

Interviews are all about saying what they want to hear and keywords like hardworking, goal driven etc


just go into a field where being a numale normie talkative cuck doesn't matter. That means something like trades or military.

Truth of the matter is you don't deserve to work. If you're going to constantly judge and criticize others as if you're better, you're really not. If you attempt to bullshit/lie you won't get the Job. If you do you will lose it after X weeks as you don't know what you're doing. Hunker down and get shit done, it's that simple. It's fine to be arrogant, but you have to understand that "posh normie" is in that position for a reason.

While many people are saying OP should stop whining, I'm actually interested in how to pass these normie tests as well.

How the hell do you handle group exercises on assessment centres? There is always this one neckbeard talking through everyone, then there's a couple of Pajeets with their shitty accents you don't understand, and a few Chad Thundercocks.

Why does every fucking place want you to become best friends with your coworkers? I just want to do my job and then go home, no socializing, no drinking together after work.

I'd recommend working nights at warehouses or truck driving. I'm pretty anti-social and bad with people and those 2 jobs are the best I've had. Easy work and barely any social interaction. Also everyone else that works nights are weirdos as well.

Shut the fuck up

Hit Veeky Forums, get to 10-15%bf and lift in the meanwhile

Listen to the life of Pablo and views from the 6 as long as needed until you like them

go to parties at venues that have quiet corners like with couches etc, sit down with a drink and good posture and small talk with people

get a good haircut and clothes, shave if u don't have proper 2 fingers long beard. Don't ask Veeky Forums under any circumstances.

Do try to make people comfortable around you and talking to you

You just became the normie, except that you're a stealth autist who walks among them, completely masked.

t. ex fat-autist

>go to parties at venues that have quiet corners like with couches etc, sit down with a drink and good posture and small talk with people
>Do try to make people comfortable around you and talking to you
how do i get invited to parties? who do i even talk to?

>tfw no friends
>tfw no social skills and can't have a basic conversation

>>tfw no friends
>>tfw no social skills and can't have a basic conversation

Always hard starting from the bottom.

What are your interests? Computers, sports, business, accounting, whatever? Does your city have any local clubs that focus on your interests? If so, you could join those clubs and develop your social skills while talking about a shared interest.

Job interviews normalyy take up to 1 hour. Cant you just pretend for that 1 hour to be a funny, charismatic and professional person? After you get the job you can just be yourself because its illegal to fire someone just because the guy was cynical and extroverted.

T᠎bh you really do need to fake it til you make it. I'm talking sociopathically emulating fake normie behavior until you get into a comfortable spot.
Either talk out of your ass 400% and lie about a lot of shit until you meet someone who you can sort of tell does the same and bro up, or just kind of daydream autopilot through stuff.

What specific examples have you been thinking of about of unfalsifiable philosophy? What major difference do you see between yourself and a normie that isn't like "muh Chads gettin all the women" tier defeatism?

how to win friends and influence people is great, but first I'd recommend how to think and grow rich

otherwise people shit on your degrees, literally be confident, responsible and have a great first impression that literally comes by being confident, you don't need to be a normie, you need to have people think that you know what you're worth and so on

holy shit first time on this board in months, i didn't realize this faggot spammed this thread here too lmao

(i usually only browse Veeky Forums where he posts this exact same thread/slight variations every single day, for the past 6 months)

It's not that fucking hard. Take care of your appearance, be friendly, smile, make "friends" (connections- important). Show yourself as hardworking but don't actually break your back "working hard." Be cheery. Rinse and Repeat.