My oil drain back holes are clogged as fuck, previous owner must've never changed his fucking oil...

My oil drain back holes are clogged as fuck, previous owner must've never changed his fucking oil. How to I suck all this crud out?

Better pic

buy some diesel and clean it up with that

Wash all that shit with some Diesel and a brush, then once it's almost clean, finish everything off with a bit of gasoline and another brush.

Diesel cleans oily shit like a champ, but leaves oily residues itself that won't dry in a reasonably short time, so use gasoline to clean what's left of the Diesel, the gunk and to have everything dry at the end.

>and to have everything dry at the end.

So you can put more oil in it?

The thing is going to be soaked in diesel with old ass oil gunk inside and out, you want it dry at least on the outside so you don't get your hands, your wrenches and everything else you touch oily as hell.

>clean out holes to some extend
>buy cheap oil or Diesel
>run under low load (no idle on diesel due to low oil pressure)
>change oil every few kilometers 2-3 times
>engine is clean now

Don´t do the Diesel thing if your engine requires high viscosity ratings and don´t put high load on the engine since Diesel doesn´t lubricate that well and is thinner than oil.

Straw and spittoon.

>Use shit oil or diesel in your running engine
>Force all the dirt to detach and circulate all around your engine and oil pump
>eventually run engine with engine oil mixed with crap oil/Diesel and dissolved oil gunk from the Stone age

What kind of retarded advice is this? The guy already has his pan dropped

That's not my pan bro. It's my head. The drain back holes in the heads are clogged. Also there's no way in hell that I can reach into them. I need to suck it out or dissolve it or something

Probe the holes with something so they are at least somewhat open and then let the whole head soak overnight with diesel or degreaser+hot water.

Or give it to a machine shop that does the acid bath thing and pay them for the trouble

So I gotta pull the heads to soak them? Ah hell...

just dump some seafoam in there.

Yeah, unless you want to gamble on those engine cleaners and hope all the shit that will be dissolved by it won't clog the oil pump.

Yeah I just did that actually


>Probe the holes
Use something flexible like bailing wire. Don't be afraid to get aggressive. Then change your oil when done, and again in 500 miles.

You mean shove it in to break the shit loose? Desu I'll probably go through a few oil changes within the next 50 miles to be safe. What about throwing some seafoam straight down the holes for extra measure?

gasoline is a better solvent and a lot cheaper

I got a couple cans of seafoam anyways

Change your fucking oil you braindead retard

Diesel or kerosene.

Kerosene is super cheap

Acetone too