Give me your opinion on Fender Mirrors

Give me your opinion on Fender Mirrors

Not a fan personally. But you can like them if you want.

if they're supposed to be there, sex.

>Supposed to be there

What does this mean?

come from factory with em

Poor field of view.

Some are beautiful, like the Skyline in the pic, but some are just really ugly.

And this is an example of ugly.

Or this one.

This is cute.

Looks much better with out the fender mirrors tho.

I love them.

I like e'm

I feel like they do to a car what glasses do to a face.

On an unattractive face, glasses make the face look better.

On an attractive face, the glasses can only take away from the attractiveness.

They look really good on some cars and functionally, I like how they keep the mirror right in your field of view, so you don't have to turn your head to see what's behind you. Unless you're backing or changing lanes, in which case you need to shoulder check anyways.


What was Mazda thinking with this thing?

It's the middle of a fucking gas crisis, and you think taking a land yacht from Australia, already something sucking gas, and then sticking a rotary in it is a good idea? Fuck I really want one though but, damn I can see why it never took off.


I like the looks of fender mirrors but what I really want to know is how functional they are. Anyone here have them in their shitbox?

They're mirrors, they do their job.

I can't imagine having them before the days of electric mirrors though. The idea of having to go back and forth a dozen times to get them right makes me shudder.


>mazda logo on a kingswood

can someone explain?

It was the 70's

Mazda wanted a full size to compete with the other Japanese brands (Toyota Century, Nissan President etc), but couldn't afford the development, so they asked Holden for rolling shells of one of their cars and then stuffed rotaries in them when they arrived in Japan. Of course a catastrophic failure and a bad seller, but it did exist for a couple of years.

Fuck, I want it